I have written probably 20K words in this space about why Vatican II must be anathematized and expunged IN FULL. Not a surgical nip and tuck, the whole thing has to go. The Big Lie that the council was “hijacked” by bad actors after the fact, that the unspringtime was due to a poor implementation, that the actual documents of Vatican II, if you just go read them, you will see that it’s all just fine… in perfect harmony and continuity with all 2000 years which came before.
No. Those are all lies.
The documents were written with ambiguity as a feature, not a bug. Written so that orthodox prelates of the time could read the words and see them in an orthodox manner. That’s why they all passed. What they don’t tell you is that the council was hijacked at the outset, when all the original schemas from Cardinal Ottaviani were burned to ash. If you have some time, and want to know the truth, there is a place you can go to read five of the nine original schemas. Compare the clarity and boldness of these with the final documents of Vatican II. It will disgust you. HERE
Anyway, I am short on time, and I have nothing to add to Archbishop Vigano’s statement. Here is a taste:
The mere fact that Vatican II is susceptible to correction ought to be sufficient to declare its oblivion as soon as its most obvious errors are seen with clarity. Not by chance does Professor Pasqualucci call it a “conciliabolo [devilish council],” like the Synod of Pistoia, which merited the condemnation of the entire synod beyond the mere condemnation of the individual errors which it taught. I make my own his statement: “After having clearly highlighted the procedural subterfuges and the errors against the Faith scattered throughout the documents, a Pope could very well finally quash the entire Council, ‘thereby confirming his brethren in the Faith.’ This would fall perfectly within his summa potestas iurisdictionis over the entire Church, iure divino. The Council is not superior to the Pope. If the Council has deviated from the Faith, the Pope has the power to invalidate it. Indeed, it is his duty.”
This latest from the archbishop comes to us via Maike Hickson via Catholic Family News, which is SSPX. So that is interesting in itself.
Read it all HERE.