The excerpts I’ve seen so far reflect a psychotic detachment from reality and total lack of introspection. In other words, totally predictable. Several quotes have caught my eye, but this one really resonated:
Forget about Hillary for a second, if you can. Hopefully soon we can all forget about her forever. Focus on the dynamic of the voters. They didn’t do enough, because they didn’t think they needed to. Or they didn’t do enough because they were embarrassed by her. Either way, they thought Hillary had the election in the bag, because the fake polls had her ahead by ten points. The fake news media predicted a landslide. Somehow, the enormous crowds turning out for Trump didn’t scare them, or maybe their media just never showed them. We know for a fact the dismal turnouts for Hillary’s events weren’t televised.
Bottom line, the alternate reality crafted by the Left worked so well, it cost them the election. It’s okay to go ahead and luxuriate in that just a little bit.
I wrote about this dynamic the day after the election. HERE
I awoke 8 Nov 2016 to facebook posts of very long election lines in PA, my native place. A good sign, even in suburban Philadelphia…Then I saw the lines in the blue collar wards within Philadelphia. Very good sign. Even the unions were going for Trump. There is no early voting in PA – you must go to the polls on election day. A bright, sunny, mild election day. Deo Gratias.
In AZ, my current place, about 70% of ballots are cast via early voting. But yesterday there were widespread reports of long lines in suburban and rural places. Republican places. Good sign. AZ is typically a Red state for national elections and statewide races, but we have just enough Lefties to make things interesting sometimes. They started saying AZ was in play about two months ago, after Pussygate.
Now, I happen to live in central Phoenix, in one of the Bluer districts. Our Dem Congresswomen was re-elected with 61%. I don’t think I saw one Trump sign anywhere near my house. And interestingly, at houses full of signs for Dem candidates for all the other races, no Hillary signs. I noticed it weeks ago. For every ten houses with loads of Dem signs, maybe one had a Hillary sign.
So the big question was, what would the lines look like in my heavily Democrat district?
During the lunch hour, I decided to take a drive to check it out. Surely this would be the busiest time, other than 5:15-6pm, right?
Yeah. So I had a pretty good idea at 12:35pm where this was headed. This is what played out across America. In PA, OH, MI, WI, and FLORIDA.
Republicans showed up in droves, with great misgivings about their own candidate, but determined to stop HER. Dems were either repulsed enough to stay away, or else thought Trump didn’t have a chance.
Probably, the latter. They believed their own fake polls.
Thank you, fake news.