Forget Separation of Powers and Rule of Law: All we have now is a dictator, unless we do not allow it


Dictators dictate. That’s what they do. A dictator that did not dictate, did not make his word law, is no kind of dictator at all. Why, a dictator that did not force his captive subjects to follow his will is no better than a politician.

Luckily, the people telling Biden what to say are genuine dictators. We therefore must give them the respect to which they are due.

Our hidden dictators have dictated that employers with 100 or more employees must force their employees to be vaccinated.

Or to fire those employees.

Or, if not fired, to require them to wear a mask in perpetuity. And to be tested weekly—in perpetuity. There has been no good evidence, ever, that masks work. Ever.

And what happens, you stupid stupid midwit soy-infused botch-of-Nature self-satisfied Experts, when the test comes back positive?

No. I’m asking you, you damnable Experts, what happens with a positive test?



Answer the damned question, you lower than lower alimentary canal projections!

Answer comes there none.

They have no answer. This is pure punishment, pure torture for the sake of torture.

Oh, our delightful government doesn’t torture it’s own citizens, only filthy foreigners? That’s what you think? Think again. They locked the January 6 protesters in dungeons and inflict torture on them so bad even lefty judges take pity on the prisoners.

But you don’t have to worry about this, citizen. You weren’t there. You aren’t a political prisoner.


Just keep refusing the vaccine and see what happens.

This is a dictate. The word of these occult Biden puppet master is now law. You must obey. You cannot disobey. You must comply. You have no choice. There is no appeal. Experts have spoken…

Read the rest… no one is coming to save you. You need to do it yourself:

Kyle Rittenhouse on trial for his life, and he needs your prayers

This young man fired the first shots in the war which is looming, 25 August 2020. It was the third night of riots and violence in downtown Kenosha, and Kyle came prepared to defend himself and others. Anyone who has honestly reviewed the publicly available video evidence knows there was no premeditation in his acts, that he acted in self defense, and that he actually demonstrated restraint in his deployment of lethal force.

Today is day four of the trial. McClarey says his lawyer had a very bad day yesterday.

Kyle needs our prayers. Please join me?

Live feed of the trial:

Turns out parents may have had enough of their kids being fed LBGTXYZ and CRT… we’ll see

VIRGINIA—Terry McAuliffe said he’s completely confused that telling parents the state owns their children, that parents have no say over what their kids learn in school, and that repulsively disgusting pornographic books are good for kids didn’t prove to be electorally popular.

“It’s so weird,” a crestfallen McAuliffe told reporters. “We pulled out all the stops: we told parents that we own their children’s minds, that they’re wards of the state, and that their children should read horrific LGBTQ+ pornography in their school libraries, and it just didn’t seem to connect with the people for some reason.”

All Souls Day: Imagine belonging to a religion whose founder had to tear out whole books from the bible to get rid of truths he didn’t like

Article 1. Whether there is a Purgatory after this life?

Objection 1. It would seem that there is not a Purgatory after this life. For it is said (Apocalypse 14:13): “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors.” Therefore after this life no cleansing labor awaits those who die in the Lord, nor those who do not die in the Lord, since they cannot be cleansed. Therefore there is no Purgatory after this life.

Objection 2. Further, as charity is to an eternal reward, so is mortal sin to eternal punishment. Now those who die in mortal sin are forthwith consigned to eternal punishment. Therefore those who die in charity go at once to their reward; and consequently no Purgatory awaits them after this life.

Objection 3. Further, God Who is supremely merciful is more inclined to reward good than to punish evil. Now just as those who are in the state of charity, do certain evil things which are not deserving of eternal punishment, so those who are in mortal sin, at times perform actions, generically good, which are not deserving of an eternal reward. Therefore since these good actions are not rewarded after this life in those who will be damned, neither should those evil actions be punished after this life. Hence the same conclusion follows.

On the contrary, It is said (2 Maccabees 12:46): “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.” Now there is no need to pray for the dead who are in heaven, for they are in no need; nor again for those who are in hell, because they cannot be loosed from sins. Therefore after this life, there are some not yet loosed from sins, who can be loosed therefrom; and the like have charity, without which sins cannot be loosed, for “charity covereth all sins” [Proverbs 10:12]. Hence they will not be consigned to everlasting death, since “he that liveth and believeth in Me, shall not die for ever” [John 11:26]: nor will they obtain glory without being cleansed, because nothing unclean shall obtain it, as stated in the last chapter of the Apocalypse (verse 14). Therefore some kind of cleansing remains after this life.

Further, Gregory of Nyssa [De iis qui in fide dormiunt] says: “If one who loves and believes in Christ,” has failed to wash away his sins in this life, “he is set free after death by the fire of Purgatory.” Therefore there remains some kind of cleansing after this life.

I answer that, From the conclusions we have drawn above (III:86:4III:86:5Supplement:12:1) it is sufficiently clear that there is a Purgatory after this life. For if the debt of punishment is not paid in full after the stain of sin has been washed away by contrition, nor again are venial sins always removed when mortal sins are remitted, and if justice demands that sin be set in order by due punishment, it follows that one who after contrition for his fault and after being absolved, dies before making due satisfaction, is punished after this life. Wherefore those who deny Purgatory speak against the justice of God: for which reason such a statement is erroneous and contrary to faith. Hence Gregory of Nyssa, after the words quoted above, adds: “This we preach, holding to the teaching of truth, and this is our belief; this the universal Church holds, by praying for the dead that they may be loosed from sins.” This cannot be understood except as referring to Purgatory: and whosoever resists the authority of the Church, incurs the note of heresy.

Reply to Objection 1. The authority quoted is speaking of the labor of working for merit, and not of the labor of suffering to be cleansed.

Reply to Objection 2. Evil has not a perfect cause, but results from each single defect: whereas good arises from one perfect cause, as Dionysius asserts [Div. Nom. iv, 4]. Hence each defect is an obstacle to the perfection of good; while not every good hinders some consummation of evil, since there is never evil without some good. Consequently venial sin prevents one who has charity from obtaining the perfect good, namely eternal life, until he be cleansed; whereas mortal sin cannot be hindered by some conjoined good from bringing a man forthwith to the extreme of evils.

Reply to Objection 3. He that falls into mortal sin, deadens all the good he has done before, and what he does, while in mortal sin, is dead: since by offending God he deserves to lose all the good he has from God. Wherefore no reward after this life awaits him who dies in mortal sin, whereas sometimes punishment awaits him who dies in charity, which does not always wash away the sin which it finds, but only that which is contrary to it.

Feast of All Saints: “Nothing is wanting to those who fear Him”

GRADUAL Ps. 33:10-11 “Fear the Lord all you His saints, for nothing is wanting to those who fear Him. V. Those who seek the Lord shall not be deprived of any good. Alleluia, alleluia! Matt. 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Alleluia!”

It’s a healthy fear. Draw it into your bearing. Use that fear to weave your prayer life into a loving surrender to our Lord and Savior, the Way the Truth and the Life. Don’t waste your sufferings! He is permitting those so that you may embrace them, and unite them to the Cross for your own benefit. Striving for sainthood is our duty and our blessing, and the reward is indeed infinitely beyond our wildest expectations.

Happy Feast!

“But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Cor 2:9

“Remember the sufferings of Christ, the storms that were weathered… the crown that came from those sufferings which gave new radiance to the faith… All saints give testimony to the truth that without real effort, no one ever wins the crown.” -Thomas Becket