Wait, what? Tell me more about the qualifications for this Loser Brigade, and where do I sign up?

If anyone ever tries to tell you that Truth is a matter of public opinion, that Truth hinges on upvotes, clicks, likes, follows, or any other such nonsense, run as fast as you can. Truth is a Person, and all other truth flows from Him. He is Truth, and He created truth. He already explained to you that it wouldn’t be popular. Quite the opposite.

And yet, we are called to proclaim the truth, and to help our brethren. Fraternal Charity. Fruit of the Second Joyful Mystery. The Roman Catholic Church is the One True Religion. Pass it on.

From the Fourth Lesson of Ember Saturday in September (today):

“These then are the things, which you shall do: Speak ye truth every one to his neighbour: judge ye truth and judgment of peace in your gates. And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his friend: and love not a false oath: for all these are the things that I hate, saith the Lord.” Zacharias 8:16-17

Speak ye truth.

What if Gates of Hell stood to make billions off a mandatory vax…

The real answer to the question posed in the below headline from CSNBC is answered in second part of this post.

Why so many people are hopeful about an mRNA coronavirus vaccine

PUBLISHED FRI, SEP 25 20208:01 AM EDT UPDATED FRI, SEP 25 20208:34 AM EDT Charlotte Morabito@MORABITOCM

<video at the link, I couldn’t embed>

The whole world is watching — including investors and public health specialists — as more than 30 biotech and pharmaceutical companies race to develop a safe Covid-19 vaccine. But there’s a big question lingering over the process: How do we balance safety with speed?

The process is moving quickly with several vaccine candidates entering late stage trials in a matter of months. Pfizer and biotech Moderna are two of the companies the White House has chosen to fast track through the FDA’s regulatory process. Both companies are attempting to use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to produce their vaccines, a technology that has never before received regulatory approval.

Enter, Gates of Hell, back in March 2016: http://www.ddn-news.com/index.php?newsarticle=10450

Gates Foundation bets big on Moderna’s mRNA technology

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—A year after it attracted the largest private financing round ever for a biotechnology company, Moderna Therapuetics is receiving another major show of support for its messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $20-million grant to Moderna to advance the development of an affordable mRNA-based cocktail of antibody therapeutics… Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, tells DDNews that the Gates Foundation grant will provide support for GLP toxicology studies, preparations for clinical trials and a Phase 1 study. “We are honored that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has selected Moderna as a partner, recognizing the tremendous potential of our mRNA drug platform to address some of the world’s most widespread and urgent health concerns,” he says. The initial $20 million provided by the Gates Foundation grant could be just a fraction of a longer-term contribution. The Gates Foundation and Moderna have reached an agreement that could eventually lead to another $80 million in grants from the foundation…

CDC exposes their own criminality, posts corona mortality rates by age group: Mirror this before they take it down


The CDC conducted some actual science around corona transmissibility and mortality. They have long been on record as saying the actual spread is at least 10x the reported number of “cases,” or positive tests. Which means the mortality rate, just simple math, would be 10x lower than currently reported. Which we know is still wildly inflated by counting all deaths “with” corona as deaths “from” corona. Only 6000 people have died from corona alone. Death by motorcycle but with corona goes into the corona pile. The real number of people who died from contracting corona, who would not have otherwise died from something else these past six months, is a figure much, much lower than the 200K “official” deaths… I am a non-medical non-paid reality spokesperson.

Well, now they have published the “most likely” scenario of how dangerous the corona is, by age group. If you click on the link, the first several pages of verbiage explain the methodology and many different inputs. You should read it all. Eventually if you scroll down far enough, you will see the smoking gun.

I want you to focus on the far right column of this chart, “Current Best Estimate,” and look at the second row of data, “Infection Fatality Rate” (mortality rates among people who contract the corona, by age group).

Do you see what I see? Again, this includes all the Stage 4 cancers, strokes, kidney failures and accident victims who were suspected of corona. Now allow me to convert those “official” mortality rates into survival rates, to make it easier to understand and share, and judge for yourself if everything, especially everything related to young people, should continue to be cancelled, or, NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.

  1. 0-19 years old: 99.997% survival
  2. 20-49 years old: 99.98% survival
  3. 50-69 years old: 99.5% survival
  4. 70+ years old: 94.6% survival

And again, the real numbers are even 4x-5x better than these. Never mind that half the people over 70 who died were probably murdered in nursing homes.

Get the word out, folks. Time to end this.

Totally normal: “I’m just a soccer mom, but the death of RBG drove me to join the Satanic Temple.”

I guess this is now considered normal. Not fringe, at all. Buckle up, buttercup.

“I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times. Like so many other women in the United States, when I learned of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, my first reaction was not grief but fear. I fear that American citizens are inching closer to living in a theocracy or dictatorship and that the checks meant to prevent this from happening are close to eroding beyond repair.

“When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. And, so, I have turned to Satanism…”

Go read the whole thing. The part where she says, “oh but we don’t actually worship Satan…” um, yeah, sweetie, you are demonstrating with every breath that you worship Satan, and he’s just fine with you not knowing it. 


Insightful musings on the Psychopathy 101 seminar

Original post: https://nonvenipacem.com/2020/09/22/psychopathy-101-tell-the-lies-that-you-know-they-know-you-know-are-lies-luxuriate-in-the-getting-away-with-it/

From the combox, by JTLiuzza:

Science is a preferable god because it can be controlled, ruled. With the real God they can invoke Him when He comes in handy and ignore Him when He doesn’t. They can do that with science, too. Ask ol’ Nancy about the humanity of an unborn child and see how quickly she shifts gears from “science is a gift from God” to a narrative based on “reproductive health” or “women’s rights” or any of a number of other leftist bromides. Anything but “science.”

But finding ways to use God as a sock puppet is difficult. It’s not impossible (protestantism, Bergoglianism) bit it’s not easy. Science, on the other hand? You can make it say anything you want. It is eminently corruptible. That’s why Nancy loves it so, even though she doesn’t know a thing about it.

Trouble is the left is doing to science what it has done to all the other institutions is has infested: it makes use of the trust, honor, and respect earned by the institution over time not to advance or strengthen the institution, but to advance their political agenda at the expense of the institution.

After so m any years of “science” proclaiming that Bruce Jenner is perfectly normal and healthy, people begin to realize that real science is dead, replaced by a parasitic impostor. Another once respected institution corrupted and sucked dry by the left. Look what the modernist/mason/sodomite cabal have done to the Catholic Church over the last 60 years or so. Without Divine protection they would have buried her already.

The left is incapable of building real institutions. They’re not builders. They’re users, destroyers.

As an aside, (Nancy’s) existence points to a problem I’ve been wrestling with. She’s obviously a liar as the author correctly points out. She’s also a dim bulb. Yet, she’s speaker of the house. And she’s not just a fluke. You can run down the list of many sitting representatives and senators, throw in governors as well. A system of government that all too often reaches down to the underbelly to pluck off people to install as leaders is inherently flawed. Is it universal suffrage? yes that’s part of the problem. A corrupted educational system and institutions (see above) that ditched actual education and the sound formation of young minds long ago is par of it as well. And then throw in morality inversion, which is to say completely banish actual Christian morality and substitute your own pseudo-morality with it’s own Inquisition, heresies, and excommunication via “hate speech” laws, “non-judgmentalism,” and “cancel culture.”

Salvageable? Stranger things have happened. The seeds of destruction were necessarily included in the country’s masonic origins. Even the deists who founded the country admitted that their “experiment” would only work with a moral people. They were correct of course but it is ironic given that many of them rejected the Christianity that was the foundation of the civilization they lived in and whose fruits they enjoyed.

There can be no perfect system of men. That we know. But it can be, and has been, a whole lot better than what it is and what our children and grandchildren will inherit. That’s up to us. All of us. And it begins, as all good things do, and as all worthy projects of building that have any hope of health and stability and longevity, with God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and His Catholic Church. I could go into a Fatima thing here which is not going to go away but I’ve already done that at NVP and Mark was kind enough to publish it.

Thousands of kids sent home from college because two got sick

You can bet that all the schools kept all the money. I’m sure they’re all getting bonus fedgov corona bucks too. Perhaps one of the good things to come out of all this will be the implosion of the college tuition scam. Use your hands, kids. Learn a trade. Work for yourself instead of becoming a slave. Parents, you are sending your children to be brainwashed, and you’re going broke doing it. Stop.

http://IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog

There have now been 48,299 coronavirus cases reported at 37 universities in the United States. Of those cases there have been ONLY 2 hospitalizations. And there have been ZERO DEATHS! They couldn’t even sneak in a cancer victim into their counts because no one died!


Psychopathy 101: Tell the lies that you know they know you know are lies, luxuriate in the getting away with it

The transcript of this Nancy Pelosi video doesn’t really do it any justice. You have to watch her face, as she spews lie after lie, knowing the audience knows they’re all lies.

She says she recently attended Mass in San Francisco, and received Communion. She says she had to sign up, and there were only two spots left. When she arrived for Mass, everyone was socially distanced. It was a church that could hold 250 and there were maybe twelve people there. She received in the hand, and the priest washed his hands beforehand.

Except there are no Masses in San Francisco. None. That was the whole point of the question, where she answered by bashing the archbishop for not following “science.”

All of this is a lie. None of it happened, everybody knows it, she knows everybody knows it, and everybody knows she knows everybody knows.

Remember, the greatest thrill for a psychopath is in the “getting away with it.”

Unlettered laynothings, take note: Saint Matthew got picked to be Apostle and Evangelist

And when Jesus passed on from hence, he saw a man sitting in the custom house, named Matthew; and he saith to him: Follow me. And he rose up and followed him. And it came to pass as he was sitting at meat in the house, behold many publicans and sinners came, and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. And the Pharisees seeing it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat with publicans and sinners? But Jesus hearing it, said: They that are in health need not a physician, but they that are ill. Go then and learn what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am not come to call the just, but sinners. Matt 9:9-13

Nothing in the Gospels is accident nor happenstance.

Happy Feast of Saint Matthew!

As a tax collector, Saint Matthew would have been viewed as worst of the worst… totally hopeless and disgusting to even be in the same room. The “professional religious” of the day had their jaws hit the floor at the scene in the custom house. Lower than low, this cat. Unlettered, to say the least. Personally chosen to be a soldier for the Savior of Mankind? NOT WORTHY.

Yet he was chosen, and expectations were leveled. Not by accident.

The anti-church in ascendance is everyone’s problem. It is well past time to put on one’s big boy pants and do something about it. God doesn’t care about your station, there is a job to be done. Prayer and fasting, first and foremost, as we know that we need Supernatural intervention at this point. But also, boots on the ground. The stakes of this battle are souls, and it’s for keeps. Ask yourself every day, “What have I done to refute and remediate the errors that put souls at risk?”

Folks, it’s go time. Somebody wake up Hicks.
