“I hold the proposed alteration of the Catechism to be a public act of pertinacious heresy against the Catholic Faith.”

About that Capital Punishment thing…

Let us not imagine that this is not a DE FIDE DOGMA OF THE FAITH, that must be held by all the faithful forever.
Let us not imagine that the phrase “is inadmissable” according to the “light of the Gospel” means anything else but “immoral” and “illicit” and “unjust”.
Do not be fooled by a heretic who claims his teaching, which contradicts God, is the teaching of the Church or faithful to the Gospel.

Read the rest HERE.

“The judge who fails the criminal in punishment himself incurs a greater guilt.”

If you don’t think CCC#675 is in play right now, think again. We’ve reached the point where the Vatican is attempting to deflect from the infestation of moral decay within the episcopate by publishing heresy in the Catechism. This is the Antichurch in ascendancy.
The death penalty is not unjust, it is just. It is not unmerciful, it is merciful. It is a means of repentance, forgiveness, and salvation. It forces the penitent (that’s why it’s called a ‘penitentiary’) to reflect more deeply on his sins as his time draws near, and hopefully experience a conversion. Justice demands this. Failing to dispense proportional punishment for a criminal act, is itself a criminal act. But for someone who doesn’t believe in the supernatural, doesn’t believe in the eternal life of the soul, none of this makes sense.
Anyway, I’m short on time, and Ann has already put up a bunch of proofs from Doctors or the Church and others. The title quote is from the brilliant John Senior, whom I’ve quoted many times on this site. Read it all HERE.

The coming destruction of Humanae Vitae, the rise of the sodomites, Cardinal McCarrick, and you

That headline might be the greatest argument for the Oxford Comma in the history of English Literature. LOL. Okay, sorry, let’s cut right to the chase.
If you use or support contraception, you also support sodomy, and many other things you don’t realize. This is very important, so let me repeat. If you use or support contraception, even if only within the confines of a real marriage between a man and woman, even out of good “conscience” and “responsibility”, then you must support sodomy, without exception, because to arrive at a different conclusion would be in violation of the Law of Non-contradiction. Or rather, your illogical false premise can only lead logically, rationally, and necessarily to this outcome. Once you separate and remove the procreative nature of the marital act, attempting to render it a merely unitive act, you entirely destroy its natural end, and pervert it into the realm of any other non-procreative sexual act, all of which are mortally sinful. In other words, the contracepting spouses are engaged in an act that is closer in nature to sodomy than it is to the natural marital act.
Now how much of a coincidence is it, do you think, that we just happen to be experiencing in real time, the convergence of AL, the ecclesiastical approval of adultery, the blessing of second “unions”,  even and already same-sex “unions”, the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the upcoming youth synod, and the disgusting revelations about Cardinal McCarrick, which let me assure you, there is still so much more that is going to come out. Once the brood of vipers start flipping on each other, you’re going to see pink dominoes start falling straight away, and my guess is we’re going to find, in graphic detail, levels of depravity that will make Randy Engel’s The Rite of Sodomy look like a tea party. Learn quickly and well the connection between contraception and sodomy, because everyone is going to be forced to choose a side.  With at least 95% of married Catholics choosing contraception, every one of them is going to side with the anti-church. They will go with the sodomites before they give up their contraception. Don’t be one of them.
I’m breaking this essay into two parts, because I want to address two specific areas distinctly (and because I know that 2500 words is about the limit of tolerable intake). This first post will deal with coming to grips with the intrinsic evil of contraception, and how its near universal acceptance today is one of the foremost causes of the decline and fall of western civilization. Part Two will deal specifically with what is going on in the Church in 2018, the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, and its relation to Amoris Laetitia, including how the actual words of HV were diabolically inverted in AL. The bottom line is that when HV is heretically pastoralised, the link between contraception and sodomy is going to be intentionally exploited by the heretic Marxist sodomites, using logical extrapolation. Yes, it’s ironic that the Modernists will use logic and reason when it’s to their benefit, even though they hate logic and reason.
We begin with exploring nature. What is the nature of nature? The root of nature can be found in John 1:3, “All things were made by him, and without him was made nothing that was made.” The natural law is nothing more than observing the nature of things, including things like body parts and human actions, and determining truth through deductive reasoning. Let’s take the “reproductive system”. The name itself is fairly descriptive of of the nature of it, wouldn’t you say? What is it’s purpose? What is it ordered toward? What is it to be used for? Is it not the transmission of life? Do we observe that it is the only system in the human body which is unable to complete its function without a complementary partner? If we forcefully block the very purpose of the organs, if we aren’t at least passively open to the possibility of new life, or if we engage in acts (the ends of which) by their nature cannot possibly generate new life, then we go against nature, and hence we go against God who created nature (cf John 1:3). Any use of the reproductive system whereby the transmission of life is either deliberately thwarted or made physically impossible is mortally sinful.
If you are experiencing symptoms of nausea or cognitive dissonance right about now, go back and read that last paragraph as many times as is necessary to get your head around it. Once you understand this, what becomes obvious first of all is the glaring hypocrisy of anyone who refuses to acknowledge the direct correlation between contracepted marital sex and masturbation/sodomy. Smart, well-intentioned people who are so conditioned by the perverse culture that they can’t even work out simple, rational, linear thought. Or else, they just don’t want to. A massive percentage of the overall population has been dumbed down (yes, even “smart” people can be made dumb) to the point where their brains stop working if presented with evidence that goes against long held beliefs. When confronted with a rational argument grounded in natural law, using simple linear thought, confirmation bias kicks in, and they literally short-circuit — the neurons start firing in the wrong sequence, or don’t fire at all. These people are living, breathing logical fallacies, and they do HARM to the cause.
Not to get sidetracked, but this is exactly why we have a crisis of conscience today. Properly forming your conscience, as demonstrated in the Scholastic tradition, means bringing your mind into conformity with reality through observable phenomena, objective data points, and sound reason. All of post-“Enlightenment” western society has spent the last two hundred years sprinting in the opposite direction. That is, the core tenet of Modernism is that reality should come into conformity with the mind of the individual. Which means there are multiple realities, choose any one you like or else make one up for yourself. Congratulations! You just abrogated the all three laws of rational thought, laws which are the underpinning of reality, thus destroying reality itself.  You can back up a few paragraphs to where we explored nature, and substitute the word “reality” for the word “nature” throughout that paragraph. What we are really talking about at the most basic level is the denial of reality. This leads us down the path towards other uncomfortable truths besides the contraception-sodomy connection. For example, what about so called “transgendersim”? A “transgender” person seeks to literally destroy reality, do they not? They will never succeed, of course, no matter what drugs they take or how they mutilate themselves. Their DNA will never lie, and they will always remain the biological sex they were born with. But if you accept contraception, which is intrinsically a denial of reality, then how can you oppose “transgenderism”, or for that matter any other denial of reality by any other person? You can’t.
The near universal acceptance of contraception, now considered a “human right” or “basic healthcare” in the west, has fundamentally transformed the way people think about the entire moral code. Keep in mind, this essay is only dealing with contraception between lawful husband and wife. I’m not even touching on what it has meant to the embrace of fornication and hook-up culture, abortion, Alfie Evans utilitarianism, and mass murder. Yes folks, it’s all connected – the devaluing of human life is truly the seamless garment of the culture of death.
Less than a hundred years ago, EVERYONE in Christian society understood the evil of contraception. This includes the protestant sects; even as they jettisoned nearly every other doctrine of the faith, they still managed to maintain the ban on contraception into the twentieth century. The Anglicans finally did what Anglicans are famous for doing in 1930, allowing contraception to married couples “provided that this is done in the light of Christian principles.” Yeah, they didn’t hold that foxhole for long, did they. Because once again, when people start thinking they can conform reality to their own ideas, reason is abolished, and the next thing you know, we’re on the express elevator to Hell.
A hundred years later, billions are using contraception. Not only that, but there are many, many people, surely numbered in the millions, striving to live the moral life, for whom contracepted marital sex is the very last habitual sin they have the greatest difficulty overcoming, because as just mentioned, the culture has so conditioned them to believe it just can’t be true that it’s a sin, and they haven’t even bothered to look into WHY the Church teaches what she teaches.
I know you are thinking, “For crying out loud, haven’t we already been “generous enough” with bending to God’s will? Our college savings plan is already hopelessly inadequate…is the Church going to help us with that?”
That was me, twenty years ago.
All the hard teachings have survived in only one place, the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Do your research; they didn’t survive because they aren’t discernible. You will be amazed to be able to trace every doctrine all the way back to the fathers of the Church, and learn why so many of the issues supposedly up for debate in the modern Church are actually settled doctrine and can never change. One by one, you will begin to understand – not through blind faith but by the use of reason – how and why each of your favorite sins is wrong, even contraception as being responsible, and that you can no longer claim the rules are outdated or any such thing. The truth is so beautiful, it’s impossible to deny once you’ve seen it. And although it can be found purely through reason, it takes faith to live it out. Eventually, it comes down to totally subordinating your will to God’s will.
It would be good for you to investigate some outside sources on all of this, first and foremost Aquinas.  You have a lot to learn from the Angelic Doctor regarding human nature, the nature of sin, and dissecting the gravity of various sinful behaviors in accord with whether the sin goes with nature or goes against nature. I am going to link to three articles that are very informative and will greatly help you conform your mind to reality. The link for Aquinas is HERE.. Then make sure you brush up on Natural Law and the use of reason, and where they necessarily lead HERE..  Lastly, there is much to be said for the work of Elizabeth Anscombe in this area. This link lays out several of her proofs along with other Catholic philosophers of the last century HERE.. Already knowing that less than 10% of readers will click on any of the links, nevertheless I implore you to do so.
In part two of this essay, we will move on to the actual text of Humanae Vitae, and how it not only lays out the proper teaching, but also specifically refutes the errors being “suggested” as a way to get around the truth. Surprise surprise, these are the same errors being dredged up fifty years later toward the same end. What is about to transpire at the highest levels in the Church is exactly the same diabolical inversion of truth that they enshrined in Amoris Laetitia. Instead of an outright abrogation of HV, there will be a “reinterpretation” of HV through the “lens” of AL. They are going to look at unambiguous teaching and claim the words mean the opposite of what they clearly mean. Because another core tenet of Modernism is exactly that: Words mean what we say they mean.
I will leave you with a direct quote from Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, the new Dean of the recently destroyed John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, currently “studying” the matter at hand:


Fake pope kisses real pope’s Fisherman’s Ring. Also, Leftists gonna Leftist.

I have written previously about Pope Benedict’s decision to retain the Fisherman’s Ring after his faux abdication HERE. At the end of every pontificate, without exception, the ring is smashed… with a special silver hammer that is made for this exact purpose and this purpose only. Several writers described the procedure in the days following the Declaratio. Then Benedict came out and corrected them. Oh no, dear friends, he’s keeping it. Huge red flag, along with retaining the form of address “His Holiness,” and all the other papal vesture, you know, because no other clothes were available.
The occasion itself is also very interesting. Did you know that antipope Bergoglio has always brought his newly minted cardinals in front of Pope Benedict for his blessing? After the first consistory, which Benedict attended in person, Benedict receives the new cardinals at his residence/monastery, where he imparts the his blessing. Could it be any more obvious that he’s not really retired?
2018.06.28 Concistoro CPF

Anyhoo, there’s a lot going on in the world, boys and girls. Some pretty big  SCOTUS wins, the biggest being Kennedy’s retirement. The last few days have seen the Left, with now yet another thing to lose their minds over, descending further into chaos, hypocrisy, and hate. Their only acceptable immigration policy is now we must let everyone in. Most of the bishops are with them. I tried to explain to a liberal friend this week that a sovereign nation has both the right and the duty to regulate immigration. She said that doesn’t matter because these people need us. I said, well we have a formal process for that, and it starts by presenting yourself at a legal border crossing, instead of sneaking in and getting caught. That’s when the shouting started.
It’s going to be a long hot summer, folks. Be prepared.
If you want a glimpse into how far the divide is yet to go, check out Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28 year old Latina Democrat in Queens who just beat out the 56 year white guy Democrat Joe Crowley, one of the most powerful congressmen in the House. Her campaign was openly racist, basically claiming she was the better choice because she wasn’t white. She won with virtually zero campaign spending, running on a platform of a federally mandated jobs guarantee, and the abolishment of ICE. Sounds like a pure socialist utopia.
At least the ICE guys would be guaranteed a job in another agency, right?
While Ocasio-Cortez has no chance of being beaten in the General, other Dems in other districts will be hurt as the party turns harder and harder left. That’s a good thing, although this is such a powder keg, I hate to think about what might happen if some sort of trigger event takes place. What I do know, because they write it on twitter using their reals names, is that the left wants you dead. Not silenced, dead. They think you deserve death. it’s right there out in the open.

The swag shop is now closed; the analytics are interesting

The shirts are ordered and will be delivered in a few weeks, first to Chez Non Veni, then out to all the happy customers.
I conducted this little experiment out of curiosity, more than anything else. I mean, of course I wanted one of the shirts myself, but I really wondered what we would learn from such an exercise. I won’t reveal the actual numbers, for fear your heart might sink upon discovering the tininess of Tradland. But I will share some percentages on the analytics that may or may not have spiritual and/or psychological implications.
What I will say regarding quantity is that we far exceeded the minimum needed to break even, and in fact delivered a small surplus that I will be sharing with worthy benefactors, notably Frank Walker at canon212.com and Ann Barnhardt, who both drove traffic to the effort. Thanks for playing!
Here are the analytics:

  • Overall site traffic fairly typical for a post endorsed/linked by Frank and Ann, although slowed a bit by the Sunday timing
  • The post at barnhardt.biz drove more than half of the referrals, and it is worth noting that her post explicitly laid out what the reader was getting themselves into, including a picture of the product
  • Of the people who viewed the post here and saw the picture of the product, 30% of them clicked on the link to go to the store to buy the product – this is called the “click-through rate”, and 30% is off the charts high
  • However, once they got there, only 6% actually followed through and made a purchase – this is called the “conversion rate”

So if you complete the math, what it says is that only 2% of the people who read the post bought a shirt. Contrast this data point with the single most instructive data point we have regarding the disposition of trads at large on the issue of whom is the one true pontiff: The Saint Louis Catholic blog poll results show that fully 72% of trads, and anyone else who voted in that poll, believe Benedict to be the only true living pope. While highly unscientific, the dichotomy at play here is so glaring that it begs a psychological explanation.
Draw your own conclusions. Maybe I suck at art.
But it seems to me that fear plays a large role in this, and we need to get past that fear if things are ever going to be corrected, and the truth prevail. Polls are anonymous; action requires conviction and commitment. To those of you who chose to participate, even in a lighthearted/fun sort of way, thank you.
I wrote a short essay last year on the difference between fortitude and courage. It was directed primarily at clergy and “professional” Catholics, but it applies to everyone HERE.

HURRY! Swag Shop is now OPEN, for a limited time only

il mio papa
Just as I was about to give up on twitter as nothing other than a 100% time suck and purely a slothful activity, I found out that it can actual be productive. This picture popped up in my feed during morning coffee yesterday, creativity awakened, and I was soon encouraged to “do something.”
Although I immediately wanted one of these, I also realized how misleading the wording was. “My pope is Benedict,” while factually true, seems to leave room for people choosing who their pope is, like we see from the “resistance” and Deep Staters on their “not my president” kick. The question of who is true pope is not a matter of opinion, but rather of facts. The truth doesn’t depend on popular opinion or on the opinion of popular people. However, for what it’s worth, I’m told the man in the picture is the new Italian deputy prime minister.
So the first thing I had to replace was the wording. But I also couldn’t bear the image, so that had to be switched too. I think what I ended up with is far more classy, factually accurate, and flattering for the wearer. The black is so slimming, you know.
benedict shirt final 2
Oh yes, it’s real, but only for a very limited time. These puppies are being custom made, obviously, and I’m not holding any extra inventory. Swag Shop closes forever in 48 hours, at Noon Eastern Daylight Time, 19 June 2018.
Don’t miss out! What a great (belated) Father’s Day gift, eh? No?

“The Divine Heart guards and loves them by living with them, as they live and abide in Him”

Today is the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in the pre-1955 liturgy, Thursday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart. This feast was not merely downgraded, but rather completely suppressed (as was the Octave wherein it resided), while the Feast of the Sacred Heart was retained as a Solemnity, yet not transferred to Sunday nor made a holy day of obligation. +Bugnini had already become head of the liturgical reform by then, and almost surely not believing in Eucharist nor the Sacred Heart, his diabolical intent is all over this. However, by divine will, I just happen to be in possession of a 1948 Bugnini-free missal, so let’s talk about the Heart.

”I understood that devotion to the Sacred Heart is a last effort of His love towards Christians of these latter times, by proposing to them an object and means so calculated to persuade them to love Him… This devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan which Jesus desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them to the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.” St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, vision of the Sacred Heart, 1673

“An object and means so calculated.” Thus did St. Margaret Mary introduce to the world a special weapon reserved for these latter days. It is very compelling as a means of amending your life. Have you ever set aside time and reflected on the Sacred Heart? On what it means? How it so fully expresses God’s love for us, in a very special way? Spend some time on it, because it’s really helpful. It’s a deeper meditation on the reality of the Incarnation: That God himself stitched together His own physical human heart, with the specific intent of having it pierced by us, for our sake.
Pierced by you, for your sake. You can find a good article HERE.
“The sweet liberty of the rule of His love.” The heart is where we discover the intimacy of Jesus’ love for us. It is very important to understand that this love is not simply for all mankind collectively, but for each one of us individually and specifically. He loves you personally, one-on-one, and more than anyone else loves you. His love is not just in real time, but throughout time. He loved you before He created the universe, He loved you from the Cross, and He loves you now. He desires to have His love reciprocated. We do this by adoring him in praise and thanksgiving, and by ordering our lives according to His Word. If you’ve never understood that thing about having a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ,” this is exactly what it’s all about. When you really love someone, you try really hard not to hurt them, especially in the things They’ve told you hurt Them most.

“The heart stands for love. The human heart of Jesus stands both for His human love and for the infinite love of His divine Person. His love was not just a shimmering, dreamy softness; it was wisely strong and true to its eternal purposes. Despite the anguish of Gethsemane, His love yielded His human life to crucifixion. His love had all the majesty and fullness of God, a height and a depth that make paltry the wisdom of men. Every mystery of His life, every miracle, sermon, and kindness, was a new revelation of divine love that enlightens and warms mankind.” (quote from a hand missal, Feast of the Sacred Heart)

His love for us burst forth physically in the spilling of His Sacred Blood. Not just in a general sense all through His Passion and death, but rather acutely as the lance, the Spear of Destiny, pierced his side and reached His heart. That lance is you.

“They dug therefore, and they dug through not only His hands, but also His feet, yea, and His side also; and the very recesses of His most sacred Heart, they pierced with the spear of rage, though it had already been wounded with the spear of love. ‘Thou hast wounded,’ says the Spouse in the Canticles of love, “thou hast wounded my Heart, my sister, my spouse.’ O Lord Jesus, Thy spouse, Thy love, Thy sister has wounded Thy Heart. Why then was it necessary that that Heart should be wounded further by Thine enemies?” St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Vitis Mystica

Here again is our Lord instructing St. Margaret Mary; note whom He cites as hurting Him most:

“Behold the Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming Itself, in order to testify Its love; and in return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrilege, and by the coldness and contempt they have for Me in this Sacrament of Love. But what I feel most keenly is that it is hearts which are consecrated to Me, that treat Me thus.”

The thing that most strikingly ties these two feasts together is the ontology of the Eucharist itself: Not only is it truly the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior, but it is literally the Heart of Jesus, the Heart of God. Yes, that’s right, and there have indeed been examples of the host turning into visible flesh, and this flesh has been confirmed scientifically as actual heart muscle. Reflect on this as you read Pope Benedict XV on the institution of the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, 9 November 1921:

“The chief reason of this feast is to commemorate the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist. By this means the Church wishes more and more to excite the faithful to approach this sacred mystery with confidence, and to inflame their hearts with that divine charity which consumed the Sacred Heart of Jesus when in His infinite love He instituted the Most Holy Eucharist, wherein the Divine Heart guards and loves them by living with them, as they live and abide in Him. For in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist He offers and gives Himself to us as victim, companion, nourishment, viaticum, and pledge of our future glory.”

And finally, a short reflection on the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart from a priest at a Benedictine Priory who apparently has permission to celebrate it:

The adorable mystery of the Eucharist sums up, contains, and communicates to us the entire mystery of Christ: His incarnation, life, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If you seek the open Side of the glorious ascended Christ, you will find it in the Eucharist. If you seek the pierced Heart of Christ, beating with love for the Father and with mercy for sinners, you will find it in the Eucharist. The Communion Antiphon of the Mass of the feast is meant to be repeated and treasured. It is, at once, a promise and an invitation: “Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” HERE

You can read about Eucharistic miracles and the human heart muscle HERE.
History of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart HERE.

“O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast poured forth the riches of Thy love for men in
instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist: help us, we beseech Thee, to love Thy
most loving Heart and ever to make worthy use of so great a Sacrament.” Collect for the Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus