On the fewness of the Saved, and the role of bad Catholics therein

From Laura Wood over at The Thinking Housewife:

The Fewness of the Saved

How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!

— Matthew VII, 14

“The doctrine which naturally emerges from Our Lord’s words, that the majority of men follow the path of perdition may seem harsh and discouraging; there is no shortage of thoughtful minds who try to escape the conclusions which appear to flow from it …. Our Lord tells us that the immense influence of the majority of the men we live among is added to our own weakness and to our evil inclinations to lead us on. We shall always have the crowd against us: the example of the crowd has always held back, and continues to hold back, many souls in the pursuit of perfection. It is the example of the multitude among Catholics which ever provides a pretext for those outside her fold not to enter it. It is the example of the multitude of so-called Christians that closes the hearts of millions of unbelievers to the evidence of the Gospel.”

— Fr. Henry James Coleridge S.J., Life of Our Life (quoted in On the Fewness of the Saved, 2017)

Come and get it! All the election fraud from 2020 documented in one place

For aggressive coping, pasting, redistribution. This has been done on at least two other sites that I know about. Be sure to send it to anyone who uses the words “no evidence” or “unfounded” or “fake news” or “election denier” regarding the steal of 2020. I’m pasting here from John C Wright, I hope the formatting works.

First up, the trailer for RIGGED: The Death of the American Voter:

Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

“Out of fraud no action arises.”


It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.

Ongoing investigations in the Swing States reveal hundreds of thousands of votes were altered and/or not lawfully cast in the Presidential Election. Joe Biden needed them. On Election Night Nov. 3, 2020, President Donald J. Trump was sailing to reelection with landslide leads in numerous battlegrounds.

In Georgia, President Trump was up by 12 points, and over 335,000 votes, with 56 percent of the vote in at 10:17 p.m.[1]

In Wisconsin, President Trump was leading by 121,380 votes and 5 points at 12:12 a.m., which Fox News anchor Bret Baier noted was “not a small margin.”

In Pennsylvania, President Trump was leading by 659,145 votes at 12:38 a.m., a full 15 points.

In Michigan, President Trump was leading by 293,052 votes and 10 points.[2]

The election was over.

However, precincts in Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Milwaukee kept counting until the results reached the desired outcome, which was the opposite of the will of the voters.

Georgia went from having a total of 4.7 million votes, already a record for the state, according to Brad Raffensperger’s count on Nov. 4, to certifying almost 5 million. This was 300,000 more votes than what the top elections official claimed were cast in the Election.

Getting to this result in Georgia, and other states, created an irredeemably compromised Election, filled with violations of the Constitution, unlawful ballots, widespread broken chain of custody, electronic manipulation, and missing and corrupted election files that made it uncertifiable — and impossible to recreate the results.

President Trump was right to voice his objections to what had unfolded before the country’s eyes. Republican poll watchers were denied access to the counting in multiple jurisdictions and ballots were counted in secret in the middle of the night without media or observers present. Countless irregularities emerged, including reports of ineligible voters, voting machine anomalies, “water main breaks,” improbable percentages of ballots for Biden, and more.

Since, investigations across the country have uncovered an avalanche of irregularities, unlawful activity, manipulation of election records, destruction of evidence, and fraud. The findings, which are outcome determinative, are detailed in the summaries of the Swing States.



“It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.”

  • Georgia was called by 11,779 votes.
  • Fulton County, Georgia, the most populous county in the state, has no digital record of all in person votes cast in its original results.
  • Not a single ballot purportedly cast during early in-person voting was witnessed to and signed off by poll managers, as required by Georgia election rules. Seals were broken and memory cards removed from tabulators for the results of these 315,000 votes, which were printed out on different machines than the ones that tabulated them.[3] This prevented the reconciliation of how many votes were cast on each machine.
  • The ballot images of these votes, along with the rest of in-person ballots cast on Election Day, were destroyed.
  • The vote in Georgia was counted three times: the original machine count, a statewide hand recount, and a second machine count. Each time the state, and Fulton County, reported three different results.
  • Fulton County did not count the same ballots during the original count and the machine recount. There are 19,541 distinct ballots that appear in one machine count but not the other.[4]
  • Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins favoring Joe Biden.[5] Ballots that are blank except for the presidential contest were counted in batches together, with the pattern appearing in at least eight counties, including Fulton. This means Georgia did not have the votes to justify its original Election “results.”
  • The second machine count was over 17,000 votes “short.” Fulton County was instructed to “reconcile” the results by the Secretary of State, and recertified its results without divulging the extent of the vote deficiency to members of the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections.[6]
  • “Thousands of bogus votes” were ultimately added into the Election results via the second machine count.[7] This includes 20,977 unsubstantiated votes of unknown origin. The results were missing 17,852 ballot images, [8] and included 3,125 duplicate ballot images that were counted twice.
  • At least 2,871 ballots were counted two or three times in the second machine count, totaling 6,118 questionable votes.[9]
  • Eighty-eight percent of Fulton County’s precincts reported a different total number of votes between the first and second machine count.[10]
  • The only electronic votes that survived from the first count were the mail-in ballots, since they were tabulated on the high speed scanner their ballot images were automatically uploaded to the election server.
  • Ninety percent of these approximately 148,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County cannot be authenticated. Ballot images for 132,284 mail-in votes have no .SHA file, which is created automatically when a ballot is scanned and used to authenticate the digital image of the vote, lacking evidence they were scanned and tabulated properly, or even cast by a real voter.[11]
    • 104,994 ballot image files of these mail-in ballots from the original count contained identical modified time stamps, suggesting electronic manipulation.[12] Fulton County does not know “how many voters cast votes” and its “lack of basic accounting controls make it impossible to determine who really won” in 2020, according to Philip Stark, a University of California, Berkeley professor who invented risk-limiting audits. Stark noted, “The electronic records of the election are not intact.”[13]
    • 376,863 ballot images are missing from the first machine count, which includes all in-person votes in Fulton County. [13]
    • None of the 315,000 votes cast during early voting in Fulton County were witnessed to and signed by the poll manager and two poll workers, as required by state election rules.[15] The closing tapes for these votes are all unsigned, showed more tabulated votes than the tabulators had recorded as scanning in their protective counters, and recorded improbably low percentages for President Trump. For example, President Trump received only 0.9 percent, 2.4 percent, 3.7 percent from some of the tabulators, as if he was a third party candidate, or in a third world country. The anomalies indicate ballots were not scanned on the tabulators that printed the closing tapes, making the closing tapes fraudulent.
    • Tabulators used in Fulton County during early voting had their seals broken, and memory cards were reprogrammed and inserted into different scanners to count absentee ballots, in violation of election rules. This made it impossible to reconcile the true number of votes tabulated on the machines from the start of the Election to the end of counting.[16]
    • 235,000 absentee ballots were requested and accepted too early, prior to the lawful date 180 days before the 2020 Election, which was May 6, 2020. These votes should have never been counted in the 2020 Election. .[17]

4,081 false votes for Joe Biden were included in the hand count audit results for Fulton County.[20] The false votes were the result of 36 accounting errors, which were confirmed by Governor Brian Kemp’s office and investigators working for Secretary Brad Raffensperger, yet they have never been removed from the official hand count results. These errors alone would reduce the margin to 7,698 votes.[19]

    • The hand count audit included 3,935 unaccounted for votes due to 11 missing batch sheets in Fulton County. [20]

Differences from the original count to the hand audit total at least 15,690 votes, which is more than the entire election margin alone. This includes the 4,081 false Biden votes, plus “missing” votes discovered in Gwinett (1,642), Fayette (2,755), Floyd (2,700), Douglas (293), and Walton (284) counties that were likely due to machine counting errors.[20a]

  • Thousands of “pristine,” unfolded absentee ballots were counted during the hand count audit in Fulton County, according to at least six witnesses, which is the subject of ongoing litigation. These absentee ballots had no folds, and went 98 percent to Joe Biden, had “been added in a fraudulent manner,” witnesses said.[20b]
  • Fulton County certified 59,143 in-person votes on Election Day, despite the fact that only 14,152 people had voted as of 5 p.m. on Nov. 3, 2020. Evidence suggests the in-person vote total on Election Day was inflated by approximately 37,000 votes, as records show no rush to the polls during the final two hours of voting, and a screenshot of the in-person Election Day results shared by a government contractor showed only 21,843 people voted at the polls in Fulton County on Nov. 3.[20c]
  • Fulton County ordered over 1 million absentee ballots days before the 2020 Election, without any envelopes and the time necessary to mail. There were only 808,680 active voters in Fulton County as of Nov. 1, 2020, meaning the county had more blank mail-in ballots than the number of registered voters, and ordered them after the vast majority of mail-in ballot requests had already been sent to voters by Runbeck Election Services.[20d]
  • An estimated 30,000 to 92,670 illicit votes were trafficked in Georgia, as part of a massive ballot trafficking operation discovered by True the Vote. The group identified 242 traffickers in Georgia who engaged in 5,662 ballot drops into drop boxes, making an average of 23 runs per trafficker. Over 40 percent of the illicit drops that were captured on camera were recorded between the non-voting hours of midnight and 5 a.m.[21]
  • There were over 364,000 ineligible voter registrations on the rolls during the 2020 Election and likely 67,284 votes were cast from voters with invalid residency.[22]
  • Massive manipulation of the Georgia voter rolls surrounding the 2020 Election has been uncovered. This includes 1,500 Voter IDs that received credit for voting in 2020, but were not on any voter rolls from 2020, some appearing for the first time on the voter rolls on Nov. 4, 2021, a year after the Election.[23] Other findings include manipulation of inactive voters to cast ballots, “gifting” Nov. 3 votes up to 2 years after the Election, and casting votes on ballots previously rejected, cancelled, or not even turned in.
  • In 2020, there were absentee ballots issued to “Bangkok Thailand, Ga.,” “Denver, Ga.,” “Detroit, Ga.,” “Los Angeles, Ga.,” and other fraudulent addresses that do not exist. Ballots were fraudulently cast in 2020 from addresses listed as “Bronx, Ga.,” “Hilton Head, Ga.,” “Louisville, Ga.,” “San Diego, Ga.,” “New Orleans, Ga.,” “French Creek, Ga.,” “Virginia Beach, Ga.,” “Vicksburg, Ga.,” “Baltimore, Ga.,” “New York, Ga.,” and “Sarasota, Ga.,” all with zip codes out of state.[24]
  • 43,907 drop box ballots violated chain of custody requirements in DeKalb County.[25]
  • 59,000 of the 79,460 drop box ballots in Fulton County were not immediately transported to the election registrar, in violation of State Election Board rules.[26]
  • An estimated 355,000 ballot transfer forms for drop box ballots are missing statewide.[27][28]
  • Over 100,000 tally sheets for Fulton County were missing from the hand count audit, and remained missing for months after the Election.[29]
  • In early January 2021, Ruby Freeman asked for an attorney because she wanted to “go live on every platform” to divulge information about how “the USB ports” were used in the 2020 Election.[30] The expert cyber report by Professor J. Alex Halderman explained how external USB ports with election-changing malware can be inserted into Dominion machines by anyone with access, including election workers.[31]
  • The presence of a “QR code mismatch” error within the Dominion tabulators that systematically undercounts votes was found in 65 out of 67 Georgia counties where records were available. The error was present in system log files for tabulators used in elections in 2020, 2021, and 2022.[32]
  • The election results in Georgia in 2020 are not only unreliable, but were electronically altered, and are unsupported by the state’s own election records. The appearance of tens of thousands of unconfirmed ballots in subsequent hand and machine counts suggest reconciliation happened after the Election, meaning after it was clear what margins were needed to win.
  • Fulton County election officials admitted in early 2021 they do not engage in any reconciliation until weeks after Election Day.[33] This means the number of voters showing up at the polls during each day of voting is not checked with the number of ballots tabulated each day, a basic process to ensure the number of ballots and voters match, and cannot be manipulated later.
  • “We can’t start reconciling that until usually a couple days before certification,” said then-Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron, during a January 2021 Board meeting. “Because we have to get that report from KnowInk. I think KnowInk sends those to the state or KnowInk sends those directly to us. But those aren’t compiled then, on Election night. So we don’t have any way to balance those then. That’s like the post-election process that we do.”



“All law has either been derived from the consent of the people, established by necessity, confirmed by custom, or of Divine Providence.”

  • Wisconsin was called by 20,682 votes.
  • The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled drop boxes are illegal under Wisconsin law, in a 4-3 decision issued in July 2022.[34]
  • Wisconsin Election Commissioner Meagan Wolfe unilaterally declared ballot drop boxes could be used to vote in 2020 elections, even though “WEC’s commissioners never voted to adopt this memo.”[35]
  • Ahead of the November 2020 Election, Wolfe encouraged clerks to use “creative solutions” to deploy drop boxes, that she said could be “unstaffed.” There were 528 drop boxes used in the General Election, and a total of 1,969,274 absentee votes cast, including 1,346,731 votes cast by mail, and 653,236 in-person.[36]
  • In a concurring opinion to the ruling finding drop boxes to be unlawful, Justice Rebecca Bradley writes, “If the right to vote is to have any meaning at all, elections must be conducted according to law. Throughout history, tyrants have claimed electoral victory via elections conducted in violation of governing law… in Wisconsin elected officials “deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
  • “The right to vote presupposes the rule of law governs elections. If elections are conducted outside of the law, the people have not conferred their consent on the government. Such elections are unlawful and their results are illegitimate.”
  • Justice Bradley concluded “thousands of votes have been cast via this unlawful method,” using drop boxes, “thereby directly harming the Wisconsin voters.”“The illegality of these drop boxes weakens the people’s faith that the election produced an outcome reflective of their will,” Justice Bradley writes. “The Wisconsin voters, and all lawful voters, are injured when the institution charged with administering Wisconsin elections does not follow the law, leaving the results in question…Electoral outcomes obtained by unlawful procedures corrupt the institution of voting, degrading the very foundation of free government. Unlawful votes do not dilute lawful votes so much as they pollute them, which in turn pollutes the integrity of the results.”
  • In the city of Milwaukee, nearly half of all its votes were cast by mail, totaling 217,424 ballots. The city deployed 15 drop boxes, with election officials claiming the drop boxes would be “under 24-hour surveillance.”[37] However, after the election, not a single municipality in the county produced video surveillance of drop boxes in response to open records requests. Various responses included, “No records exist for your request,” “No video from requested time frame,” “No such records exist,” and “No security camera.”[38]
  • The election integrity group True the Vote identified 107 ballot traffickers in Milwaukee County between Oct. 20 and Nov. 3, 2020, who each made 20 or more visits to drop boxes.[39] Each trafficker made an average 26 visits, and as many as 15 in one day, and made multiple visits to non-governmental organizations.
  • The 107 traffickers made a total of 2,824 trips to drop boxes during the 2020 Election, with a majority of visits occurring after 8:00 p.m.
  • In 2020 there was a surge of “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin, resulting in 220,404 votes cast from individuals who were exempted from showing voter ID. This surge of suspect votes was due to Democrat election clerks giving advice that was deemed illegal after the election, instructing voters to identify themselves as disabled during the COVID pandemic to avoid voter ID laws.Indefinitely confined voters, who are supposed to be physically unable to go to the polls due to age, disability, or illness, increased by an astounding 393 percent in Dane County from 2016 to 2020; 492 percent in Racine County; 281 percent in Milwaukee County; and 287 percent in the state overall.
  • There were just 56,978 indefinitely confined votes in 2016,[40] and roughly 70,000 in 2019. In 2020, however, there were 220,404 votes cast using indefinite confinement status. Over 77 percent of these individuals had never been listed as indefinitely confined before. The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau identified 48,554 people who voted as indefinitely confined in November 2020 who had never provided photo identification or did not have photo identifications on file with clerks, which is more than twice the vote margin of 20,682.
  • Scott McDonell, the Democrat clerk of Dane County, which encompasses the area of Madison, told all residents they could identify themselves as indefinitely confined because of COVID, specifically citing it as a way to get around the Voter ID law.
  • McDonell previously blamed Wisconsin’s voter ID law for President Trump’s victory in 2016, claiming in a 2018 Twitter post that “thousands of voters [were] deterred from voting due to [the] ID law.”[41]
  • In 2020, McDonell urged all voters to declare themselves indefinitely confined in order to obtain an absentee ballot and “skip the step of uploading an ID” in the April 2020 primary election. Once a voter is identified as indefinitely confined, they continue to receive absentee ballots automatically for subsequent elections. “I urge all voters who request a ballot and have trouble presenting a valid ID to indicate that they are indefinitely confined,” McDonell said in a Facebook post.
  • The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in December 2020 that the pandemic “did not render all Wisconsin electors ‘indefinitely confined,’ thereby obviating the requirement of a valid photo identification to obtain an absentee ballot,” and the clerks’ “interpretation of Wisconsin election laws was erroneous.”[42]
    The Wisconsin Election Commission ordered nursing homes to violate the law by not allowing Special Voting Deputies (SVDs) inside their facilities, which led to election fraud where incapacitated elderly residents had votes cast in their name with the assistance of nursing home staff.
  • An investigation by the Racine County Sheriff found the Wisconsin Elections Commission “shattered” state election laws.[43] Nursing homes saw an “unusual surge in voting activity,” and at least 8 cases of felony voter fraud were found in one nursing home, accounting for nearly 1 in 5 families of residents.[44]
  • The Wisconsin Election Commission admitted it was “essentially telling the clerks to break the law” by ordering the sending of absentee ballots to nursing homes and barring Special Voting Deputies inside the facilities.[45]
  • An interim report released by Special Counsel Michael J. Gableman raised “serious and legitimate questions that the certification of Wisconsin’s election results may have been undertaken in an unlawful and unconstitutional manner.”[46]
  • Gableman claimed “Democracy in the Park” events in Madison involved numerous possible violations of the law, “calling into question the validity of over 17,000 absentee ballots.”
  • These outdoor events to collect mail-in ballots were the subject of numerous complaints, and it is “not clear that all of the workers at those events were properly deputized and trained, swore and filed the mandatory oath of office, or documents related to absentee ballots were properly handled.”
  • The Office of the Special Counsel also claimed evidence of “undue influence by well-funded private groups, who leveraged large grants to certain Wisconsin cities in order to co-opt our election apparatus to their benefit.”
  • The report confirms at least 17.5 percent of election clerks “were not properly trained,” and that “exploitation of elders” occurred in nursing homes.
  • In one example, Maryl Barrett, who was 104 years old and did not recognize her own children, had a ballot cast in her name in the 2020 Presidential Election.[47]
  • The Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report found nursing homes in Milwaukee, Dane, and Racine counties with 100 percent turnout due to the Wisconsin Election Commission’s order.[48]
  • The special counsel said it possessed evidence of nursing home facility staff and directors who “assisted residents in completing ballots; assisted residents in obtaining absentee ballots; pressured residents to vote; collected completed ballots from residents; forged signatures of residents; illegally returned residents’ ballots to the municipal clerks by mail, by placing the ballots in drop boxes, and/ or delivering them directly to the clerks; pressured and/or assisted incompetent persons to complete and cast ballots in the November 2020 election, up to and including persons who have had their right to vote take away by court order due to mental incompetence.”
  • The second interim report also detailed an $8.8 million “election bribery scheme” involving Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life and the cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay. “In the agreement, the Cities took CTCL’s money to facilitate in-person and absentee voting within their respective city.”
  • The “Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan” developed for CTCL facilitated grants to major Wisconsin cities to deploy drop boxes for mail-in ballots, including $50,000 to Green Bay, $40,000 to Kenosha, $50,000 to Madison, $58,500 to Milwaukee, and $18,000 to Racine.[49]
  • Whitney May, the director of government services for CTCL, posted numerous anti-Trump posts on social media, including telling people “don’t vote for Trump” in 2016.[50]
  • Internal emails from election officials in Green Bay revealed Michael SpitzerRubenstein, a former Democratic Party operative, served as a “de facto elections administrator and had access to Green Bay’s absentee ballots days before the election.”[51][52]
  • The Office of the Special Counsel referenced this case, and has evidence that this grantee, which was funded by CTCL, was “directly involved in all aspects of management of election officials, was entrusted with the only sets of physical keys to the city’s central count location, managed the transportation of ballots, and instructed the counting of unlawful ballots that had arrived at the central count location beyond the lawful time window.”



“Wrong is wiped out by reconciliation.”

  • Pennsylvania was called by 80,555 votes.
  • Months after the election, there were 121,240 more votes than voters, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State. By law, Pennsylvania cannot certify an election with this type of discrepancy.[53]
  • Republican lawmakers, led by State Representative Frank Ryan, were tracking the vote discrepancy in real time in the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) system. Ryan, a certified public accountant, initially reported that there were 170,830 more votes than voters in the Presidential race, more than twice the margin in Pennsylvania.[54] “These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error,” the lawmakers said.
  • The Pennsylvania Department of State’s office called this “obvious misinformation,” while admitting the “only way to determine the number of voters who voted in November from the SURE system is through the vote histories,” which they said Philadelphia, Allegheny, and other counties had still not completed — an admission the election was certified without ensuring the number of voters and votes matched in the SURE system. The election was certified on Nov. 24, 2020, and the Department of State’s statement came on Dec. 29, 2020.
  • The SURE system was checked and downloaded weekly with updated voter histories from the general Election until all the counties uploaded their vote histories, which was not completed until February 2021. At this time there were still over 121,000 votes that did not have a corresponding voter in the SURE system.
  • The statement by the Department of State “that the voting would reconcile, once the counties completed their SURE uploads, was incorrect,” according to Verity Vote. “When the final county finished uploading their voter histories and closed the election in SURE, it was February 1, 2021, which was the same day that [Secretary of State Kathy] Boockvar announced her resignation. At the time that Philadelphia closed the election in SURE, the voter histories showed that the county accepted at least 7,944 ballots that could not be associated with a registered voter.”
  • Pennsylvania credited 71,893 people for voting who returned mail-in ballots after Election Day, and these individuals were included in the voter history files. This includes 50,285 received between Nov. 4 and Nov. 6; 11,570 received between Nov. 7 and Nov. 11; and 10,038 that were received on or after Nov. 12. Boockvar claimed only 10,000 ballots were received between the close of the polls on Election Day and Nov. 6.[55]
  • While 71,893 people received credit for voting by mail, these votes purportedly did not count. Even while including these voters in the total number of who participated in the Election, Pennsylvania still came up 121,240 voters short.
  • According to the Department of State data, there were 7,035,746 ballots cast in the 2020 Presidential Election, including all write-in votes, over-votes, and under-votes. “After all counties closed the election in SURE, only 6,914,556 voters were credited with participation in the 2020 General Election. This reveals a voter deficit of 121,240.”
  • In Philadelphia, hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were unlawfully counted in secret, in defiance of a court order, while Republican poll watchers were thrown out of buildings where voting took place.[56]
  • S. Attorney Bill McSwain was told to stand down and not investigate election irregularities by Attorney General Bill Barr.[57] McSwain said he was instructed to not discuss the allegations of voter fraud he received, and to pass any “serious” investigations along to then-State Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat who promised days before the election that President Trump “is going to lose.”[58]
  • Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook poured over $25 million into the administration of the election in Pennsylvania in 2020.[59] Over $10 million went to the Democratcontrolled jurisdiction of Philadelphia, which included $5.5 million on “ballot processing equipment” and $552,000 for drop boxes.[60]
  • A lawsuit filed in Delaware County revealed video evidence of election officials discussing destroying election evidence from the November 2020 Election.[61] “It’s a felony,” one official says after talking about the need to “get rid” of voting “pads and second scanners.” Sources involved in the litigation alleged the Delaware County officials violated numerous election laws and that the destruction of records was “done to ensure records eventually provided actually matched the election results that were reported in Nov. 2020.”
  • Delaware County received $2.2 million from Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which it spent on “recruiting and training a sufficient number of poll workers; setting up drop box locations for voters to return ballots,” and other Get Out the Vote efforts.[62]
  • The election integrity group True the Vote said Philadelphia was the worst offender it witnessed when investigating the widespread ballot trafficking scheme operating across multiple Swing States in 2020. They identified 1,155 ballot traffickers who each visited at least 10 drop boxes and five nongovernmental organizations.[63] Some ballot traffickers made hundreds of trips to drop boxes.



“That which was originally void, does not by lapse of time become valid.”

  • Arizona was called by a margin of 10,457 votes.
  • Maricopa County accepted 20,500 mail-in ballots after Election Day 2020, including 18,000 – more than the entire election margin – on Nov. 4 picked up from the U.S. Postal Service.[64] By law, ballots must be received no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day, which was Nov. 3.
  • “The 20,000 ballots recorded as incoming from the USPS on and after November 4 were of sufficient quantity to change the result of the 2020 General Election in Arizona,” according to Verity Vote.
  • The findings were based on Maricopa County’s official Elections Department records, which were withheld from a public records request for nearly seven months. The records showed 18,000 mail-in ballots received on Nov. 4; 1,000 received on Nov. 5; and 1,500 received on Nov. 6.
  • The 18,000 mail-in ballots received on Nov. 4 and subsequently counted represented a significant spike in ballots received, higher than every single day total since Oct. 29, 2020. The receipt of mail-in ballots had steadily declined from 14,500 ballots on Oct. 29 to 10,500 on Oct. 30; 6,000 on Oct. 31; 1,500 on Nov. 1; 1,000 on Nov. 2; and 2,500 on Nov. 3.
  • In the 2020 General Election, 420,987 ballots failed signature verification standards, “thus the election was openly vulnerable to fraud,” according to an ongoing analysis conducted by We the People Arizona Alliance and presented to the state legislature.[65]
  • The initial analysis of 380,976 ballots, using official state records and official signature verification training techniques, identified 181,378 ballots that should not have been counted, or nearly half of all reviewed.
  • This includes: 1,870 blank envelopes, some of which were approved on Nov. 5 and Nov. 8; 542 with a signature other than the voter; 2,104 scribbles; 128 duplicate voters processed; 48,117 unreasonably different control signatures; 1,875 where the signature did not match until after the election; 36,034 control signatures that do not match the voter; 4,433 unusable control signatures; 47,366 that failed Secretary of State standards; and 38,909 egregious signature mismatches, where not one point of a signature matched any on file.
  • In the case of the 1,875 votes, the ballot envelopes did not have a signature match on Election Day, but “matching” signatures were later put on file for the voter on either Jan. 28, 2021, Feb. 3, 2021, or Feb. 8, 2021. There were 783 signatures digitally inserted on Feb. 3, 2021 alone.
  • Since the findings were presented to the Arizona State Legislature, the number of egregious mismatches found has increased to 76,354,[66] over seven times the election margin. This is an error rate of 9.30 percent of ballot envelopes reviewed.
  • Throughout the signature verification analysis, which remains ongoing, analysts have consistently found 20 percent do not meet the Secretary of State’s standards, and 9 percent are egregious violations. Extrapolated to all 1.9 million mail-in ballots in 2020, 176,700 ballots “should have been rejected for improper signature verification due to egregious signature mismatches.”[67]
  • Maricopa County has no documented chain of custody for 740,000 ballots from the 2020 Election.[68]
  • Out of the 923,000 early vote ballots accepted at vote centers or drop boxes, only 183,406 ballots are accounted for on ballot transport forms. More than 80 percent of the ballot transport forms have no ballot counts.
  • Without proper documentation of how many votes were cast at the time they were cast, it is impossible to verify the origin and true total of ballots in a given election. “Without this count, there is no way to determine if the transport staff retrieved one ballot or one thousand ballots,” according to Verity Vote. “Keeping a proper chain of custody is more than a best practice – it is essential to encouraging trust in our democracy,” according to the Election Assistance Commission.[69]
  • Of the 1,895 early vote ballot transport forms, 48 did not have the required two witness signatures attesting to the ballot transfer, including some with no witness signatures at all. “As a result, the public is not assured that both parties witnessed the transfer of ballots,” as required.
  • Millions of files of 2020 General Election data and security logs were deleted from the Elections Management Server and purged on critical days, including the day before the Arizona audit of the 2020 Election began on Feb. 2, 2021.[70]
  • The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors admitted they purged the system and moved election data after they received a subpoena, in testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives.[71]
  • Two precincts in Pima County had over 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots, and 40 precincts had over 97 percent returned.[72]
  • The national mail-in ballot return rate was 71 percent, but in Pima County the mail-in ballot return rate was 15 percent higher, and 19 percent higher than all the counties combined in the entire state of Arizona. One precinct with 99.5 percent mail-in turnout had 9,812 ballots counted. Another precinct with 100.6 percent turnout had 2,182 ballots returned, but only 2,170 mail-ins were ever sent. These two precincts total 11,994 ballots, which alone is more than the margin needed to alter the outcome of the Presidential Election.
  • In all, there were 264,000 votes from precincts in Pima County with over 92 percent turnout for mail-in ballots.75
  • Significant anomalies were discovered for mail-in ballot returns in Pima County. In precincts with anomalous high turnout of over 92 percent in Pima County, mail-in ballots started flipping from 6 percent Republican for Biden to 40 percent of Republicans voting for Biden.[73]
  • The election integrity group True the Vote identified more than 202 ballot traffickers in Maricopa County who made 4,282 individual drop box visits during the 2020 General Election.[74]
  • Two individuals were charged and plead guilty for ballot harvesting in Yuma County, Arizona during the 2020 primary election.[75]
  • A computer scientist testified that an algorithm similar to what is used in cruise control or self-driving cars was present affecting the early votes in Pima and Maricopa counties in the 2020 General Election, with the ability to “reach and maintain a predetermined setpoint (outcome) despite unplanned disturbances.”[76]
  • Walter C. Daugherity, a senior lecturer emeritus in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University who developed courses in artificial intelligence, expert systems, programming and software design, analyzed the Cast Vote Records, finding, “ballots in Maricopa County and Pima County were artificially processed through the tabulators tracking a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) type control function in a closed-loop feedback system.”
  • Daugherity, who has received over $2.8 million in grant funding and was previously consulted as a computer expert by the New York Times, Washington Post, IBM Federal Systems Division, the Texas Department of Agriculture, U.S. Customs Service, as well as classified work, discovered “significant and systematic decline in the cumulative ratio as counting progresses,” in the early mail-in and in-person votes for the Presidential Election results in Maricopa County and Pima County.
  • For example, the “first block of ballots being 75 [percent] for a candidate, the next block of ballots being 74 [percent] for a candidate, the next block of ballots being 73 [percent] for a candidate, and so on, systematically declining all the way to Election Day.”
  • Daugherity’s expert opinion is that the downward sloping line in the sequence that votes were recorded indicated a strong control. The cumulative ratio of Biden to Trump votes for all cast vote records before Election Day in recorded order for Pima County declines from over 300 percent to 157 percent by Election Day.
  • “Such a uniform and predictable pattern is so statistically implausible that it would not occur without artificial manipulation,” according to Daugherity. The data’s lack of independence cannot be explained by the preference of Democrats voting earlier than Republicans.



“No one is to be punished for the crime or wrong of another.”

  • Michigan was called by 154,188 votes.
  • A record 5,579,317 votes were cast and certified in Michigan in the 2020 General Election, the highest turnout in 60 years. To date, Michigan has never shown 5,579,317 voters listed for the 2020 Election in its Qualified Voter File, the state’s database for all voter registration records.
  • As of December 2023, Michigan has 271,566 more votes than the number of voters listed in its Qualified Voter File for Nov. 3, 2020, more than one and a half times the Election margin.
  • In data obtained from the Secretary of State’s office on nearly a monthly basis since the Election, the most voters ever recorded in the Qualified Voter File was 5,511,303 voters in April 2021.[77] This means Michigan’s own election records showed 68,014 more votes than voters. However, the number of voters listed in the Qualified Voter File has been in flux ever since December 2020, and always short of the voters needed to reconcile the total votes cast. A complete list of voters from 2020 has never been provided.
  • The number of voter IDs listed as voting in 2020 has steadily declined since February 2022. As of December 2023, there was a total of 5,307,751 voters listed as voting on Nov. 3, 2020 in the Qualified Voter File. Voter history files continue to be removed from the record, resulting in 271,566 less vote history records than necessary to reconcile the results.
  • Each month voter histories from the 2020 Election are being manipulated. Thousands of unique votes are removed from the voter history files, and other unique votes added. Since December 2020, 270,559 voter histories for 2020 have been removed, while 103,128 have been added.
  • Individual voter histories are constantly changing, including the history of the state’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whose voting history is missing votes throughout 2020.[78]
  • A complete list of voters was requested via a Freedom of Information Act request in December 2021 and took nine months for the state to fulfill. Two datasets were provided, and neither matched. The first dataset fell 22,146 voters short, while the second dataset was 120,883 absentee ballots short.[79]
  • Democrats threatened Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers and doxxed children in order to certify the 2020 results.[80] Monica Palmer, then the chair of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, cited the fact that 70 percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counts were still “out of balance and unexplained” from the August primary as a reason why she initially voted against certifying the 2020 Election results.[81] Palmer was “bullied and threatened” and “feared for her safety” due to threats she received for voting no. A Democrat Michigan State representative-elect attacked Palmer over her certification vote, and revealed where her children went to school, saying, “I want you to think about what that means for your kids.”
  • Officials in Detroit illegally blocked Republican poll challengers’ access, covered the windows,[82] called the cops, and denied lawful challenges in order to count ballots in secret.[83]
  • Affidavits and video evidence revealed thousands of ballots were delivered through a back door of the TCF center, the central counting facility in Detroit, at 3:30 a.m. on Election night.[84]
  • A report seeking to “debunk” issues of fraud released by the Michigan State Senate Oversight Committee confirmed a “large volume” of ballots were delivered to the TCF center with no chain of custody in the middle of the night.[85]
  • An estimated 289,866 absentee ballots were identified as sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal,” according to the senate committee.
  • Mark Zuckerberg gave Michigan $16.8 million through his nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life.
  • Detroit received $7.4 million to “dramatically” expand the vote for Democrats.[86] The grants financed drop boxes “to facilitate the return of absentee ballots,” like the ones that came in the TCF center after midnight.
  • The election integrity group True the Vote uncovered the same pattern of widespread ballot trafficking between NGOs and ballot drop boxes in Michigan. Numerous instances of ballot stuffing were caught on camera in Detroit,[87] including video where a woman can be seen going to a drop box, and abruptly returning to her car after realizing the stack had no signatures. The woman then signs the ballots, and deposits the illicit ballots she had just signed into the drop box.[88]
  • Secretary Jocelyn Benson made unlawful changes to signature verification rules for absentee ballots, ordering election workers to presume all were legitimate. A judge ruled Benson’s order was invalid,[89] but not until months following the election, and just 0.1 percent of mail-in ballots were rejected in the November 2020 Election for all signature issues.[90] The rejection rate for mismatching signatures was just 0.04 percent, as only 1,400 out of 3.4 million ballots were rejected.
  • Secretary Benson has lost in court six times for issues related to the 2020 Election.[91]
  • A fraudulent voter registration scheme was discovered in October 2020 and documented in a police report in Muskegon County and hidden for nearly 3 years after the 2020 Election.[92]
  • A city clerk in Muskegon witnessed a woman drop off between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations at the clerk office on Oct. 8, 2020, many appearing to be fraudulent. The incident was reported it to the Muskegon Police Department one week later. Eight thousand new voter registrations in Muskegon would amount to over 20 percent of the city’s population of only 38,000 residents.[93]
  • An ensuing investigation confirmed thousands of voter registrations in the same handwriting and many invalid or non-existent addresses. The suspect told Michigan State Police that she was being paid $1,150 per week to “find unregistered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.” The police found “dozens of new phones” and “hundreds of pre-paid payment cards” during the investigation.
  • A Department of State analyst consulted in the investigation confirmed a quantity of voter applications were “clearly fraudulent” and others were “highly suspicious having either erroneous or are missing key pieces of information.” Others appeared to be legitimate.
  • The organization behind the scheme was GBI Strategies, a firm hired by numerous Democrat campaigns. GBI Strategies was funded by a super PAC called “Black PAC,” which paid the firm $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden in 2020.[94] Employees of GBI Strategies were paid $15 an hour or $120 a day, according to the police report.
  • GBI Strategies was believed to be operating not just in Muskegon, but throughout Michigan and in other Swing States.[95]
  • Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office contacted the Muskegon Police Department and asked Michigan State Police to assist with a joint investigation. The Michigan police then turned their investigation over to the FBI.
  • Andrew Kloster, deputy general counsel at the United States Office of Personnel Management during the Trump Administration, said he was made aware of the investigation into GBI Strategies before the 2020 Election and attempted to raise the issue for further investigation. He was informed there were “standing orders not to deal with election matters” in the offices of the White House counsel office and Attorney General Bill Barr.[96]
  • The investigation was not made public until 2023, after the police reports were obtained through a Michigan Freedom of Information Act request.


[1] ‘Fox News Election Night 2020’, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpbZ5gN1RgI

[2] The final Swing State, Arizona, was fraudulently called for Joe Biden by Fox News before the network called Ohio, a state President Trump won by 8 points. Baier questioned the call, noting it was not “careful, cautious, and earnest.” Despite news media calling the state for Joe Biden early in the evening on Nov. 3, it took 11 days to count the 14 percent of the vote left outstanding after Election Day. Arizona did not stop counting until Saturday Nov. 14, 2020. Notably, Pima County was one of the last to report its results.

[3] Kevin Moncla and David Cross, Official Complaint, March 28, 2022, https://www.scribd.com/ document/657652472/Fulton-County-Early-Voting-Complaint

[4] Election Oversight Group, LLC, ‘Investigation of the Fulton County 2020 General Election Irregularities and Failures of Three Counts’, 2023

[5] See Chapter 1, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[6] Kevin Moncla, Joseph Rossi, Official Complaint to the State Election Board, July 8, 2022, https:// www.georgiarecord.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/complaint.pdf

[7] Declaration of Philip Stark, 2021, Curling v. Raffensperger, CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.: 1:17-cv-2989-AT

[8] Spreadsheet, ‘Fulton County Missing Ballot Images Recount’

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid., Elections Oversight Group, 4

‘VoterGA Press Conference March 7th’, Rumble, 2022, https://rumble.com/vwmwup-voterga-pressconference-march-7th.html (30:38)

[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid. Philip Stark, 5

[14] Ibid.

[15] ‘Unsigned Tabulator Tapes in Fulton County – Nov 2020’, Rumble, 2022, https://rumble.com/vz5kehunsigned-tabulator-tapes-in-fulton-county-nov-2020.html

[16] Kevin Moncla and David Cross, Official Complaint, March 28, 2022, https://www.scribd.com/ document/657652472/Fulton-County-Early-Voting-Complaint

[17] Kim P. Brooks, ’2020 General Election Manipulation’, 2023

[18] Joseph Rossi, Risk Limiting Audit Spreadsheet Analysis

[19] See Chapter 5, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[20] Ibid., Philip Stark, 5

[20a] See Chapter 6, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[20b] Fulton County Superior Court Filing, https://voterga.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/notice-of-filingexhibits.pdf

[20c] David Cross, ‘Suspected Election Day Fraud in Fulton County’, 2022, https://rumble.com/vxr5x3suspected-election-day-fraud-in-fulton-county-november-2020.html

[20d] Kevin Moncla, ‘Fulton County: Massive Last-Minute Order of Over 1M Ballots Discovered’, UnCoverDC, 2021, https://www.uncoverdc.com/2021/10/25/fulton-county-massive-last-minute-orderof-over-1m-ballots-discovered/

[21] See Chapter 16, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[22] Affidavit of Catherine Engelbrecht, Sept. 27, 2023

[23] Ibid. Kim P. Brooks, 6

[24] Kim P. Brooks, ‘Ballots with Purposeful Bad Addresses Accepted’, 2023

[25] Laura Baigart, ‘43,000 Absentee Ballot Votes Counted in DeKalb County, Georgia 2020 Election Violated Chain of Custody Rule’, Georgia Star News, 2021, https://georgiastarnews.com/4300-absenteeballot-votes-counted-in-dekalb-county-2020-election-violated-chain-of-custody-rule.html

[26] Laura Baigart, ‘85 Percent of 59,000 Absentee Ballots Placed in Fulton County Drop Boxes in 2020 Election Were Not Transported to Registrar ‘Immediately’ As Georgia State Rule Requires; 5 Percent Were Delivered BEFORE They Were Picked Up’, Georgia Star News, 2021, https://georgiastarnews.com/ news/85-percent-of-59000-absentee-ballots-placed-in-fulton-county-drop-boxes-in-2020-electionwere-not-transported-to-registrar-immediately-as-georgia-state-rule-requires-5-percent-were-deliveredbefore-th/klbaigert/2021/05/19/

[27] VoterGA, ‘Custody Chain Analysis Finds 106,000+ Suspect Ballots, Uselessness of Drop Box Videos’,

[28] , https://voterga.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Press-Release-VoterGA-Drop-Box-CustodyChain-Analysis.pdf

[29] VoterGA, ‘New Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud and Massive Errors’, 2021, https://voterga.org/wpcontent/uploads/2021/11/Press-Release-Georgia-Audit-Riddled-by-Massive-Errors-Fraud.pdf

[30] ‘Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal’, The Georgia Record, 2022, https://www.georgiarecord.com/elections/2022/12/25/ruby-freeman-body-camadmissions-revealed-in-the-georgia-ballot-scanning-scandal/

[31] See Chapters 2, 13, and 14, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[32] See Chapter 9, ‘Report on Widespread Fraud in the Georgia 2020 Presidential Election’

[33] ‘Fulton County Board of Registration & Elections Special Called Meeting’, Fulton Government

Television, YouTube, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfz4Rc6R_lQ&t=575s

[34] Supreme Court of Wisconsin, Case No. 2022AP91, 2022, https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/ opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=542617

[35] Ibid.

[36] Wisconsin Election Commission, ‘November 3, 2020 Election Data Report’, Feb. 3, 2021, https:// www.wispolitics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/D.-November-2020-Election-Data-ReportUpdated.pdf

[37] Alison Dirr, ‘Are drop boxes secure, where are ballots stored and who has access to them? Answers to your questions about voting in Milwaukee’, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2020, https://www.jsonline.com/ story/news/politics/elections/2020/10/19/how-milwaukee-ensures-absentee-ballots-voting-machinessecured/5937160002/

[38] Special Report Delivery of Absentee Ballots by Intermediaries to Milwaukee County Area Drop Boxes October 20 – November 3, 2020, March 18, 2022, https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/ media/m3wnlto0/5-combined-files-for-melodie.pdf

[39] Ibid.

[40] Nora Eckert and Anya Van Wagtendonk, https://wisconsinwatch.org/2020/11/trump-wisconsin-ballotrecount-democratic-counties/

[41] Scott McDonell, Twitter, April 14, 2018, https://twitter.com/samcdonell/status/985181679932399621

[42] Supreme Court of Wisconsin, case no. 2020AP557-OA, 2020, https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/opinion/ DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=315283

[43] Brendan Cullerton, ‘Racine sheriff says he found proof of felonies by Wisconsin Election Commission in 2020’, CBS58, 2021, https://www.cbs58.com/news/racine-sheriff-says-he-found-proof-of-felonies-bywisconsin-election-commission-in-2020

[44] Sophie Mann, ‘County sheriff in Wisconsin reveals evidence of felony election law violations’, Just the News, 2021, https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/wisconsin-county-sheriff-reveals-findingsinvestigation-election-law

[45] ‘The full Racine County Sheriff’s press conference on alleged nursing home election fraud’, YouTube, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLWDupvtrrU&t=1s, 45:44

[46] Office of the Special Counsel First Interim Report Delivered to the Wisconsin State Assembly November 10, 2021, https://fox11digital.com/news/PDFs/Interim%20Report%20FINAL_cwl4_cwl5.pdf

[47] ‘LIVE: Investigator Michael Gableman’, YouTube, March 1, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/live/ tIKfnvSZK4E?si=mP77-SYUO0Il9z_0&t=2249

[48] Office of the Special Counsel Second Interim Investigative Report On the Apparatus & Procedures of the Wisconsin Elections System Delivered to the Wisconsin State Assembly on March 1, 2022, https:// www.wpr.org/sites/default/files/osc-second-interim-report.pdf

[49] ‘Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan 2020 Submitted to the Center for Tech & Civic Life June 15, 2020’, https://www.techandciviclife.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Approved-Wisconsin-Safe-VotingPlan-2020.pdf

[50] Michael Gableman, ’Why Many Wisconsin Voters Still Doubt the 2020 Election Results’, March 1, 2022, https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/media/xc4ofiaz/gableman-powerpoint.pdf

[51] M.D. Kittle, ‘SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: INFILTRATING THE ELECTION’, Wisconsin Spotlight, March 9,

[52] https://web.archive.org/web/20210313025127/https://wisconsinspotlight.com/specialinvestigation-infiltrating-the-election/

[53] Verity Vote, ‘Pennsylvania Voter Deficit’, Feb. 10, 2021, https://verityvote.us/pennsylvania-voter-deficit/

[54] ‘DOS responds to Republican lawmakers’ claim of election numbers discrepancy’, NBC 6 WJAC TV, Dec. 28, 2020, https://wjactv.com/news/local/pa-republican-lawmakers-analysis-finds-presidentialelection-numbers-dont-add-up

[55] Zach Montellaro, ‘Pennsylvania’s top election officer says just 10,000 ballots were received after Nov. 3’, Politico, Nov. 10, 2020, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/10/pennsylvanias-top-electionofficer-says-just-10-000-ballots-were-received-after-nov-3-435972

[56] ‘Trump Campaign News Conference on Pennsylvania Vote Count’, C-Span.org, Nov. 5, 2020, https:// www.c-span.org/video/?477856-1/trump-campaign-news-conference-pennsylvania-vote-count

[57] Letter from William M. McSwain, June 9, 2021, https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/djtweb/general/ Letter_to_President_Trump.pdf

[58] ‘Pennsylvania’s Democratic AG sparks outrage from Trump supporters for saying president may have already lost the battleground state before the votes have even been counted’, Daily Mail, Nov. 2, 2020, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8908101/Pennsylvania-Democrat-AG-sparks-outrage-sayingTrump-lost-win-state-election.html

[59] Center for Tech and Civic Life’s (CTCL) grants to election agencies, 2020, Ballotpedia, https:// ballotpedia.org/Center_for_Tech_and_Civic_Life’s_(CTCL)_grants_to_election_agencies,_2020

[60] John Finnerty, ’GOP lawmakers question private donations to counties ahead of election’, CNHI News, April 9, 2021, https://www.cnhinews.com/pennsylvania/article_9b907b80-996f-11ebad35-5b6772815c14.html

[61] Bradley Vasoli, ’It’s a Felony:’ A New Lawsuit, with Video Evidence, Alleges Delaware County, Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroyed Voting Records’, the Ohio Star, Nov. 18, 2021, https:// theohiostar.com/news/its-a-felony-a-new-lawsuit-with-video-evidence-alleges-delaware-countypennsylvania-election-officials-destroyed-voting-records/bvasoli/2021/11/18/

[62] ‘Delaware County Awarded $2.2 Million Grant for Safe Elections’, Aug. 19, 2020, https://delcopa.gov/ publicrelations/releases/2020/safeelectionsgrant.html

[63] ‘How They Did It — True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on The Charlie Kirk Show’, Rumble, 2022, https://rumble.com/v10ajh2-how-the-did-it-true-the-votes-catherine-engelbrechtand-gregg-phillips-on-t.html

[64] ‘Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline’, Verity Vote, 2022, https://verityvote.us/long-withheld-records-reveal-more-than-20000-mail-ballotsreceived-after-the-legal-deadline/

[65] Arizona House of Representatives Municipal Oversight & Elections, Feb. 1, 2023, https:// www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?eventID=2023021006

[66] Declaration of Shelby Busch, Aug. 30, 2023

[67] Ibid.

[68] ‘Maricopa Dropbox Chain of Custody’, Verity Vote, 2022, https://verityvote.us/maricopa-dropboxchain-of-custody/

[69] Ibid.

[70] ‘LIVE: Presentation of Maricopa County, Arizona, election audit’, YouTube, Sept. 24, 2021, https:// www.youtube.com/live/AazyTCJ9wrM?si=T8TZLLD-NmNkAZNq&t=3560, 59:20

[71] House holds contentious hearing on results of the Arizona election audit, YouTube, Oct. 8, 2021, https://youtu.be/hO_0fGFQ50I?si=TBp6JqZI4cuavWmS&t=9273, 2:34:33

[72] ‘The Fish Tail in Pima County. Analysis of Mail-In Ballots Pima County, Arizona’, 2021, https:// vashiva.com/the-fish-tail-in-pima-county-analysis-of-mail-in-ballots-pima-county-arizona/

75 Ibid.

[73] ‘The Real Story – OAN Pima County Audit with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’, Rumble, 2021, https:// rumble.com/vo04gk-the-real-story-oan-pima-county-audit-with-dr.-shiva-ayyadurai.html

[74] Ibid., 8.

[75] ‘Yuma County Women Sentenced for their Roles in Ballot Harvesting Scheme’, Oct. 14, 2022, https:// www.azag.gov/press-release/yuma-county-women-sentenced-their-roles-ballot-harvesting-scheme

[76] Declaration of Walter C. Daugherity, June 8, 2022, Case 2:22-cv-00677-JJT Document 38

[77] Tim Vetter, ’Michigan’s Voter Roll History Data Manipulation’, CheckMyVote.org, December 2023

[78] Ibid.

[79] Patrick Colbeck, FOIA Submittal Dec. 16, 2021 and screenshots

[80] Jordan Boyd, ’Michigan Democrat Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official’, The Federalist, Nov. 18, 2020, https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/18/michigan-democrat-doxxes-children-of-waynecounty-election-official/

[81] ‘Chair of Wayne County Board of Canvassers states her case why she didn’t certify election’, Fox 2 Detroit, Nov. 20, 2020, https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/chair-of-wayne-county-board-of-canvassersstates-her-case-why-she-didnt-certify-election

[82] Matt Finn, Twitter, Nov. 4, 2020, https://twitter.com/MattFinnFNC/status/1324084637010976769? lang=en

[83] Tresa Baldas, et al., ’Chaos erupts at TCF Center as Republican vote challengers cry foul in Detroit’, Detroit Free Press, Nov. 4, 2020, https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/11/04/tcfcenter-challengers-detroit-michigan/6164715002/

[84] Jim Hoft, Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline’, The Gateway Pundit, Feb. 5, 2021, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/exclusive-tcf-center-election-fraud-newly-recoveredvideo-shows-late-night-deliveries-tens-thousands-illegal-ballots-michigan-arena/

[85] ‘Report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan’, Michigan House Oversight Committee, https:// committees.senate.michigan.gov/testimony/2021-2022/

Senate%20Committee%20on%20Oversight%20Report%20on%20the%20November%202020%20Ele ction%20in%20Michigan,%20adopted.pdf

[86] Natalia Mittelstadt and John Solomon, ‘Zuckerberg group gave Detroit $7.4 million to ‘dramatically’ expand vote in city key to Biden win’, Just the News, April 10, 2021, https://justthenews.com/politicspolicy/elections/zuckerbergs-group-gave-whopping-74-million-detroit-expand-voting-city-key

[87] Jim Hoft, ’SHOCKING VIDEO! Via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit — 13 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage of Ballot Trafficking in Detroit, Michigan – Including Postal Workers!’, The Gateway Pundit, Sept. 6, 2022, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/shocking-video-via-mc4ei-gateway-pundit-13minutes-never-seen-footage-ballot-trafficking-detroit-michigan/

[88] Patty McMurray, ’DETROIT: The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up Release Stunning Footage Of Woman Signing Multiple Ballots Before Dropping Them Into Absentee Ballot Dropbox’, The Gateway Pundit, April 20, 2022, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/detroit-gateway-pundit-100percent-fed-release-stunning-footage-woman-signing-multiple-ballots-dropping-absentee-ballotdropbox/

[89] Beth LeBlanc, ’Judge rules Benson’s ballot signature verification guidance “invalid”‘, The Detroit News, March 15, 2021, https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2021/03/15/judge-rulessecretary-state-bensons-ballot-signature-verification-guidance-invalid/4699927001/

[90] Cassidy Johncox, ’Few Michigan absentee ballots rejected amid record voter turnout in 2020 election’, Click On Detroit, Dec. 2, 2020, https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/michigan/2020/12/02/ few-michigan-absentee-ballots-rejected-amid-record-voter-turnout-in-2020-election/

[91] Steven Kovac, ’Michigan Secretary of State Becomes a Six-Time Loser in Election Administration Lawsuits’, Epoch Times, Nov. 7, 2023, https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/michigan-secretary-of-statebecomes-a-six-time-loser-in-election-administration-lawsuits-5525132

[92] Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray, ’Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States’, The Gateway Pundit, Aug. 8, 2023, https:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/now-we-have-proof-tgp-exclusive-massive-2020/

[93] Jim Hoft, ’BREAKING! MI AG Dana Nessel CONFIRMS 8,000 to 10,000 Suspected Fraudulent Registrations Delivered to Muskegon Clerk October 2020, as Noted in MI State Police Report She Buried from Public’, The Gateway Pundit, Aug. 11, 2023, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/ breaking-mi-ag-dana-nessel-confirms-8000-10000/

[94] Ibid.

[95] Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray, ‘HERE’S THE PROOF: The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan – Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election’, The Gateway Pundit, Aug. 24, 2023, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/hereare-photos-fbi-attorney-general-nessel-hid/

[96] ‘Former WH Official Andrew Kloster CONFIRMS Reports Of Mass Cover-Up Of Election Fraud In Detroit’, Rumble, 2023, https://rumble.com/v368qun-former-wh-official-andrew-kloster-confirmsreports-of-mass-cover-up-of-elec.html

Tucho: A Time for Choosing? Finally?

Partial crosspost from Harvey Millican “Musings of a Trad Dad” blog:

Have you heard the one about the antipope who appointed his sodo-“friend” head of the doctrine office, made him a “cardinal”, and then scrubbed the internet of that same friend’s past pamphlet about male orgasms? Penetrating minds want to know.

Seems little Tucho just loves dabbling in hardcore filth. Today, while those of us who still care were praying that the Catholic Church be delivered of such monstrous abominations as Bergoglio and Fernández, we learned that little Tucho had some previously undiscovered writings under his belt. And you thought The Art of Healing Mouth Tongue Thing was bad enough. I guess it was lost in translation. This baby’s a real beaut’…

Then we get the joy of reading that more and more Trad Inc partisans are suddenly coming around and realizing that this clown show in Rome is what we’ve been saying they are for several years. They are criminal usurpers. Dr. TM (who never doesn’t use his academic title as a first name) questioned whether we should investigate the situation. Investigate?! Listen, man, millions of souls have already fallen on the battlefield and you want to investigate? I mean, thanks for getting your head out of your ass today but we’re beyond that stage. As the monk said when listening to the Book of Armaments, “Skip ahead a bit, brother…”

Read the rest: harveymillican.com/2024/01/08/tucho-a-time-for-choosing/

He’s not wrong

Chapter Eight of Amoris Laetitia, which teaches that God wills adultery as part of the “Magisterium” was the scales falling moment for me. That was the moment I knew Bergoglio could not be a true pope. Because Our Lord promised that nothing like this could ever come from a true pope. It took me some time, and some help, to figure out how that came to pass.

AARPfizer just told its 38 million members to “hustle” and get their EIGHTH covid jab


AARP? Or AARPfizer?

The lobbying group for older Americans just told its nearly 38 million members to “hustle” for another Covid jab, even if they have already had five boosters.

See for yourself. The following question-and-answer column ran in the organization’s December “AARP Bulletin”:

AARP is open to anyone 50 or older. The column does not specify a narrower or higher age range for its recommendation. Thus it implies that even a 50-year-old who has not already had six “Covid boosters” needs to “catch up” with another immediately.

Keep in mind that someone who has had “five Covid boosters” has actually received seven mRNA jabs – the initial two-shot primary vaccination regimen, followed by five boosters.

AARP’s unbelievably bad advice doesn’t end there. The column then goes on to tell members that “the most recent shot, which was released in September 2023, isn’t actually a booster. It’s a new vaccine that targets the latest variants.”

A what-now? A new vaccine?

Wow. Guess it must have gone through the randomized trials that are required in the United States for any new drug or vaccine. No? Let’s just call it a new vaccine anyway, since our elderly readers have gotten kinda suspicious of the failure of the Covid shots they’ve already taken…

VIDEO: Dr. Mazza destroys the notion that Bergoglio could possibly be pope

What makes this one different? Check out the manner of dialogue between Gordon and Mazza. Gone now are Gordon’s lawyerly, measured responses. Gone are the tendencies toward hypotheticals. In place of all that is a genuine search for truth and justice. But, why? What changed?

What changed is that the past three weeks have laid bare the truth, which no honest person can possibly deny, and it is no longer hidden in footnotes and doublespeak. The blessing of sodomites AS sodomites is something a true Pope simply cannot do, because a true Pope is protected by the Petrine Promises of Christ. People are finally waking up, even normies, to the realization that something is very wrong. Common Novus Ordo pewsitters are shell shocked, like Private Hudson after the Marines got ambushed in the alien nest. “This can’t be happenin’, man.”

But but but “no one can judge the pope.” How does one not understand that this principle does not apply when the challenge is to who holds the office? “Antipope” is not a title, it is a criminal act. The charge is that Bergoglio is an impostor, this entire past 11 years nothing but a deception, his entire “magisterium” fraudulent.

This video gives me such hope. Hope that millions of people will open their eyes and bear witness to the sheer VISIBILITY of this monstrous antipapacy. Hope that the laity will rise up… because it will eventually be the laity who put down this usurpation of the Petrine See. Spread the word.