Is anyone making popcorn yet?
Honestly, this is so good, you need to see it all. So I will just cut and paste the whole thing here.
Original reportage and additional links HERE.
This is an algorithmic translation directly from Antonio Socci’s public Facebook page HERE:
Reliable internal sources at the Vatican rebuild the story. The book “From the Bottom of our Hearts” is clearly of Benedict XVI and the card. Sarah (as they unequivocally demonstrate the letters between the two made notes by Sarah). Everything was decided and agreed by common agreement from the beginning.
The before – when the part in defense of the ecclesiastical celibacy was anticipated – in the Vatican the loose erupted because bergoglio was furious.
In fact that authoritative statement of Benedict xvi prevents him from sitting the ecclesiastical celibacy as he would have planned to do in the next exhortation exhortation. So he himself called mons. Gaenswein, who is secretary of Benedict XVI, but also prefect of the pontifical house of Bergoglio and – furious – ordered him to remove the name of Benedict XVI from the cover of that book (cannot expect to change the texts of the book). Bergoglio demanded a full and total rejection. This is why the first filtered news talked about sources “close to Benedict XVI” according to which benedetto had not written a four-hands book with Sarah, nor approved the cover (i.e. his signature to volume). This though was not true and Benedict XVI could not accept to say false accusing the card implicitly. Sarah to have involved him without his consent. Neither Pope Benedict had any intention of eat what he wrote in defense of celibacy in that volume.
In fact the card. Sarah immediately made notes the letters between them, which showed that the book was wanted by both, and certainly he made notes with the consent of Benedict XVI. To restore the truth.
On the other hand blessed was also found in the need to shelter his secretary from the South American ” feuds since he had received a peremptory order of Bergoglio.
This is how this compromise solution was adopted: in the editions of the book following the first the author of the book will be the card. Sarah “with the contribution of Benedict xvi”. the text of the book in any case remains equal.
With this messy compromise the court Bergogliana can tell the media that “Benedict XVI has withdrawn the signature from the book” (although it is not true) and however in fact the book remains such and which, with the signing of Sarah and the name of Benedict XVI Author of the agreed parts.
A bad story of clerical arrogance that eventually aims to gag Benedict XVI.
However, there is the question of background: if Bergoglio, in his exhortation, gives the celibacy (with the order of the “Viri Probati”) in fact he puts himself in direct contrast with the doctrine of the church reaffirmed these days by Pope Benedict XVI . So it takes responsibility for a serious and pregnant tear.Antonio Socci