And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men, and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people; and God himself with them shall be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away. And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true. And he said to me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely. He that shall overcome shall possess these things, and I will be his God; and he shall be my son.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Timidis autem, et incredulis, et execratis, et homicidis, et fornicatoribus, et veneficis, et idolatris, et omnibus mendacibus, pars illorum erit in stagno ardenti igne et sulphure : quod est mors secunda.
Pelosi rips up SOTU on national TV
Yes, it was that good.
Iowa shenanigans beginagains
What could possibly go wrong? HERE
Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates “a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology,” is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party’s app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles.
Shadow is associated with ACRONYM, a nonprofit dedicated to “advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising and organizing programs.” Early last year, ACRONYM announced that it was acquiring an SMS tool called Groundbase and, out of Groundbase, “launching Shadow, a company focused on building the technology infrastructure needed to enable Democrats to run better, more efficient campaigns.”
Groundbase co-founders Krista Davis, who is the current Shadow CTO, and Gerard Niemira, who is the current Shadow CEO, both held senior positions with the Clinton campaign.
Did you really think they were going to let Bernie win? You remember they openly stole it from him in 2016, right? First they stole Iowa (by 0.40% of the “vote’) and then the nomination. Openly.
This is all going to get very interesting. I am dreading the malfeasance which awaits us in the general.
Happy Trifecta Feast!
The Purification, The Presentation, Candlemass (and NOW is the time to take down your tree)… Falling 40 days after Christmas, this triple feast has been celebrated at least since the Fourth Century.
Theme of the day is the Fruit of the Fourth Joyful Mystery, The Presentation: Obedience, Love of the Law. To love the law is to love God. God is the law. God is love.
Mary had no need of ritual purification, even under the customs of the time. Her perpetual virginity means, among other things, that she did not have an issue of blood (the normal symbol of uncleanliness), nor even a labor pain, thanks to her being preserved from Original Sin from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. Indeed, her act of giving birth was entirely miraculous, right down to her internal physiology, which remained that of a virgin, perfectly intact, before, during, and after the birth of Jesus. Yet she went with Joseph to Jerusalem for the ritual, OUT OF OBEDIENCE TO THE LAW. In other words, your Mother wanted to be a good example for you.
Our Lord had no need to be Presented in the Temple. This was the custom for firstborn males to be brought to the Temple as an offering to God, mirroring how the lamb and doves are offered for the purification. Then the parents would offer a “ransom” as part of the ritual, and the child would be “returned” to them. But Jesus already WAS God, so none of this was necessary. Just like He had no need to be Baptized in the Jordan. He did these things or allowed them to be carried out, OUT OF OBEDIENCE TO THE LAW, AS A GOOD EXAMPLE. Think about the paradox of God Himself practicing obedience, humility, submission, for our sake. He loves us that much.
The candles symbolize Jesus as “Light of the World.” He is “Light from Light.” Have you ever thought about that? He was the Light that existed before light, and His Light is meant to shine through us… we are to be “His Light.” Be sure not to hide it under a bushel basket.
OBEDIENCE. HUMILITY. SUBMISSION. You want to know where the path to true freedom starts? Right here. Be a good example for others, as He was for us.
Happy Feast!
The Gospel in less than 280 characters
Munich Protest: Apologies and prayers; please join me in the prayers
Towards the end of the latest Barnhardt Podcast, the topic turned to the recent Acies Ordinata protest in Munch. It was a private, invitation only gathering, organized primarily by Dr. Roberto de Mattei, and promoted via live-tweet and video by Michael Matt and The Remnant. Rorate has the English translation of an interview with de Mattei where he explains the purpose and background HERE.
My take on the event was… less than enthusiastic. I suppose my patience is wearing thin with the “recognize and resist” crowd, because the only solution to this mess is “expel and expunge.” I couldn’t understand the secrecy, and I decried the “silent” nature of the thing, because silence is a big part of the problem. I also thought it could have been much bigger, and not only in Munich. Why not have simultaneous protests in dozens of countries? It’s not like we don’t have the numbers.
As Ann is wont to do, she proceeded to school me. Start at the 1:09:00 mark HERE.
First, she explained that what is commonplace in America in terms of First Amendment protections regarding the right to peaceably assemble is not assumed at all in Europe, and one can imagine how much more that must be true of Munich. The Marienplatz is beautiful, yet haunting in its history, trust me. So pulling off the secret gathering, the mere fact that it happened, is a statement in itself. Second, she made the argument that numbers are secondary in these matters, and she had an interesting line of reasoning. This dialogue takes up the last twenty minutes of the podcast, and I rather you listen to her tell it in her own words.
Finally, I made the comment that the protest looked to me more like an excuse for a few Americans to travel to Bavaria (and hey, who doesn’t want to be in Bavaria). I was obviously taking a shot at Michael Matt, and it was wrong. I should have known it was wrong, given everything that Mr. Matt has done for Tradition. It was a cheap shot. But the point wasn’t driven home to me until he broke the story of the family crisis he is dealing with, while managing through the Munich event, as you will see below.
I offered a personal apology a few days ago via email, and I offer a public one here now. Please join me in prayers for Walter Matt and the entire family.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Remnant Editor’s Son in Serious Accident
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. A telephone call in the middle of the night. A social worker in a hospital a thousand miles away: “Your son has been in a life-threatening accident and had a traumatic amputation of his foot. He’s in emergency surgery now. No, we don’t know anything more at this time.”
Everything real—and I mean everything—screeches to a halt, as the nightmare of the surreal begins.
Remnant followers will know my son Walter’s work, even if you don’t know him personally. A communication arts major at Franciscan University, he’s been my ‘righthand man’ at Remnant TV for several years and one of my favorite people in the world for a lot longer than that.
Walter and I have walked many pilgrimages to Chartres, France together and, a few years ago, he set up the first American contingent of “tent builders”, where he and his friends devote their pilgrimage each year to building tents and helping the French set up camp for 10,000 pilgrims.
He’s in it all the way!
And now this—a distant voice on the other end of the line, telling his parents and six siblings that something terrible has happened to their brother and son.
I hung up the phone, we prayed the rosary, and waited to hear what would happen next. By sunrise, I had all but convinced myself that Walter wouldn’t make it out of surgery.
God, Our Lady, prayers, guardian angels— in the debilitating helplessness of that night, those became the only tangible realities that mattered.
The phone rang again. Walter’s sister Alexandra had driven to Pittsburgh to be with him in the hospital. “He’s going to make it, Dad. Walter’s not going to die.”
It wasn’t a miracle, but it felt like one.
And then the weird scramble began. Flights were booked and rides arranged as the family scattered in different directions to confront the crisis head-on. The little ones went to Grandma’s house. My wife took a plane to Pittsburgh to be with him. And, incredibly, I found myself on an airplane to Munich.
It seemed all wrong, but from his post-op hospital bed, my son had practically begged me to go.
We’d been scheduled to go to Germany together to cover the Acies Ordinata for Remnant TV. Change of plans. Walter had to do something else now. Another surgery to remove even more of his leg, to make it clean and eventually ready for a prosthetic. He asked me not to change the plan for his sake. “Go to Germany, Dad. We’ve both got a job to do.”
So, there I was, feeling like my insides were being torn out, in Germany when the only place I wanted to be was in a hospital room in Pittsburgh.
And then something wonderful happened. Word got out that Walter was in a bad way, and over the course of the next week the outpouring of love and prayer from the Remnant family was overwhelming.
Masses were offered for Walter by everyone from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, to Bishop Athanasius Schneider, to Walter’s boyhood pastor, Father John Echert, and so many other priests who’d learned of the accident and leapt into action.
It was truly humbling.
Priests from Franciscan came to be with my son. They were so kind to my wife, who loves her son as only a Catholic mother can, and who’d spent 12 years homeschooling him.
Father Ladis Cizik, Father David Rombold, Canons of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest in Pittsburgh came in the early morning hours to bring Holy Communion and hear my son’s confession. One of them went the extra mile for my wife: “I spoke to the doctor. Walter does not need Extreme Unction. He’s going to be okay.” Priestly charity like that is Mother Church literally taking us under her wing.
And now time is moving on. Walter is recovering. I’m with him now, in fact, in the home of one of my oldest and dearest friends, who literally turned his house into a convalescence home after Walter was released from the hospital.
I’m moved to tears by the solicitude and Christian charity shown to my son, who will learn to walk again. He has the challenge of his life ahead of him, yes, but he also has the faith to move mountains and the courage to make it happen.
But I’m just not sure he would be in this good place were it not for the tremendous outpouring of support and prayers, as well as the support of the Catholic friends with which my son is blessed at university. His tennis coach and teammates visited him in the hospital and his loyal roommates are like a troop of wonderful Catholic characters from a movie. He has the support system, in other words, that money cannot buy.
So, there it is. I write these few words at my son’s request. He wants the Remnant family to know how grateful he is to you and to God, and to assure you of his commitment to recovery and to come out the other side ready to fight harder than ever for the Catholic cause we all share.
Please keep him in your prayers and accept the gratitude of his father and mother for the kindness and support you’ve shown our family during this ordeal.
I’d also ask you to be patient with customer service at The Remnant as our family scrambles to keep this apostolate on track. With the help of my eldest daughter, Cecelia, and my faithful assistant back in the office, Tess Mullins, we’ve managed to put the January issue of The Remnant on the press just a few days late and, so my son tells me, we intend to shoot a From the Editor’s Desk RTV program remotely in a few days. So, God willing, we’ll keep The Remnant afloat even despite this bitter broadside.
Everything happens for a reason. To God be all glory and honor.
Many thanks for your prayers and patience, and may God bless you all.
Kobe and the Fourth Glorious Mystery
It doesn’t matter if you are a popular bazzilionare, with a helicopter, a private jet, multiple mansions. If you did not make certain to prepare for a well-provided death, you ain’t got jack.
I pray that everyone on board was ready.
The story is still developing. Kobe was a Philly boy, and I know grown women back home who are crying right now. It’s big news.
Get yourself right with the Lord. Repentance and penance. Use this as a teachable moment with loved ones. Stop what you’re doing right now and say a decade of the Rosary for Kobe, his family, and you and your family. The Fourth Glorious Mystery is Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Fruit of the mystery is a well provided death. Amen.
Father Z has a few words about it HERE.
A subitanea et improvisa morte, libera nos, Domine.
From a sudden and unprovided death, save us, O Lord.
Barnhardt Podcast #101: The ShutUpStupiSode
Combox is open!
Barnhardt Podcast #101: The ShutUpStupiSode
In this episode we** discuss the works and miracles of St. Raymond of Peñafort before diving into the current events surrounding the Bergoglian anti-papacy. We also talk Pope Benedict as Kantian co-author — we can’t really know if he is or he isn’t — and “Bookgate,” in which the “former” Pontiff continues to co-author books not in silence behind the Vatican walls. We also cover the Damn Dirty Liar Georg Ganswein, the doctrinal guarantee of the Visibility of the Church (reproach of 1958 sedevacantism), and the current and glaring visibility of the anti-church. Regardless of the craziness and the manifest reasons to be nervous and fear, Our Lady has foretold all that is happening and how to maintain Faith, Hope, and Charity until the end.
** Nota Bene: Mark D. substitutes for SuperNerd in this episode.
Links, reading, and video:
- St Raymond of Peñafort
- Full English translation from Diane Montagna of Abp. Ganswein’s 20 May 2016 “Expanded Petrine Office” speech at the Greg
- Abp. Ganswein claiming his own words are “Absurd”
- Last General Audience (so far) of Pope Benedict XVI (full English text)
- The Primacy of the Pope and the People of God
- Abp. Ganswein “he has not abandoned the OFFICE” from the Greg speech and mentioning the obscure 1978 Ratzinger homily on the essential nature of the papacy as a suffering servant
- Thermonuclear evidence of substantial error with Ratzinger citing the Peterson papal troika theory
- De Mattei: The real mess is the cohabitation of 2 Popes
- Michael Matt from Munich
- Bookgate: Socci on fleek
- Memo to Pope Benedict’s prison guards
- Abp. Ganswein compares Benedict’s totally totally normal resignation to the Immaculate Conception
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to
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