Ember Saturday and the rightness of calling down the Wrath of God

Fourth Lesson
Lesson from the book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
Ecclus. 36:1-10 
Raise Your hand against the heathen, that they may realize Your power. As You have used us to show them Your holiness, so now use them to show us Your glory. Thus they will know, as we know, that there is no God but You, O Lord. Give new signs and work new wonders; show forth the splendor of Your right hand and arm; rouse Your anger, pour out wrath, humble the enemy, scatter the foe. Hasten the day, bring on the time; that they may declare Your wonderful works, O Lord, our God.
Pour out wrath.
Humble the enemy.
Scatter the foe.
There are five Lessons before the Epistle on Ember Saturday in Lent. They are traditionally used as an ordination sequence, and often omitted (except for the first) when ordinations are not conferred. That’s a shame. Okay, I groaned a little when the priest came out and announced he was doing the long form this morning. I had things to do, errands, some work work. Taxes. A neglected blog. It’s always in these situations that we get hit right between the eyes.
The fourth lesson comes after we’ve already heard in earlier lessons about the absolute sanctity of the Commandments (and our duty and ability to keep them), the value of sacrifice, and the glory of God. Now we arrive at prayers to destroy our enemies. How unFrancismercy, eh? no?
Of course these prayers are at the same time prayers for conversion… both for us and our enemies. We all need prayers, right? But there is a difference between those who know and acknowledge their need for a Savior, and those who in their obstinance refuse to do so. God doesn’t will Hell for anyone, but He respects the free will of those who choose the path to enter there.
I’ve been contemplating (meaning, I know I need to do it, but I’m being lazy and putting it off) starting the old breviary, with all the lost prayers for protection and wrath which have been removed from the new “liturgy of the hours.” Only God knows how many spiritual battles have been lost because of this.
Online breviary HERE
Three volume hardbound HERE

Nothing like a little Lenten retreat to plan something wicked. Start Praying.

“Collaborators” is not a word normally associated with being on retreat. Even if it is not a silent retreat, it’s still a strange word, because it suggests the creation of something new. Such is normally the end product of a collaboration. It also suggests a closed group working together toward a desired result. It is strongly horizontal language, which seems at odds with what should be a transcendent  experience.
I checked the Italian handle to see if maybe it was a translation er….. nope.

So should we start girding ourselves for some further development of nuChurch next weekend? The Second Sunday of Lent is the Transfiguration. Perhaps a little faux nouveau dogme? “See, I wear white, just like Jesus! I get to deny His true words and replace them with my own.”
Here are some visuals that “collaboration” brings to mind. I can’t help it.
The Godfather

“Class is a bearing, a mode of conduct, not a resume, not a designer label, and certainly not a net worth.”

Well, this is exactly correct. This is Miss Barnhardt bringing the Truth HERE.  The corollary in the moral realm is that one’s character is demonstrated not by how he perceives himself, or even how he is perceived by others, but rather by his actions. By choices. In fact, your choices don’t just demonstrate your character, your choices ARE your character. They are the very substance of it.
Notice her use of the word “bearing”.  This is usually used in a military sense in terms of situational awareness and operational tactics. And trust me, those aspects do apply here. But in the socioeconomic realm it’s also a mixture of preparedness, comportment, and demeanor. Understand the differences between these words, and how they come together to form your bearing – or lack thereof.  If you don’t think this is important, you don’t know what you don’t know.

“…“periphery” is anyone outside of the Boston-New-York-Washington DC metroplex, and the San Francisco-Los Angels corridor, having any say in anything.  Like, VOTING.  Look at a county-by-county red/blue map of the U.S. It is staggering.”

Yes, it is staggering.  I’ve used this map in at least two previous posts, and I can’t get enough of it. There are so many things to be said. But what we’re addressing here are the “elites”, and what they think about you.

“…their hatred isn’t just for Trump personally.  It is for anyone that they perceive to be “beneath them” – not of the Ivy League law school coastal elite.”

If you’ve never lived in one of the blue areas, I’m not even sure I can adequately explain this to you. But you really do need to understand the mindset of the typical Californian, and how far down the rabbit hole the ideology has taken them. You really do need to understand the Ivy League mentality, and how cultural Marxism has so altered the wiring in their brains, they are incapable of rational thought/discourse. You really do need to understand that the island of Manhattan might as well be the ocean on Solaris – the more you attempt to communicate with it, the more it tortures you (read the book please, the movies are garbage).
They view you as sub-human, and you are vomitous to them. Your existence is a burden. See where this is going? Oh, and here is something you might find funny.  They think you all want to be like them. This is no joke – I’ve walked amongst them. They know that when we use the term “elite” we mean it as a pejorative, but they think that it’s borne out of jealously not contempt. They think we view them as they view themselves. Such is the thickness of the bubble. They think all the red counties are actually jealous of the blue counties, and wish they were blue too. Which of course means the blues should do everything they can, for the sake of the common good, you know, to force the reds into blues. It’s for our own good, they say.

“And the truth is, they’re all trash, and deep down, they know it.  Class is a bearing, a mode of conduct, not a resume, not a designer label, and certainly not a net worth.”

Amen, sister.

The preferential option for the fornicating

Just so I’m clear, if having a preference for fornication is a reason to be welcomed, what about a preference for adultery? I feel like this topic has been written about somewhere else? How about a preference for sodomy? After all, wasn’t the sin of Sodom simply that the townsfolk failed to be welcoming? How about a preference for contraception, money being so tight, you know. How can we consider marriage without total financial security? And when the contraception fails, you wouldn’t mind a preference for a little abortion, would you?
Francis, how shall I instruct my three sons, all of whom are cohabitating with their girlfriends? They all intend to get married. Is that wrong? Is it wrong for me to encourage this path? Is it wrong for them to attend Mass but refrain from receiving, until they are able to fully confess their sins with firm purpose of amendment? Is it wrong for me to instruct them of the peril of their current situation? Shall I tell them to remain where they are? Shall I tell them the fiscal pressures are just too great? Shall I tell them that most people are incapable of the heroic virtue necessary to live the Gospel, and it’s just a set of “Ideals” anyway?
Get behind me, Satan. I have kids with souls to save.

On the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Francis mocks the Chair of St. Peter

This is Fake News.
It was Jesus who opened the entrance to Heaven. He entrusted St. Peter to lead the Church on earth as His Vicar, to judge the acts of men. Here, look:

“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.” Matt 16:18-19

Keys exist because locks are necessary. No locks, no keys. A ten year old understands this.

But Francis proposes to replace the three theological virtues with Ecology, Syncretism, and Pacifism. He wills to bind only these things, and loose everything else.

St. Peter, pray for us.

SSPX anonymously condemns anonymous bloggers who “seek to attain their goals through chaos”

From 16 Feb 2017 http://sspx.org/en/news-events/news/satire-new-way-combat-the-crisis

“…we cannot support this passive-aggressive and disrespectful method of “correcting” the Sovereign Pontiff. While privacy and confidentiality are not without their place, hiding behind a computer screen has, unfortunately, become an accepted method of public discource. Letters sent without signatures, anonymous emails, and posts on websites using pseudonyms are not done by men of fortitude and conviction in the truth. They are the acts of cowards, who like the mythological figure Eris, only seek to attain their goals – however noble they may be – through chaos.”

Several others have been all over this for the past few days, so I don’t have much more to say about it.  Some noted the timing as coinciding *nicely* with the recent rumors of the prelature. Mundy then refuted the anti-anonymity stance rather convincingly HERE.
Here is the one thing I’d like to add: Does anyone think we want this job? Do people think we enjoy having to do this? Do people think we are actually happy that the cardinals and bishops are so lame, that it’s left up to us to defend the faith? Up to us to defend Christ and His Church? Well guess what. I think it totally sucks. But since nobody else seems to care, it’s left to us.  You might even call it a state of necessity – something the SSPX claims to know a thing or two about.
Also, please note that ad hominem attacks are always acts of cowards. To claim that anonymous bloggers/posters/etc are the cowards, and the ones causing the chaos, is almost amusing.
On the bright side, my enemies will now most certainly move past accusing me of being more Catholic than the pope, whichever he is, to now being more Catholic than the SSPX.

Stay frosty, my friends. Bout to get mo real.

So much to talk about Rome and the Francis. I’m glad everyone else is all over it, because I just haven’t had time.
The one thing being relatively under-reported, other than by Ace, is the attempted coup of the U.S. government currently being undertaken by Deep State. If you don’t live in the states, I’m not sure what visibility you have to this. It’s bad. Trump is unable to govern due to Obama operatives still in power on the inside. This is not hyperbole.
Not sure where it’s going. More sure about where Rome is going. None of it good.
Pray, and stay frosty.

Thou shalt not obey the Commandments

Luther gave the homily again today.  It’s almost not even news anymore, but I guess we need to keep calling it out. Next time they put posters up, I hope they use the photoshopped one of Francis in the Luther pose.

“When Jesus says: ‘The Father is always at work: I, too, am always at work,’ the teachers of the law were scandalized and wanted to kill him for this. Why? Because they could not receive the things of God as a gift! Only as Justice: ‘These are the Commandments: but they are few, let’s make more. And instead of opening their heart to the gift, they hid, have sought refuge in the rigidity of the Commandments, which they had multiplied up to 500 or more … They did not know how to receive the gift – and the gift is only received with freedom – and these rigid characters were afraid of the freedom that God gives us: they were afraid of love…And that is why today we have praised the Father: ‘You are great, O Lord! I love you so much, for you have given this gift. You saved me, you created me.’ And this is the prayer of praise, the prayer of joy, the prayer that gives us the joy of the Christian life. And not the closed, sad  prayer of the person who never knew how to receive a gift because he is afraid of freedom that always carries with it a gift. Such a one knows only how to do duty, but closed duty…How do I receive the redemption, the forgiveness that God has given me, the making of me a son with His Son? Lovingly, tenderly, with freedom? Or do I hide in the rigidity of the closed Commandments, that are more and more “safe” – with emphasis on the scare-quotes – but that do not give joy, because they does not make you free.” Francis, homily, 6 Feb 2017

It’s really just Luther’s error on Justification slathered with contempt for the rigid lovers of the law who refuse to embrace the freedom of sinning boldly. AMIRITE?

“If you are a preacher of mercy, do not preach an imaginary but the true mercy. If the mercy is true, you must therefore bear the true, not an imaginary sin. God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong (sin boldly), but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world… It suffices that through God’s glory we have recognized the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day. Do you think such an exalted Lamb paid merely a small price with a meager sacrifice for our sins? Pray hard for you are quite a sinner.” Martin Luther, letter to Melanchthon