“In serving God, half-measures will not do. To all that He demands we must be true.”


After three issues of these “Comments” (July 15, 22 and 29) it is time to go to the very heart of the split between the two kinds of Catholic bishops for the future of the Catholic Church. On the one hand are those wanted by Archbishop Lefebvre for his original Society of St Pius X. On the other hand are those wanted by the Newsociety of Bishop Fellay who will have the official approval of the Newchurch of Vatican II. By the Archbishop’s policy of “No practical agreement without doctrinal agreement” he put God in front of men, God’s doctrine of the true Church in front of any false agreement with men’s Newchurch. On the contrary, the Newsociety is liable to put men in front of God by its policy of “Since we cannot have a doctrinal agreement with the Roman officials, let us have at least a practical agreement.”

Now some followers of the Newsociety may immediately object that ever since it adopted in 2012 the policy of practice before doctrine, it has not entered into any false agreement betraying true doctrine, so it is not putting men in front of God. True, the Newsociety has up till now refused any major false deal with Rome whenever Rome has insisted upon the Newsociety accepting the theory of the new religion, Vatican II, or its practice, by the New Mass. But the Newsociety has accepted since 2012 at least three minor agreements (over confessions, marriages and ordinations) which demonstrate to the world that it holds the apostates in Rome, in fact apostates from the Faith – so said the Archbishop – to be still servants of the true Faith. What message does that send to Catholics in confusion? The Romans have played skilfully.

For in fact Conciliar Rome has abandoned Catholic doctrine, it has devastated the Church ever since Vatican II, in the person of Pope Bergoglio it is deliberately destroying the Faith day by day, and it is preparing the September Synod on synodality by which to dissolve the last remaining structures of the Church of Jesus Christ. And the Newsociety? It keeps an official silence on all this demolition at work! Why? Because it wants not to offend the apostates in Rome from whom it is hoping for an official approval! Dreaming of a major approval, the Newsociety does not want, by speaking up, to throw away Rome’s three minor concessions mentioned above, by which Rome has effectively – cheaply – bought its silence. Can the Newsociety leaders not see how they have been sold a mess of pottage (Gen. XXV, 34)?

No, they do not see, because, one might fear, they want to have a comfortable life tucked away in a quiet corner of the wicked System presently governing world and Church. The Devil has deceived them that today’s Rome is not really all that bad, that the Newsociety is a normal Catholic Congregation fully deserving official recognition, that we are not in the thick of a pre-apocalyptic crisis with a divine Chastisement hanging over our heads, that the Vatican officials are our “new friends,” that “Pope Bergoglio loves us,” and so on. In other words at least the leaders of the Newsociety, if not also a number of its priests and faithful, have at least half-entered into the lala-land of modern man, which is enough for their Catholic salt to have lost its savour. In fact they have not had enough faith, not enough love of the Truth (II Thess. II, 10), to take the true measure of what is going on around them. St Thomas More might have said of them what he said of the English churchmen responsible for the collapse of the Catholic Church in England in his time: “They were not praying enough.”

Readers, Catholic or non-catholic, the situation is urgent beyond words. Pray for Our Lord to give us Catholic bishops with a real love of the Truth; with a strong faith to see how corrupt is the System being constructed by the Devil and his agents all around us; with no desire to even half-enter into the lala-land; with no inclination to keep silent when millions and millions of souls are being swept towards eternal damnation, but with a readiness to die like St Thomas More, if necessary, for the greater glory of God.

Pray through His Mother. Pray the Rosary. Pray 15 Mysteries a day. And God will bless you.

Kyrie eleison.



Biden DOJ levels $1MM civil penalty against company that recommended Vitamin D and Zinc vs covid

Permanent Injunctions and Judgment of Over $1 Million in Civil Penalties Entered in Case of Deceptive Marketing of Purported COVID-19 Treatments

(this is from DOJ’s own website, link at the end)

Thursday, August 3, 2023 For Immediate Release Office of Public Affairs

Nutritional supplement company Quickwork LLC and one of its managers, Eric Anthony Nepute, have agreed to injunctions and to pay civil penalties to resolve a lawsuit alleging they deceptively marketed vitamin supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic, in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act. The resolution of this lawsuit follows an order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri on July 19…

In a complaint filed on April 15, 2021, the government alleged that the defendants made misleading and unsubstantiated advertising claims that their Vitamin D and Zinc supplements could be used to treat or prevent COVID-19, and in fact provide equal or better protection against COVID-19 than the available COVID-19 vaccines. The complaint also alleged that the defendants had mischaracterized the results of scientific studies to support some of their claims.

Quickwork agreed to an injunction and a $1 million civil penalty…On July 19, the court granted partial summary judgment against Nepute, finding that there was no reasonable basis in the record to support claims that Zinc can treat or prevent COVID-19, or that Vitamin D or Zinc provide equal or better protection against COVID-19 than the available COVID-19 vaccines. In an order entered on Aug. 2, Nepute agreed to an injunction and to pay $80,000 in civil penalties.

“Consumers have a right to receive truthful information when deciding whether to purchase products,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “This is especially important when claims about those products could affect how consumers seek to protect themselves during a pandemic.”


Video: Dr. Mazza on Fatima, demons, aliens

I HIGHLY recommend this video to you. The talk by Dr. Mazza lasts one hour, followed by nearly an hour of Q&A, which is also highly recommended. Timestamps are below. Be sure not to miss the discussion around 33:40 concerning recent UFO/UAP reports of ultra-sonic travel with no sonic boom nor any heat signature/exhaust/propulsion. Folks, anything physical must obey the laws of physics, which are the same everywhere in the universe. No amount of “intelligence” can overcome these laws. If some “thing” is violating those laws, said “thing” is not physical.

⬇Timestamps Below ⬇
Email group@fatimasouls.com for video questions/comments

0:00:00 – Intro

0:00:40 – George recommends Dr. Mazza’s Book “The Third Secret of Fatima & The Synodal Church: VOL. I Pope Benedict’s Resignation”

0:01:30 – George mentions Dr. Mazza’s classes on his website, edmundmazza.com

0:02:15 – Today (July 13, 2023) is the 106th anniversary of the third apparition of Our Lady of Fatima (when the children saw the vision of Hell).

0:03:00 – Opening prayer

0:03:30 – Dr. Mazza begins. “We’ll begin with Hell so we don’t end up there.” – Fr. Corapi. He talks about vision of Hell and the explanation Our Lady provided: “You have just seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart.” Over the last 106 years, the popes, cardinals, bishops, and priests have failed to heed Her request.

0:05:50 – Dr Mazza: Tonight I will be speaking about aliens, angels, and demons, because it is not merely the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima warning us about Hell – about demons – but this month is the 50th anniversary of the 1st apparition of Our Lady of Akita to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in Japan, and also this month is the 24th anniversary of the death of Fr. Malachi Martin (he died at the end of July 1999).

0:06:50 – Dr. Mazza gives a preview about the topic of Fr. Martin.

0:07:40 – We are in the worst period in church history, and we don’t have the time to wait for this to be fixed on its own. We must consider the messages from Our Lady at Fatima and Akita, which explain the problem and solution.

0:14:30 – On the Third Secret of Fatima. In Sr. Lucia’s final public interview with Fr. Fuentes, she said “the devil is in a mood for engaging Our Lady in a final battle. He knows his time is short, and he wants to drag as many souls to Hell as possible.” Although the third secret has been concealed, we can glimpse the contents through clues. The message is clear: Satan will infiltrate the Church at the highest levels.

0:17:30 – We can see some evidence of this infiltration now, such as in the “Synod on Synodality” coming in October, and those who are involved in it. A “new church” shall be created, guided by a spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

0:18:10 – It’s important for us to understand where are in the trajectory of history: We’re not at the very beginning, when seeds were sown for infiltration & evil; rather, we’re at the very end, when God is about to bring His Hand down to end this, mercifully. Because the Church was sabotaged, society was also sabotaged. The “New Church” (Synodal Church) is cooperating with the forces of Freemasonry, Marxism, to cooperate completely with the Agenda 2030, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and Davos leadership, who are meeting right now in Sun Valley, Idaho, which is modeled on Davos, Switzerland.

0:19:55 – Dr. Mazza gives some literature references, starting with Dietrich von Hildebrand’s books “The Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained (Franciscan Herald Press, 1967)” and “The Devastated Vineyard”.

0:20:50 – Dr. Mazza mentions a short book by the Bishop of Regensburg, see: http://salvemariaregina.info/SalveMariaRegina/SMR-148/Graber1.htm

0:21:30 – Dr. Mazza mentions the book “The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization” (Msgr. George F. Dillon)

0:22:30 – Dr. Mazza recaps the story of Our Lady of La Salette, and the Secrets therein, including “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.

0:24:00 – The secrets of La Sallette, Fatima, and Akita, all come together to confirm the signs that we’re seeing all around us. Because we are in the later stages of the devil’s final battle, we are deep in psychological operations being perpetuated by leaders all over the world, which makes it hard to know what is the truth.

0:24:40 – Dr. Mazza references the book by Fr. Kramer, “The Devil’s Final Battle.”

0:26:10 – Dr. Mazza concludes the introduction and transitions to the first topic, Aliens.

0:27:50 – He starts by quoting a statement from Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett on the UAP/UFO footage.

0:30:30 – Dr. Mazza take on the news about aliens/UFO/UAP’s

0:31:45 – There are cases of UFO’s traveling at velocities >5,000 MPH, with no sonic boom, extreme heat, or debris at crash sites.

0:33:40 – Per astrophysicist Hugh Ross, because these craft don’t obey the laws of physics, they can’t be physical. This rules out the possibility of extraterrestrial life, because they don’t obey the laws of our universe. See also: Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2002.

0:36:00 – Dr. Ross interviewed many UFO enthusiasts who experienced an alien abduction, in every case those experiences only happened to people who were “deep into the occult,” and when they stop practicing the occult, they lose contact with the “aliens.”

0:38:20 – In every case of these encounters, the experiences are never good. On the other hand, when we consider encounters with angels, although there is an initial shock, the experiences are not bad.

0:40:00 – The mildest interaction the alien victims have, at a minimum, nightmares, and at worst, death. When we consider these encounters, they must be from Lucifer.

0:40:40 – “Messages” are sometimes received from aliens, which is supposed to be a revelation to us humans. 1/3 of these books deny Christ is God. St. John says in the New Testament: “Whoever denies Christ, is the Antichrist.”

0:42:00 – We have been setup to believe that this is all real, to prepare us for “disclosure.” It’s part of a psyop, to prepare us for the new religion.

0:43:20 – Archbishop Vigano said words to the effect of: “I don’t know who Jorge Bergoglio thinks he is the Pope of, but it’s not the Catholic Church. He is the false prophet forerunner of the Antichrist.” See: https://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-33-2023-wed-jan-25-vigano/

0:43:50 – He transitions to the topic of the 60th anniversary of the enthronement of the fallen angel Lucifer in the Vatican, per the Windswept house novel from 1997. There was an article in the Remnant by Fr. Brian Harrison who knew Fr. Martin. See: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/5379-the-1963-vatican-enthronement-of-lucifer-a-windswept-house-update

0:45:00 – In 1972, Pope Paul VI said “from some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered into the sanctuary of God.”

0:46:00 – On October 13, 1977, the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun, Pope Paul VI said “the tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world.” (Referencing the Book of Revelation, c. XII). He went on to say “the darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic church, even to it’s summit. Apostasy, the loss of faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church.” This was reported on the following day – Oct. 14, 1977 – in the Milan-based daily Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

0:48:50 – Fr. Gabriel Amorth said to Vanity Fair: “Today Satan rules the world. The masses no longer believe in God. And yes, Satan is in the Vatican.”

0:49:50 – On June 24, 1963, there was a conclave following the death of Pope John XXIII. Cardinal Montini was chosen as pope, to be enthroned on June 29, 1963. On July 1st, 1963, there was a “black mass” (on the Feast of the Most Precious Blood), in the Pauline Chapel of the Vatican. At the same time, in Greenville, SC, another “black mass” was also held. (Per Fr. Harrison’s testimony). It’s no secret that Joseph Bernadine, who was the head of the USCCB, is alleged to have participated in the Greenville black mass. What happened exactly 60 years later? Bergoglio and the Vatican announced that Archbishop Fernandez will be the new head of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (thunder lips, who wrote the infamous book almost 30 years ago on kissing, called “heal me with your mouth.”)

0:56:40 – What do we see going on in the world today? The desecration of the purity of children. Human trafficking will soon exceed the value of drug trade. The sexualization of children is occurring everywhere in the world. These are all hallmarks of the devil. This June is also the 40th anniversary of the disappearance of the daughter of a Vatican employee, which became the subject of a Netflix documentary last year. Her disappearance is still unresolved, although the parents claim the Vatican is actively concealing evidence. Dr. Mazza: She might have been the victim of a satanic mass, as her disappearance coincides with the 20th anniversary of the original “enthronement of Satan,” and such activities require the sacrifice of a virgin.

0:59:20 – From 2002-2004, the Pauline chapel at the Vatican was refurbished per order of John Paul II. According to Fr. Harrison & Fr. Martin, the truth of what happened there did come out, due to one of those involved repenting. The chapel may have been reconsecrated secretly during that renovation.

1:00:00 – The only way to overcome the darkness of our present era, is for a genuine Pope to consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, together with all of the Catholic bishops. We must do penance, prayer, and fasting. We must live as if we’re not going to see tomorrow.

1:03:00 – Our Lord told Sr. Lucia in 1931 that He was upset the consecration hadn’t happened yet (in the 2 years since the request). He said: “Make it known to My ministers that by delaying the execution of My command, they would follow the example of the king of France into misfortune.” (Referring to King Louis XVI’s beheading and loss of power, 100 years to the day after the Sacred Heart of Jesus requested consecration to His Sacred Heart). If we’re following the example of the King of France, per Our Lord’s message, then perhaps there’s something to “Agenda 2030.”

1:05:15 – Dr. Mazza plugs his course, “Mary, Destroyer of Heresy,” starting August 15. St. Louis de Montfort said: In the end times, Jesus would come to us the same way He came to us the 1st time: Through Our Lady. We should consecrate ourselves to Our Lady.

1:07:00 – Question: “Don’t you think the Vatican has been the Seat of the Antichrist for a long time?  After all, Pius IX registered in a Masonic Lodge on Aug 15th 1837.”

1:07:30 – Question: “Didn’t E Michael Jones expose Fr Malachi Martin as an agent for the Jews at Vatican II regarding the promotion of Nostrae Atate?” Dr. Mazza plugs his book, “The Scholastics and the Jews: Coexistence, Conversion, and the Medieval Origins of Tolerance”

1:08:20 – Question: “Isn’t the “apparition” of Our Lady of Akita dubious?  Should we not stick to the absolutely clear history of Fatima?”

1:09:00 – Question: “Does not the 3rd Secret tell us that the Novus Ordo is the Abomination of Desolation and that the reign of Antichrist is nigh.” Dr. Mazza references Fr. Kramer.

1:10:00 – Question: “The Holy Face Devotion is an excellent novena to make reparation for the sins of mankind!!  Apparently very effective against communism. I highly recommend this novena.”

1:11:00 – Question: “What are your thoughts on the idea that there is the real St Lucy the seer and then new St Lucy?”

1:11:40 – Question: “Would the Pope chosen by cardinals named by Bergoglio be valid?”

1:12:20 – Question: “To your knowledge have the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches been left alone by the Vatican’s modernism and if so, do you think they will soon be attacked to change?”

1:13:00 – Question: “What happened to the boomer generation that so many believe in UFO’s?”

1:14:20 – Question: “Didn’t pope Pious XI on Oct 31 1942 consecrate world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa”

1:16:20 – Question: “On 13 November 1964, 16 months after “”The Enthronement””, Pope Paul VI breaking with tradition, donated his Papal Tiara to the poor at a ceremony at St. Peter’s Basilica, making him the last pope to wear the ceremonial crown and the first pope to abandon the Papal Tiara. Any thoughts on that?”

1:18:00 – Question: “How can the next choosing of the Pope be valid if many of the current cardinals are heretics themselves?”

1:18:30 – Statement by George: “Regarding Pope Benedict XVI, his understanding of the papacy was in error, and per Dr. Mazza’s book, the matter concerning the the papacy centers on the resignation.”

1:22:00 – Dr. Mazza expands on the the topic of his book, concerning Benedict’s resignation.

1:38:00 – Question: “Can you touch on any references to alien/entity disclosure in revelation (private or biblical)?”

1:47:20 – Question: “What is the significance of Bergoglio rejecting the title “Vicar of Christ?””

1:50:30 – Question: “What are the huge numbers of stars and planets for, if not for life?”

1:54:15 – Question: “St Francis of Assisi made the prophecy of a “”pope not canonically elected”” do you think this refers to Bergoglio? personally I think so, and I think it is God’s way of shining a light on this prophecy since Bergoglio took the name Francis.”

1:57:45 – Question: “Should we not be basing our opinions concerning the Papacy on the root and foundation of Divine revelation and not canon law?”

1:58:50 – Question: “Do you believe we are entering the 6th Age of the Church as explained by the Ven. Father Bartholomew Holzhauser”

1:59:30 – Question: “How can a young man become a Catholic Priest who exclusively does the traditional sacraments of the Catholic Church while still being a truthful man of integrity during his formation (being transparent about his intentions all the way through)?”

2:03:30 – Question: “Was Bugnini a Freemason?” Dr. Mazza references the book “Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry Kindle Edition by Charles Theodore Murr”

2:05:30 – Question: “Regarding a priest which celebrates the Novus Ordo and the TLM, how do you square that?”

2:05:16 – Question: “Since Bugnini was Freemason, then is it correct to say that the Novus Ordo was conceived with malice aforethought?”

2:08:20 – George gives closing statement, encouraging people to buy copies of Dr. Mazza’s Book “The Third Secret of Fatima & The Synodal Church: VOL. I Pope Benedict’s Resignation,” and giving it to clergy.

2:12:50 – Closing prayer.

Girl who detransitioned tells her story to try to warn other children, gets age-restricted censored on YouTube

Daily Signal has the story:

“Prisha Mosley spoke to the Independent Women’s Forum’s Kelsey Bolar, also a contributor to The Daily Signal, in December 2022 about the traumatic events that led her to take testosterone injections and undergo a double mastectomy, then to ultimately detransition back to living as a woman. Since then, Mosley has filed a lawsuit accusing the doctors and medical professionals who transitioned her of medical malpractice and of using “unfair and deceptive trade practices,” causing her years of both psychological and physical pain.”

I implore you to watch her short video.

The video won’t play here, you will need to click through to watch it. Why? Because we live in a society where it is okay to sexually mutilate children, and glorify it on YouTube for all to see, but a detrans girl is censored for “sensitive content.”

Be warned, she is very likable, and her story will break your heart.