Cancelled Mass, cancelled priests: ++Cupich triples down, plans to suspend priestly faculties of soon to be suppressed ICKSP Chicago

Maike Hickson has the story at Lifesitenews:

“Cardinal Blase Cupich, the archbishop of Chicago, has instructed the traditional Institute of Christ the King to close down all public Masses by the end of July of this year. He will remove their other faculties by August 1…”

Got that? Not only is the TLM shut down, nevermind the booming attendance, these ICKSP priests incardinated in the Archdiocese of Chicago are cancelled… faculties suspended. TOTAL WAR.

“…the archbishop of Chicago had demanded for months now that the Institute signs a document with five or six points. Among the points they had to sign – each priest individually – was that the Novus Ordo rite is the only true expression of the Roman rite. This formulation stems directly from Pope Francis’ (sic) own document Traditionis Custodes, an explanation that makes it clear that the traditional Roman rite has to disappear altogether. Moreover, the Institute was also asked to accept a procedure, according to which the priests of the Institute have to ask Cardinal Cupich for permission to celebrate the traditional Latin Mass…”

Notice how Satan and the demons never pick on the Novus Ordo clown parishes, nor the 27th United Southern Bible Church of the New Confession Twice Reformed? The demons know what they’re doing, and they are at the helm of the antichurch.

Indeed, this is a much bigger deal than just the Chicago shrine, but I’m short on time. Be sure to check out the commentary from Miss B. this morning.

“Shocking Monkeypox Screw-Up Means We Need to Admit We Now Face Two Pandemics”

(This is an actual story at Daily Beast, picked up by Yahoo News. Clutch your pearls, faint on couch, read with your best breathless Paul Lynde impression. -NVP)

By David Axe

We blew our chance to quickly contain monkeypox. Now the dangerous virus is spreading fast all over the world.

Health experts agree: the outbreak could soon qualify as a pandemic, if it doesn’t already. And the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better. More infections, more deaths, more chances for the pox to mutate.

“We are in uncharted territory with this outbreak… and still early in the event,” James Lawler, an infectious disease expert and a colleague of Wiley at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, told The Daily Beast.

The latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control are startling. The CDC tallied 9,647 infections as of July 11. That’s a fourfold increase compared to just a month ago…

“Monkeypox is clearly a global health emergency,” Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University global-health expert, told The Daily Beast. “It has simmered in small pockets in Central and West Africa for decades, but until now there have been no cases unrelated to travel in the rest of the world. Now it is in virtually every region of the world and spreading rapidly.”

The worst African outbreaks, involving a strain of the virus that’s endemic to the Congo River Basin in Central Africa, have resulted in official death rates as high as 10 percent.

But the more viruses spread, the more they mutate—often in ways that make them deadlier. As long as monkeypox spreads faster than health authorities can contain it, the greater the risk it’s going to spawn new, more dangerous variants, potentially driving up the death toll.

Monkeypox mostly spreads through close physical contact, especially sexual contact…

David Heymann, who formerly headed the WHO’s emergencies department, said that men attending raves in Spain and Belgium “amplified” the outbreak—apparently through close, sometimes sexual, contact with other men…

The worst outcome isn’t hard to imagine—10,000 cases could quickly bloom into 100,000 cases. Then 1 million. Various experts and agencies disagree over the precise definition of “pandemic,” but if the pox outbreak doesn’t already qualify, it’s increasingly likely that it will in the weeks to come. At that point, the world will be contending with simultaneous pandemics…

There’s still time to prevent the worst-case scenario of millions of cases and potentially thousands of deaths. The WHO, CDC and other health bodies must double down on efforts to educate doctors and speed up diagnoses—and then move more quickly to isolate and treat infected people and vaccinate those around them. “If we can get enough vaccine into high-risk contacts, this will cease,” Amesh Adalja, a public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told The Daily Beast…

ICKSP Chicago: Speak now, or forever hold your peace

Alternate ending: Instead of reading out the eviction notice from the pulpit tomorrow, explain to the faithful that an unjust law is no law at all. Explain how unlawful authority is no authority at all. Explain how an apostate prelate, who was given the red hat by an apostate Antipope leader of the antichurch… well, you get the picture.

Or how about just a simple statement like,

“Significant irregularities have been uncovered regarding the events of Feb-Mar 2013, involving the purported resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the subsequent conclave, for which a canonical investigation must be convoked.”

What have you got to lose?

Excess Deaths in UK – Not From Covid – Approach 9,000 in Last 10 Weeks

February’s Age-Standardised Mortality Rate Was the Second Lowest on Record


There have been over 8,750 more deaths than usual from causes other than COVID-19 in England and Wales in the past 10 weeks, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics show.

In the week ending July 1st, the most recent week for which figures are available, there were 10,357 deaths registered, which is 1,128 or 12.2% above the five-year average. Of these, 332 were registered with Covid as a contributory cause and 212 were registered as due to Covid as underlying cause. This leaves 916 excess deaths from an underlying cause other than COVID-19, bringing the total non-Covid excess deaths in the 10 weeks since the recent spike began in late April to 8,756 deaths.

Health experts have called for an urgent investigation of this alarming trend, though the Government has yet to signal it intends to do this or to offer any explanation of the high rate of deaths.

Looking at deaths by date of occurrence, if we compare them to the rollout of vaccine doses in the spring booster campaign among over-75s in England we can see what appears to be a correlation, meaning a possible connection should be investigated. The sharp drop in the most recent week may be an indication that the wave is easing, though with the crisis in ambulance services and hospital capacity ongoing that remains to be seen.

Breaking the data down by age, the proportion of non-Covid excess deaths in the over-75s is back up again to 74% this week, after briefly dropping to 64% last week…

“People are leaving the Church already, because they think Francis is Pope. Because they think that he’s a monster Pope, that’s destroying the Church and teaching things that are not Catholic.”

Have you been keeping up with all the latest PTL (Pretzel Twist Logic) from Trad Inc, Sammons, et al, trying to square the circle, how do you solve a problem like (Jorge) Mario, er Luuucy… you’ve got some splaining to do, because how can a heretic be pope? Isn’t the pope supposed to be protected from teaching heresy? Or at minimum, isn’t it impossible for the pope to promulgate heresy as official magisterial teaching of the Church? If the purported pope were to do something like this, wouldn’t this very act call into question his claim to the papacy? If not, why not? Shouldn’t his acts of arch heresy call for an investigation into the events of Feb-Mar 2013, to determine what exactly happened, and what didn’t happen? If not, why not? Millions of souls are at risk, and care for souls is supposed to be the first law of the Church.

While we are at it, Trad Inc, if a true pope CAN promulgate heresy in matters of faith and morals, binding the faithful to submit themselves and assent, then what good is a pope, what good is the papacy itself, and what good is the Church? Millions of people are falling prey to heresy, or else being scandalized out of the Church completely, and why shouldn’t they be? Trad Inc.’s solution is to tear down the papacy, to deny Vatican I and Pastor Aeternus, so they can justify a Marxist apostate soul-murderer being pope. Ubetcha.

Oh, and all the while we just so happen to have a validly elected pontiff, who never validly resigned, who doesn’t think really resigning is even possible, who kept his Fisherman’s RIng and coat of arms, still living inside the Vatican, still wearing white, still being addressed as Holy Father, still writing letters and publishing books, and still imparting HIS Apostolic Blessing.

But Fwancis is Definitely Pope, we just have to wait for him to die, shut up you stupid scandalist schismatic sedevacantist.

The sheer force of Confirmation Bias in play will be written about for centuries.

h/t Fred Martinez…

Patrick Coffin interviews Dr. Mazza on the invalidity of Pope Benedict  XVI's Resignation | From Rome

We thank Dr. Ed Mazza and Patrick Coffin for giving the Catholic Monitor permission to transcribe the show and post on our site. Below is a brief taste of the show:

Dr. Edmund Mazza:

I’ll tell you Patrick, I tried to get my article on this published by a prominent editor in a prominent Catholic journal whose names I will not name. But I got an email back telling me that people who are thinking along these lines are leading people out of the church, and he didn’t use the word “schism,” but that was the implication. And so I just want to clear that up.

And first, I’ll say two things. The first one is that I think people are leaving the Church already, and going into schism because they think Francis is Pope. Because they think that he’s a monster Pope, that’s destroying the Church and teaching things that are not Catholic. That all religions, that God wills, all religions, for example, as in the Abu Dhabi declaration, which on the face of it is heresy.

I’ll give you an example who I think is the poster boy of this, Sean Hannity, Right? From Fox News, the conservative commentator, He left the Catholic faith. I think it’s probably the catalyst that pushed him over the edge was having a Marxist Pope; thinking that Francesco is running the show here.

So I would differ. I talk sometimes with Ann Barhardt, she says her inbox is flooded with people who thank her for looking into this subject, because it’s keeping them in the church rather than encouraging them to leave the church.

And the second thing that I would want to say is that technically, if you look at the statements of the different saints and scholars on the subject, just because you suspect the Pope might not be the Pope, doesn’t put you into a schism.

Patrick Coffin:

Or Sedevacantism.

Dr. Edmund Mazza:

Or Sedevacantism, that’s another thing they call you a sedevacantist. But I’ve got two quick quotes here. Here is one from Saint Cardinal Thomas Cajetan... He wrote a multi-volume commentary on the Summa Theologica. And this is what Saint Cajetan says, “If someone for a reasonable motive holds the person of the Pope in suspicion and refuses his presence, even his jurisdiction, he does not commit the delict of schism, nor any other whatsoever, provided that he’d be ready to accept the Pope were he not held in suspicion. It goes without saying that one has the right to avoid what is harmful and to ward off dangers. In fact, it may happen that the Pope could govern tyrannically, and that is all the easier as he is the more powerful and does not fear any punishment from anyone on earth.”

And the second quote is from, back before Vatican II, the most respected commentary on Canon law was an eight volume set by Francis Xavier Wernz and Peter Vidal. And this is what they wrote in volume seven of their commentary on Canon Law. “Finally, they cannot be numbered among the schismatics who refuse to obey the Roman pontiff because they consider his person to be suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumors in circulation.”

I think we have a lot more than rumor to go on here.

Patrick Coffin:

I do too…

“Unknown” is now the highest cause of death in 86% vaxxed Alberta

By Nicole Di Donato CTV News Calgary

Alberta is reporting an unprecedented increase in ill-defined and unknown causes of death in 2021. 

That category is leading the way over dementia, which has been in the top spot since 2016, and COVID-19, which began adding to the death tally in the province in a big way in 2020. 

In 2021, ill-defined and unknown causes of death snagged the first spot with 3,362, up from 1,464 in 2020 and 522 the year before that, according to statistics from the Government of Alberta.

The unknown causes of death category only began appearing on the list in 2019 — there is no record of it ranking before then…

Alberta Health and the medical examiner’s office said they are looking into the data, but have yet to provide an explanation for the sudden spike in deaths of unknown causes.

“Turns Out The Vex Likely Caused Myocarditis & Pericarditis After All”


Remember how the woke and super-concerned and awfully caring and, most of all, ignorant (I use this word in its technical sense) censors at YouTube, Twitter and all the rest quashed accounts that said myocarditis was likely a prominent side effect of the mRNA viruses? Which, as we’ll see below, it surely was?

Censoring the unwashed is their natural inclination, yet that happy duty was strengthened by Experts in the bureaucracy whose policy was the Noble Lie. Yes—the “L” word. For do you also remember when CDC Director Rachel Walensky, a physician, announced in her most serious voice, “Vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick.”

Update 2 11AM

There are only two explanations. Either she is incompetent, which in our crumbling culture is a live possibility, or she was lying, which I believe. The Noble Lie. Get your vex or starve, peasant! No vex no job! No questions: You will be safe!

One reason for the vociferousness of the lies was because of the hatred the elite have for us. They saw the reluctance on our part, which they took for disobedience. They cannot bear disobedience. So they insisted on the lie, long past the point where the lie was plausible.

They still insist, or rather they still do here in the once United States. The CDC is still requiring foreigners be “fully” vexxed before they allow them in the country. Unless, the CDC excepts, those who wish to come here illegally. They don’t have to be vexxed. In The Science for this policy, the CDC still do not recognize naturally acquired immunity: prior infection counts for nothing. Another lie.

Update 3 1:40 PM (Don’t show the CDC. They might weep.)

Back to myocarditis and pericarditis. Enter the peer-reviewed Nature Communications paper “Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines” by Le Vu and others.

They looked at doses of Pfizer (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) vexes, who got them by age and sex, and case-matched these to people who did not get the vex. And then looked at myocarditis and pericarditis.

They found “adjusted odds ratios of myocarditis of 8.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.7 to 9.9) for [Pfizer] and 30 (95% CI, 21 to 43) for [Moderna] vaccine” to develop either of these known side effects.

“The largest associations are observed for myocarditis following mRNA-1273 [Moderna] vaccination in persons aged 18 to 24 years.”

Just exactly as we non-elite have been warning.

Let’s look at the results more closely…

“Fauci’s messaging on the miracle cure continues to change as pharmaceutical companies recommend more and more doses of miracle cure.”

After month-long COVID bout, Fauci claims quad vaxxed status prevented ‘severe’ disease, and no mention of his double course of antiviral pills

By Jordan Schachtel

I wanted to turn your attention to a revealing interview conducted with Dr Fauci this week. It shines a light on his faith-based approach to the mRNA “miracle,” and his overall lack of a data-based thought process regarding his own bout with the virus.

In the interview, Fauci credited getting quad vaxxed with keeping him from having a “much more serious” bout with COVID-19.

A visibly ill Fauci told the interviewer:

“I’m really fortunate that I’ve done very well, and I keep telling people … is that I was vaccinated (with first two doses) and doubly boosted, and I believe that if i did not have that degree of background protection, I would have had a much more serious course. My course was relatively light. Minor symptoms. And right now i am completely without symptoms.”

How exactly did Fauci know that this generally mild respiratory virus would make him lethally ill without his quad dose of mRNA? Well, he has blind faith in the narrative.

Notably, Fauci did not mention the fact that he took two full rounds of Pfizer’s oral antiviral pill, against the guidance of his own government health agencies. So was it the pills or the vaccines, or maybe even his mask and lockdown advocacy that “saved” him? Fauci did not elaborate.

Fauci’s messaging on the miracle cure continues to change as pharmaceutical companies recommend more and more doses of miracle cure. At first, Fauci claimed the primary series of mRNA shots would effectively immunize people from COVID-19 and work as a sterilizing agent. Then, Fauci claimed that three doses was the optimal regimen. Now, he has endorsed seasonal injections of miracle cure.

Moreover, Fauci’s change in tone is striking from his previous interviews concerning his bout with COVID-19. In late June, while on his second course of the Pfizer bill, Fauci claimed to be feeling “really poorly,” and credited the second course of the pill with reversing his troubling symptoms.

All together, Fauci has claimed to have been sick for almost a whole month, after testing positive in mid June. This is hardly evidence that a quad vaxxed and double antiviral pilled regimen somehow saved Fauci from a worse outcome, as his bout with COVID was much worse than the statistical norm.

At the end of the interview, Fauci expressed disappointment that his friends at Pfizer and Moderna have only been able to inject a small percentage of the infant and toddler population with the experimental mRNA injections. There is no evidence that these shots serve any benefit to children, but the loyal pharmaceutical salesmen stayed on message.

“We’ve gotta do better on the numbers because we’ve still got a relatively small fraction of those children…”