This will never, ever, end, until the double and triple vaxxed admit they made a mistake and demand accountability. Or, just stop playing along. To the citizens of blue-wrecked cities with vaccine mandates to get a bite to eat, or go to the gym, even though the vaccines don’t work, when are you going to do something about this?
Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on Thursday said the efficacy of boosters against Covid-19 will likely decline over time, and people may need a fourth shot in the fall to increase their protection…
Bancel said the efficacy of boosters will probably decline over the course of several months, similar to what happened with the first two doses. The Moderna chief was interviewed by Goldman Sachs during the investment bank’s health-care CEO conference.
“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said, referring to the strength of the booster shots.
Yes, the “insurrection” WAS coordinated, but NOT by MAGA grandmas with cell phones…
Motives, and more video: Inviting, aiding and abetting the staged faux breach of the Capitol
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Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told federal law enforcement to stand down just one day before…
“To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to, and consultation with, MPD if such plans are underway,” Bowser wrote in a letter to acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, and Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy.
According to Mayor Bowser, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department in coordination with the U.S. Park Police, Capitol Police, and Secret Service were well-equipped to handle whatever problems could come up during the Trump rallies planned for Wednesday.
“The District of Columbia Government has not requested personnel from any other federal law enforcement agencies,” she continued. “To avoid confusion, we ask that any request for additional assistance be coordinated using the same process and procedures.”
That last part is very interesting, when you consider that the police forces under the control of Mayor Bowser are the ones who opened the barricades and eventually OPENED THE DOORS and invited the protesters inside. Once inside, they were pretty much allowed to go anywhere they wanted for the next four hours, the only exception being Ashli Babbitt, whom they murdered. Those four hours were broadcast in pictures and video into every home in America, with every pearl-clutching Marxist journalisp seething with faux rage… in reality, they were loving it.
BTW, is it really criminal trespass or unlawful entry if you get invited in?
I will get back to Mayor Bowser in a moment, but first, let’s check out some more evidence. Always examine the evidence, folks. At the very beginning of this video, you can see police holding a line perhaps 50 meters from the door about to be opened. Which means that after allowing a select number of protesters to approach, they re-established some sort of perimeter. Once the doors are opened, you will see cops lining the entrance hall, like a receiving line. As they start to ascend the stairs, you see a lone man descending, and then a larger crowd in the rotunda, which means other doors had already been opened ahead of this one. One of the ubiquitous photographers of this staged event appears at the 0:50 mark.
Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside.
Mayor Bowser implies in her letter that she was expecting protesters in full kit with AR-15s, such that they would be indistinguishable from Fed LEO, and she uses this intel to ask federal law enforcement to fully stand down to avoid “confusion” on the ground. Then she issues ROEs to officers under her control whereby said officers would allow or even assist the protesters in gaining access to the Capital.
Is this sinking in? Do you understand what it means?
First of all, it means that the whole thing was orchestrated and the desired outcomes were (mostly) achieved: Global spectacle of “chaos” inside the Capital with Trump to blame, “democracy on the brink” due to MAGA “insurrectionists,” and hard evidence of voter fraud and illegal election tampering completely suppressed, never to see the light of day, ever. Biden stolen victory certified, nearly uncontested. Trump out.
But wait, there’s more. Perhaps one of the objectives was not achieved. After all, the protesters ended up being unarmed and mostly peaceful, which was unexpected. What if the protesters really had shown up with long guns, as expected or desired… did Mayor Bowser and her handlers ultimately want to see a firefight/executions carried out inside the House and Senate chambers, so they made sure to provide the necessary aid to the enemy, in the form of standing down the three-letter agencies and issuing neutered ROEs to their own boots on the ground?
“The journey of life and faith demands a deep desire and inner zeal. Sometimes we live in a spirit of a “parking lot”; we stay parked, without the impulse of desire that carries us forward. We do well to ask: where are we on our journey of faith? Have we been stuck all too long, nestled inside a conventional, external and formal religiosity that no longer warms our hearts and changes our lives? Do our words and our liturgies ignite in people’s hearts a desire to move towards God, or are they a “dead language” that speaks only of itself and to itself? It is sad when a community of believers loses its desire and is content with “maintenance” rather than allowing itself to be startled by Jesus and by the explosive and unsettling joy of the Gospel. It is sad when a priest has closed the door of desire, sad to fall into clerical functionalism, very sad.”
All of the deep fakeness was made public, because the biggest thrill is in making it visible and getting away with it. Watch closely. Put the pieces together. Cheers.
DC Mayor Told Federal Law Enforcement To Stand Down Day Before “Breach”
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There was no “breach.” They were invited in. Orchestrated.
Viral video appears to show a US Capitol Police Officer waving protesters past barricade at complex Wednesday.— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 7, 2021
Step right this way! Party’s just about to get started. Everyone’s invited.
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told federal law enforcement to stand down just one day before…“To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to, and consultation with, MPD if such plans are underway,” Bowser wrote in a letter to acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, and Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy.
According to Bowser, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department in coordination with the U.S. Park Police, Capitol Police, and Secret Sevice were well-equipped to handle whatever problems could come up during the Trump rallies planned for Wednesday. “The District of Columbia Government has not requested personnel from any other federal law enforcement agencies,” she continued. “To avoid confusion, we ask that any request for additional assistance be coordinated using the same process and procedures.”
That was my reaction on the night of January 6, 2021. And what unfolded in the succeeding days was incredible. They had to bury the steal, so the deep state threw themselves a fake insurrection. I will be re-posting several posts with videos showing the orchestrated soft false flag.
The question I’m left with tonight: How is it that a crowd armed with flags and cellphones can seize control of the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress? Easily, with almost no resistance, save for the girl shot in the neck?
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Were police with tactical gear and long guns overtaken, or were the protesters told they would be allowed access? Indeed, were they invited inside?
Watch the first five seconds of this over and over:
Let’s have a closer look at that graphic, which measures vaccine effectiveness (VE) over time:
Do you see how after 91 days, the effectiveness against Omicron drops way below zero? How can a vaccine impart worse than zero effectiveness? Why would a vaccine make you MORE LIKELY to get covid?
Is “Negative Immunity” the new hawtness?
Have a look at the full paper. They try to explain it away as behavioral, but in a way that is the inverse of reality: “Oh you know, vaccinated people are more likely to engage in super risky behavior so that’s probably why they all got sick, okay?”
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
VAERS reached another grim milestone: 1,000,227 reports of injury following coronavirus vaccines. This is unprecedented in the history of the U.S. vaccine program.
In the 31-year history of VAERS, there are 9,248 reports of fatalities following other vaccines. Since the start of the coronavirus vaccine campaign there have been 21,002 reports of death following coronavirus vaccines.
110,609 reports of hospitalization and 10,640 heart attacks following coronavirus vaccinations are also horrifying new records.
Meanwhile CDC fixers Tom Shimabukuro and John Su spend their days working feverishly to try to make the signals go away. But the signals refuse to go away because the data is the data and millions of people are waking up to the truth that these products are dangerous.
Every day of the last two years has been heartbreaking. The only silver lining is that so many of you share the data with others and in the process bring forward the day when justice shall be done. The OpenVAERS Team 1.
Today is the Octave Day of the Nativity. Today is the day Our Lord was circumcised, a testimony of obedience to the law as an example for us. This is the subject and fruit of the Fourth Joyous Mystery. Today He receives His Holy Name in His incarnate body. We adore His nativity, His name, His face, and we reverence His glorious and immaculate Mother.