From Francis’ address to Italian journalists, 22 Sept 2016, as reported HERE:
Respect for human dignity…is particularly necessary in journalism, because behind the reporting of events lie emotions and concrete lives. Recalling his description of gossip as terrorism — because people can kill with their tongues — the Pope said this was even more true in journalism because it can reach many people, “and this is a powerful weapon”. An article published today or tomorrow will be immediately replaced, Francis went on, “but the life of a person unjustly defamed could be destroyed for ever”. Journalism can and must be critical, but never become a “weapon of destruction” against individuals or entire peoples — nor stoke fears over social changes or phenomena such as migration made necessary by hunger and war. He went to call for journalism to be “a means of building up…that rejects the temptation to encourage conflict with language that blows on the fire of divisions, but rather favours the culture of encounter”.
And this, from a couple days ago:
“Prayer and concrete acts of cooperation help us to break free from the logic of conflict and to reject the rebellious attitudes of those who know only how to protest and be angry. Prayer and the desire to work together are directed towards a true peace that is not illusory…it is not the virtual approach of one who judges everything and everyone using a computer keyboard, without opening his eyes to the needs of his brothers and sisters, and dirtying his hands for those in need…Peace means Welcome, openness to dialogue, the overcoming of closed-mindedness, which is not a strategy for safety, but rather a bridge over an empty space.”
Francis in Assisi for the World Day of Prayer for Peace, 20 Sept 2016
Friends, we were never destined for Peace nor Unity in this vale of tears. It’s not that God doesn’t desire it, of course. His will is indeed for peace and unity. But man cannot abide; the world will always be at war with the truth. We are supposed to be on the side of truth, not the side of the world.
Have you noticed the name of this blog? It comes from the lips of our Lord.
I’ll explain in my next post.