This is the open warfare I spoke about a few days ago. It seems the sides will now quickly line up, and we will find out where everyone stands. You also need to figure out where you stand. Standing on the side of Christ is going to become very uncomfortable, very quickly. More on that in a minute. But first, POPCORN.
Bishop Frankiskos Papamanolis, o.f.m. cap, President of the Episcopal Conference of Greece, addressing the Four Cardinals of the Dubia letter: HERE
“Before publishing the document and, still more, before you drew it up, you ought to have presented yourself to the Holy Father Francis and requested that he remove you as members of the College of Cardinals. Further, you should not have made use of the title of “Cardinal” to give prestige to what you have written, and this on account of coherence with your conscience and to alleviate the scandal you have given by writing privately…
I, dearest brothers, am “deeply moved by the true good of your souls”, for your double most grave sin:
- the sin of heresy (and of apostasy? This, in fact, is the way schisms begin in the Church). From your document, it appears clearly that, in practice you do not believe in the supreme magisterial authority of the Pope, strengthened by two Synods of Bishops coming from the whole world. It seems that the Holy Spirit inspires only you and not the Vicar of Christ and not even the Bishops gathered in Synod.
- and also the more grave sin of scandal, given publicly to the Christian people throughout the whole world. Concerning this Jesus has said, “Woe to the man by whom scandal comes” (Mt 18:7). “It would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Mt 18:6).
Impelled by the charity of Christ, I pray for you. I ask the Lord to enlighten you to accept with simplicity of heart the magisterial teaching of the Holy Father Francis.I fear that your mental categories will find sophisticated arguments to justify your work, so as not even to consider it a sin to be subjected to the Sacrament of Penance, and that you continue to celebrate every day the Holy Mass and to receive sacrilegiously the Sacrament of the Eucharist, while you are scandalized if, in specific cases, a divorced and remarried person receives the Eucharist, and you dare to accuse the Holy Father Francis of heresy.”
Well, that’s quite the smackdown. I can picture Francis pounding his fist on the desk LOLing as he wrote read this.
Now would be a great time for all the Pollyannas to revisit and correct their assessments of Amoris Laetitia and this entire pontificate.
“Popes come and go.”
“Off the cuff comments are meaningless.”
“The document isn’t Magisterial.”
“He must have been misquoted.”
“He must have been mistranslated.”
“He must have been misunderstood.”
Guys, the middle ground is undergoing the flamethrower treatment. There is no middle ground. You are going to have to choose one side or the other.
Anyway, LiarCardinal Cupich must have felt totally outdone by the Greek bishop. All he could muster about the Four Cardinals was this:
“I think that if you begin to question the legitimacy or what is being said in such a document, do you throw into question then all the other documents that have been issued before by the other popes. So I think it’s not for the pope to respond to that, it’s a moment for anyone who has doubts to examine how they got to that position because it is a magisterial document of the Catholic Church.”
If you have doubts about the document, the problem is within yourself, see. Go examine yourself to see how you wretchedly arrived at these doubts. Then settle down and accept the heresy. Don’t worry your pretty little head.
LiarCardinal Tobin:
“The Holy Father is capturing the work of two synods, so if four cardinals say that two synods were wrong, or that somehow the Holy Father didn’t reflect what was said in those synods, I think that should be questioned. … just to simply reduce it to a ‘dubium,’ I think it is at best naive.”
No, this is a lie. Francis is not capturing the work of two synods. He rigged the synods, still couldn’t come up with the votes he needed, so then forced the provisions into AL anyway.
The third of the American Triumvirate, LiarCardinal Farrell, couldn’t manage to make a comment today. He pushed away a microphone when the questions were asked. But I’m sure we will be hearing MUCH more from him shortly, in his official new position.
On the very day that Amoris Laetitia was released, 8 April 2016, I made this comment:
“The situation cannot be hyperbolized. It is so, so, bad. It affirms, for the most stubborn Pollyanna, that +Francis was the driving force behind the absolute worst of what went down in the synods. That +Francis intends to institutionalize sacrilege, destroy three sacraments, and renounce Divine Immutability. It’s kinda serious.”
For a brilliant assessment of where we stand and what is coming, you MUST read the latest from Hilary White over at The Remnant. It is not comfortable, but you must: HERE