St Teresa of Avila struggled with prayer for many years. She would go to spend an hour at chapel and find herself shaking the hourglass after 15 minutes. Eventually she got it, through grace, and was richly rewarded. Keep Christ at the center, and all else follows. Make time for petition, certainly, but don’t forget thanksgiving and adoration. For that matter, stillness and listening; stop doing all the talking, He already knows what you need. Happy feast!
“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend. And I clearly see that if we expect to please him and receive an abundance of his graces, God desires that these graces must come to us from the hands of Christ, through his most sacred humanity, in which God takes delight.
“Many, many times I have perceived this through experience. The Lord has told it to me. I have definitely seen that we must enter by this gate if we wish his Sovereign Majesty to reveal to us great and hidden mysteries. A person should desire no other path, even if he is at the summit of contemplation; on this road he walks safely. All blessings come to us through our Lord. He will teach us, for in beholding his life we find that he is the best example.
“What more do we desire from such a good friend at our side? Unlike our friends in the world, he will never abandon us when we are troubled or distressed. Blessed is the one who truly loves him and always keeps him near. Let us consider the glorious Saint Paul: it seems that no other name fell from his lips than that of Jesus, because the name of Jesus was fixed and embedded in his heart. Once I had come to understand this truth, I carefully considered the lives of some of the saints, the great contemplatives, and found that they took no other path: Francis, Anthony of Padua, Bernard, Catherine of Siena. A person must walk along this path in freedom, placing himself in God’s hands. If God should desire to raise us to the position of one who is an intimate and shares his secrets, we ought to accept this gladly.
“Whenever we think of Christ we should recall the love that led him to bestow on us so many graces and favours, and also the great love God showed in giving us in Christ a pledge of his love; for love calls for love in return. Let us strive to keep this always before our eyes and to rouse ourselves to love him. For if at some time the Lord should grant us the grace of impressing his love on our hearts, all will become easy for us and we shall accomplish great things quickly and without effort.“
This year has certainly been full of trials and difficulties. These challenges have also provided opportunities to grow in holiness through our prayers and sacrifices.
Starting in a few hours, October 15th, please join in a 54 day Rosary Novena for the following intentions:
Increased devotion to the Sacred Heart Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Reparation for the sins against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
For an end to this Chastisement.
The Novena will end on December 7th, the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Please consider adding these intentions to your daily rosaries over the next couple of months, and please distribute this widely.
Eddie Van Halen passed away last week. I was a big fan back in the day, so I had to write something. We can’t know the state of Eddie’s soul, and I realize it probably isn’t good, but we are allowed to pray that somehow he made it.
He was famous for his guitar work, or course, but he also played piano and organ/synth, overdubbing almost every song in the studio, with drums and bass coming later. I provide a delightful example below.
The original band with David Lee Roth at lead vocals came roaring out of the gate outrageously in 1978. They had been signed by the label as much for their showmanship as for the music. Alas, this became somewhat tiresome toward the end, IMHO, and the last album with this lineup, 1984, is pure garbage oversynth pop. I can’t even listen to it. Opinions may vary.
The band came back two years later with Sammy Hagar up front, and a new sound, which sits much better in my ear to this day. The synth was back in check, and eventually gave way to more piano and straight organ to accompany the always excellent guitar. The song I present here is off the third album with this lineup, and is one of my favorites. It is notable for the “cold open” piano solo that transitions from soft melody into a hard blitz mixed with guitar licks. Lyrics finally kick in at 1:18, followed by some soaring organ at 1:38. Remember, the guitar, piano, organ… that’s all Eddie.
I do hope there are some prelates reading this RIGHT NOW who might consider the lyrics and do something RIGHT NOW about the Bergoglian Antipapacy. This one goes out to Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living pope RIGHT NOW, and since April 2005.
Right Now
Don’t want to wait ’til tomorrow Why put it off another day One more walk through the problem Built up, and stand in our way
One step ahead, one step behind Now you gotta run to get even Make future plans, don’t dream about yesterday, C’mon turn, turn this thing around
Right now, It’s your tomorrow Right now, It’s everything Right now, Catch a magic moment, do it Right here and now It means everything
“If men knew what eternity is, they would do everything to amend their lives.” -St. Jacinta
The Miracle of the Sun took place 103 years ago today, as foretold and promised by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. She had previously revealed the vision of Hell – the fact that it’s a real place and that real people are in it (First Secret), the need for reparation and the means by which we are to pursue it (Second Secret), and… the vision of the Bishop in White, which is part of the still not fully revealed Third Secret.
“Make sacrifices for sinners, and say often, especially while making a sacrifice: O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” As Our Lady spoke these words she opened her hands once more, as had during the two previous months. The rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now following back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me do). The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. HERE
Sister Lucia later commented that this vision was so terrifying, she believed she would have died on the spot had Mary not previously assured the children their place in Heaven.
Terrified and as if to plead for succor, we looked up at Our Lady, who said to us, so kindly and so sadly:
“You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. It is to save them that God wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If you do what I tell you, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace.
“This war will end, but if men do not refrain from offending God, another and more terrible war will begin during the pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night that is lit by a strange and unknown light [this occurred on January 28, 1938], you will know it is the sign God gives you that He is about to punish the world with war and with hunger, and by the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father.
“To prevent this, I shall come to the world to ask that Russia be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, and I shall ask that on the First Saturday of every month Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins-of the world. If my wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, then Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, bringing new wars and persecution of the Church; the good will be martyred and the Holy Father will have much to suffer; certain nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and the world will enjoy a period of peace. In Portugal the faith will always be preserved…”
Here we have the establishment of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prophesy of WWII, the desired consecration of Russia, the First Saturdays, etc.
About the “certain nations will be annihilated”… does everyone understand the magnitude of baby murder? We really need to stop using the word abortion… 1.5 Billion babies murdered worldwide just since 1980. That’s the same number of total people who were alive on the planet when this prophesy was made in 1917.
Now the Third Secret we know factually is still being partially concealed by the Vatican. No time to go into the particulars, but you can do your own research. Here is part of the portion which has been revealed:
And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in white; ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.
“We had the impression it was the Holy Father.” It just doesn’t make any sense that Lucia would add that qualifier, does it? Those in the Vatican, when parsing the true and complete Third Secret, which must be absolutely horrific, thought that this passage was not particularly relevant, or in any case surely harmless to release to the public. In 1917, or 1960, or 2000, who would have thought twice about a (singular) bishop in white, or the possibility of their being more than one? As in, “a bishop in white, who maybe was NOT the Holy Father.” And the mirror… if you watch someone pass in front of a mirror, what do you see? You see the true person, and you see a mirror image of the true person… an inversion/reverse of the true.
Pope Benedict knows the real Third Secret. Everything going on in the Church and the world is bound up in it.
So there were a bunch of Dems and RINO-never-trumpers who got together back in June to war-game what is going to happen on non-election night, and in the weeks and months that follow.
One of the scenarios, understandably, is Trump winning the EC but losing the popular vote. John Podesta, playing the part of Biden in the war-game, refuses to concede. The drama plays out into January. I’ll block quote below, and then link to the source where you can find other links.
This is all right out in the open, folks. Don’t you dare claim, three weeks from now, that this caught you by surprise.
“Far more interesting, and totally unnoticed, is the behavior of former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Podesta also took part in the simulations, and unlike the anti-Trump Republicans, he wasn’t pretending to be someone he hates. Instead, organizers did the sensible thing: they had an anti-Trump Democrat portray an anti-Trump Democrat. Because the simulation designers apparently wanted to torment him as much as possible, Podesta had to endure an exact 2016 repeat: he played Joe Biden in a simulation where Trump loses the popular vote but wins a close but convincing victory in the Electoral College.”
Buried at the bottom of a New York Timesarticle, the paper describes what Podesta did:
‘Mr Podesta, playing Mr Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
‘In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr Trump took office as planned.’
The actual text of the final report is even more jarring. According to a summary of the game, while acting as Biden — rather than accept defeat — Podesta actively instigated secession, and then issued an ultimatum: Trump could only begin his second term if Puerto Rico and DC became states, California was cut into five pieces, and the Electoral College was abolished. When the ultimatum was refused, Podesta got the Democratic House (played by other Democrats) to declare Biden the president, and then watched to see how the military would react. If you think Cockburn exaggerates, here’s what the document says about ‘Game 3: Clear Trump win’ (a scenario in which Trump wins the Electoral College and the popular vote)
‘The Biden campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington and collectively known as “Cascadia” to secede from the union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule. With advice from President Obama, the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) divide California into five states to more accurately represent the population in the Senate; 3) require Supreme Court Justices retire at 70; and 4) eliminate the Electoral College, to ensure the candidate who wins the popular vote…’
And it goes on,
‘One of the most consequential moves was that Team Biden on January 6 provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Biden (based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-Biden governors.) Pence and the GOP refused to accept this, declaring instead that Trump was re-elected under the Constitution because of his Electoral College victory. This partisan division remained unresolved because neither side backed down, and January 20 arrived without a single president-elect entitled to be Commander-in-Chief after noon that day. It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.’
In this episode, Mark, Ann, and Dr. Mazza explore the recent statements from Archbishop Vigano, wherein he seems to infer a plurality of pontiffs. We also examine the various heresies of the latest “encyclical” and how current events are leading more and more people to question 2000 years of Church history rather than examine their base premise. Tutti Frutti and he promotion of Freemasonry, “brotherhood,” care of creation, abolition of private property, abolition of the death penalty. Finally, we revisit some of the major premises of the Mazza Thesis and further discuss the latest interview/biography of Pope Benedict from Peter Seewald, being published in English next month. We also laugh a lot.
16. (Those who go among the Saracens and other unbelievers.) The Lord says: “Behold, I am sending you forth like sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore prudent like serpents and simple like doves” (Mt. 10:16).
Hence, whoever of the brothers, by divine inspiration, wishes to go among the Saracens and other unbelievers, they (sic) may go with the permission of their minister and servant. The minister then should give them permission and not oppose them, if he sees that they are fit to be sent, for he will be held accountable to the Lord if in this or in other matters he has proceeded without discretion.
The brothers who go can conduct themselves spiritually among (the unbelievers) in two ways. One way is not to quarrel or dispute, but “to be subject to every creature for God’s sake” (1 Pt. 2:13) and to acknowledge that they (themselves) are Christians. Another way is to proclaim the word of God when they see it pleases God in order that (the unbelievers) might believe in God the almighty Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Creator of all and in the redeeming and saving Son, so that they might be baptized and become Christians, for “he who is not born again of water and the Holy Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:5). These and other things which will please the Lord they can speak to them and to others, for the Lord says in the gospel: “Everyone who acknowledges me before men I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt. 10:32). And: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his majesty and that of the Father and the angels” (Lk. 9:26).
And all the brothers, wherever they are, should remember that they have given themselves and have abandoned their bodies to the Lord Jesus Christ. And for his love they must expose it to enemies, whether visible or invisible, for the Lord says: “Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it (Mt.8:35) for eternal life. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 5:10). If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also (Jn 15:20). If they persecute you in one city, flee to another (Mt. 10:23). Blessed are you when men will hate you and persecute you and accuse you of evil and vomit your name as an evil thing and when they will falsely speak all manner of evil against you for my sake. Rejoice on that day and exult for your reward is great in heaven (Lk. 6:22; Mt. 5:11; Lk. 6:23). I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of these things. And do not fear those who kill the body and afterwards have nothing more they can do (Lk. 12:4; Mt. 10:28). See that you are not troubled (Mt. 24:6). By your suffering you will possess your souls (Lk. 21:19). He who will have persevered to the end will be saved” (Mt. 10:22).
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