Visibility: Often the truth is staring at you in plain sight

Video: Pfizer CEO wants deathvaxx truthers in prison for murder… are there any more questions about where this is headed?

“I don’t want parents to be surprised when reports do come out of Myocarditis: They are expected.”

Normalizing heart disease and strokes in five year olds. This is where we are. What is it going to take for people to wake up? Piles of dead or damaged kids? Because this is imminent.

Take Two: Don’t miss Dr. Mazza’s next mini-course… sign up now for “Advent with Antipopes”

Poor Dr. Mazza was the victim of my extraction from WordPress blog crash last weekend, so here I am reposting his Advent mini-course. Please join me as we learn about the Antipopes throughout history, and probably a little about the current one.

Advent with Antipopes!

by Ed Mazza

What is an Antipope? Can you name one?

(There are at least 33!)

Were they evil?

(Hint: Not all…one is a canonized saint.)

Was there a female “pope”?

Was there a Jewish “pope”?

(Hint: Not St. Peter)

What makes you a Pope or an Antipope? Can a heretic be a Pope? Can a Pope become a Pope Emeritus?

Join us each Sunday of Advent beginning Nov 28th at 6pm PST.

Early Bird Special: Enroll by Nov 15th for just $99.

(After Nov 16th, $120)
