Archbishop Vigano for the win: The Second Vatican Council must be nuked from orbit

I have written probably 20K words in this space about why Vatican II must be anathematized and expunged IN FULL. Not a surgical nip and tuck, the whole thing has to go. The Big Lie that the council was “hijacked” by bad actors after the fact, that the unspringtime was due to a poor implementation, that the actual documents of Vatican II, if you just go read them, you will see that it’s all just fine… in perfect harmony and continuity with all 2000 years which came before.

No. Those are all lies.

The documents were written with ambiguity as a feature, not a bug. Written so that orthodox prelates of the time could read the words and  see them in an orthodox manner. That’s why they all passed. What they don’t tell you is that the council was hijacked at the outset, when all the original schemas from Cardinal Ottaviani were burned to ash. If you have some time, and want to know the truth, there is a place you can go to read five of the nine original schemas. Compare the clarity and boldness of these with the final documents of Vatican II. It will disgust you. HERE

Anyway, I am short on time, and I have nothing to add to Archbishop Vigano’s statement. Here is a taste:

The mere fact that Vatican II is susceptible to correction ought to be sufficient to declare its oblivion as soon as its most obvious errors are seen with clarity. Not by chance does Professor Pasqualucci call it a “conciliabolo [devilish council],” like the Synod of Pistoia, which merited the condemnation of the entire synod beyond the mere condemnation of the individual errors which it taught. I make my own his statement: “After having clearly highlighted the procedural subterfuges and the errors against the Faith scattered throughout the documents, a Pope could very well finally quash the entire Council, ‘thereby confirming his brethren in the Faith.’ This would fall perfectly within his summa potestas iurisdictionis over the entire Church, iure divino. The Council is not superior to the Pope. If the Council has deviated from the Faith, the Pope has the power to invalidate it. Indeed, it is his duty.”

This latest from the archbishop comes to us via Maike Hickson via Catholic Family News, which is SSPX. So that is interesting in itself.

Read it all HERE.

“We aren’t testing at this time, but you’ll be listed as Covid.” They gave me an inhaler and sent me home.

More testimony from the combox. As you read these examples, keep in mind how tiny this blog is. Two or three comments here, with similar scam stories, extrapolates to tens of thousands of similar stories in the general population.

 kono says:

On March 12, ARSH 2020 I decided to quit taking my thyroid meds cold turkey after 30+ years. A month into it the side effects became horrific, most notably a shortness of breath. Being a pack a day smoker for 45 years, refusing to wear a mask and going into Detroit almost daily (to my ICKSP parish) I was certain I’d gotten the virus. So off to the hospital I go….after first receiving Extreme Unction. (14 April)

I go into the make shift covid tent and there are four nurses with nothing to do, looking at their phones. They take my vitals and everything is perfect. BP, oxygen level, temp, heart rate…perfect. The nurse even says she can’t believe I’m a smoker. I ask if they’re going to test me for the virus and she said no, we’re not testing at this time, but that I’d be listed as a covid. They give me a script for an inhaler and tell me to come back if I get worse. I’m relieved I’m not being admitted and ask if any of them are Catholic, the main nurse working with me says yes. I give her a Miraculous Medal (the other 3 want one too…praise God). I thank them and leave feeling relieved.

Why wasn’t I admitted? I’m pretty certain it’s because I don’t have insurance and I make just a wee bit too much money to qualify for Medicaid! Thank you Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph!

Shocking (not): Corona patients with underlying conditions 12x more likely to die… from something

It is a little shocking that WaPo published it. HERE

Direct link to the CDC data dump: HERE

Among COVID-19 cases, the most common underlying health conditions were cardiovascular disease (32%), diabetes (30%), and chronic lung disease (18%). Hospitalizations were six times higher and deaths 12 times higher among those with reported underlying conditions compared with those with none reported.

Hospitalizations were six times higher among patients with a reported underlying condition (45.4%) than those without reported underlying conditions (7.6%). Deaths were 12 times higher among patients with reported underlying conditions (19.5%) compared with those without reported underlying conditions (1.6%).

Of the 71K “corona-related” deaths in this report, 39K had at least one underlying condition, and 62K were over age 60.

Sooooo it seems that older folks and compromised folks should take extra precautions.

“I went to the hospital with breathlessness due to having a coronary, but the first thing I heard was “we have a Covid.”

From the combox on yesterday’s coronacold post. They will have no love for you if you cannot deliver the FedGov cash. Show me the money. Just a heart attack? Go wait in the corner.

 Mary D. says:

I’m in Phoenix, Arizona. Two weeks ago I went to the hospital very weak and with breathlessness. The first thing I heard was “we have a Covid case”. I told them no, they didn’t. I hadn’t gone anywhere except twice to church for confession and there were maybe four people in the whole church. It turned out that I was having a coronary, thus the breathlessness. I had to sit in the emergency room until they tested me for the Wuflu. Two hours later they came back and said I was negative, which I already knew. I sat there for 24 hours until they found me a room. Then they sent me home seven hours later. They tried to make me wear a mask which I refused because I could barely breathe without one let alone with one.

The worst part was that they wouldn’t allow my husband to stay with me. I had no advocate and they left me without food for 18 hours because they forgot about me. I wasn’t vocal enough evidently. I even unhooked myself from the heart monitors to go to the restroom since I couldn’t get anyone to answer my call. When finished, I hooked myself back up. I was totally alone and scared. Now I’m afraid to go back to the hospital if I have another episode.

I guess my point is that they instantly started yelling “COVID” before they even tested me. Someone told me later that it’s because they get more money for Covid cases. I believe it.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Arizonans are not dying in droves

Riots are over, virus is baaaack.

Except, it’s not. And this time, even people in the “harder hit” regions aren’t buying it.

Allow me to address the misinformation about Arizona that is being spread by certain pundits?

Background: Arizona has been fully open for one month. Fully open. In reality, the only businesses closed here back in March were restaurants’ indoor dining rooms, salons, and gyms. No one stopped going out, ever. Surface streets have been bustling the entire time, except for a very short lull in that third or fourth week of March. Packed supermarkets, home improvement stores, and drive thru windows throughout.

My first post-corona dining experience was on May 18, indoors. Employees wearing masks. Since then, some establishments are actively promoting that their employees are NOT wearing masks, and if you’re uncomfortable with that, please don’t come. Citizens are taking philosophical decisions and FLOCKING to these places. I was at one such last Friday, that was absolutely packed at 4:30pm. It is located next to a hospital, you see, and shift change is at 4pm. So all the doctors and nurses come to this place, still in their scrubs. Instead of social distancing, they sit at the bar. A few of them were shooting pool. They know.

Are you starting to see the picture? With a two week incubation period, shouldn’t we all be dead by now? The corona has had a full month to do its dirty deadly job, and everyone here knows it has really had three months or more, because no one was locked down or shamed into staying home, ever. If anything, people went out MORE, because gyms were closed. They had to alter the parking regulations at the mountain parks, because they were overflowing. I can’t stress this enough. There was an intentional non-enforcement of the “stay at home” order.

We do have more reported cases now, which tends to happen when you do a testing blitz with tens of thousands of tests, you’re going to get a few positives. AZDHS.GOV is reporting 36K total “cases related to” corona as of this morning, in a state with 8,000,000 people.  If you click the website and look at hospital capacity, keep in mind that the +50% surge capacity is in addition to what you see in the charts.

Of 6600 total occupied hospital beds, 1450 are “covid related.”

Of 1300 total occupied ICU beds, 452 are “covid related.”

We have tons of extra capacity, and hospitals have not even had to implement surge procedures. Yes, our number of confirmed cases continues to rise. Why? Because we are averaging over 10K tests PER DAY over the last month. The testing blitz coincides with the date everything opened back up. But I repeat myself.

We now have 470K completed tests, 36K confirmed cases, and 1186 deaths.

Who died?

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So is it safe to assume the 21-54 year old demographic can go out to eat?

Folks, look for Arizona to come under ever more scrutiny. There will be massive pressure, nationally,  for Governor Ducey to reinstate lockdown, force public chin diapers, close businesses, etc. You know the preternatural is involved here. Pray for Ducey and for AZ director of public health, Cara Christ.


St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, pray for us

13 June is the Feast Day of St. Anthony of Padua.

The life of St. Anthony, who was actually from Portugal, not Italy, is a lesson in how the plans we make, even if they are good and noble, are sometimes not what God wants from us in the long run. For some people, the play really doesn’t end until the third act. Sometimes God takes time to reveal to us where things are going, and seemingly coincidental circumstances can result in sharp turns of destiny.

St. Anthony was born in 1195 and given the name Fernando. He entered the Augustinian order at a young age. After ten years as a friar, of which we know little, he was given instant inspiration upon the martyrdom of five Franciscan missionaries at the hands of the Muslims in Morocco. Now earnestly desiring martyrdom himself, he begged to switch his habit, and it was granted. He changed his name to Anthony and entered the Franciscans, and he was sent to Morocco to preach, and tempt fate.

It seems God had other plans. Anthony fell seriously ill, and had to return home. But that wasn’t the plan either, as he was shipwreck at Sicily and ended up traveling into the Italian mainland. After his recovery, his life was transformed into one of solitude and prayer. Act II. But then his fame debuted while attending a Dominican ordination, where the assigned homilist failed to show. Anthony was asked to fill in, and he brought the house down.

So much for solitude. He was sent to Padua, and he became so famous as a preacher that the churches just weren’t big enough. And when even the piazzas couldn’t contain the crowds, the sermons were moved to nearby hillsides. By all accounts, this is not pious legend, this really happened. Over 30,000 people on some days.

We have some of these sermons today, but very little of his writings. Yet he is a Doctor of the Church. He was Canonized just a year after his death, and his intercession is very powerful. He is most commonly invoked over lost material things. But he is much, much better than that. It is best to think about him as Patron Saint of The Lost. Lost material objects, yes, but also spiritual things. A lost spouse, apostate children, apostate parents or grandparents, friends in dissolute lifestyles, etc. Beg St. Anthony to bring them back. Go ahead and team him up with St. Monica; they make a great pair, Anthony starting out as an Augustinian, you know.

St. Anthony, pray for us.

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With a lull in the looting, they switch back to ma ma ma my corona

This is the lead story on east coast news sites this morning:


AP Friday, June 12, 2020 6:29AM

In Arizona, hospitals have been told to prepare for the worst. Texas has more hospitalized COVID-19 patients than at any time before. And the governor of North Carolina said recent jumps caused him to rethink plans to reopen schools or businesses.

There is no single reason to explain all the surges. In some cases, more testing has revealed more cases. In others, local outbreaks are big enough to push statewide tallies higher. But experts (who have been wrong about everything and completely incompetent at best, criminally negligent or criminally complicit at worst) think at least some are due to lifting stay-at-home orders, school and business closures, and other restrictions put in place during the spring to stem the virus’s spread. The virus is also gradually fanning out.

“It is a disaster that spreads,” said Dr. Jay Butler, who oversees coronavirus response work at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

I now quaketh in my boots. Here is what the article says about Arizona specifically:

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey ended Arizona’s stay-at-home order on May 15 and eased restrictions on businesses. Arizona residents who were cooped up for six weeks flooded Phoenix-area bar districts, ignoring social distancing guidelines.<<<MURDERERS>>> The state began seeing a surge of new cases and hospitalizations about 10 days later.

“It seems pretty clear to me that what we’re seeing is directly related to the end of the stay-at-home order,” said Will Humble, executive director of the Arizona Public Health Association. <<<MURDERERS>>>

It wasn’t just that the order ended: There were no requirements to wear face masks, no major increases in contact tracing… <<<MURDERERS>>>

The AP analysis found Arizona had a rolling average of fewer than 400 new cases a day (almost all of them mild) at the time the shutdown was lifted, but it shot up two weeks later (because testing became available) and surpassed 1,000 new cases a day (almost all of them mild) by early this week. Hospitalizations have also risen dramatically, hitting the 1,200 mark last week (a small fraction of the hospital capacity in AZ). The state also passed another grim milestone last week, recording it’s 1,000th death. Meanwhile Arizona hospitals on Tuesday reported they were at 83% of capacity, up from 78% the previous day. That could force affected hospitals to cancel elective surgeries.

It’s outrageous how they lie, isn’t it? But did you catch the tell at the end? Yes, hospitals could be forced to cancel elective surgeries. That’s what you do in a real emergency. The fact that they have NOT cancelled them means…

You see, every hospital is mandated to have a surge capacity of +50% of their normal capacity. This goes for regular admit, ER, and ICU. So if hospitals normally operate at 75% of regular capacity, and are now 83%, that is the biggest nothingburger you can imagine. Not only that, but the corona-related portion of the overall hospital numbers is really small. But we all know that the longer you can manage to not discharge a corona patient, more Fed$$.

Governor Ducey had to go on TV yesterday, put up all the data charts, and plead with the media to stop spreading fake news. Arizona is open, Arizona is prepared, everyone needs to relax. When it was over, a reporter stated a completely false talking point, to which the governor replied (paraphrasing), “That’s not true, I literally just showed you the charts.”

All this attention has crashed the Arizona Dept of Health website. Once it is back running, I will post the real story. Spoiler alert: We are not all dying. We are not all in the hospital. There is no panic here, other than some prominent panic mongers in blog world. I will post all the data, which has been publicly available this entire time.

But for now, I have to finish up some other work. I’m due to meet some folks for happy hour at 4pm, and the place fills up fast, if you know what I mean.

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A bittersweet feast

Happy happy Feast of Corpus Christi. Falling on 11 June this year, it coincides with the sixth anniversary of the murder of Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP. I’ve been trying to write something about it, and I’m coming up a bit short. We do know for a fact that Fr. Walker was able to receive the sacraments before he died, thanks be to God. We also know that Fr. Walker had a great devotion to our Blessed Mother, and the Rosary.  So he would have prayed the fourth glorious mystery three days a week, at minimum. The fruit of the mystery is a well provided death.

Folks, keep your head on a swivel, and stay confessed. In this world of chaos, you really don’t know what is coming next. This goes for everyone, of course, but especially priests.

Fr. Z. wrote a piece related to this a few years ago, on the third anniversary of Father’s murder. Fr. Z repeats words of advice he gave at the time HERE.

About three years ago, Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP, was murdered in Phoenix and another priest (Fr. Joseph Terra, the pastor) badly injured by assault. Pray for Fr. Walker. RIP. At that time I posted the following, which seems no less urgent today than it did then. Indeed, it could be more urgent still, given the trajectory of current events.

Reverend gentlemen, the murder of one priest and the assault on another in Phoenix compels me to remind you to…GO TO CONFESSION. Our schedules are busy. Sometimes we have to drive even farther than lay people. But go to confession. Take the time to do this for yourself. Much has been given to us. Our accounting before God will be more severe than that of lay people…Moreover, consider well your living conditions and security. If you haven’t done so yet, begin to develop a situational awareness. Seek advice from professionals. This is not just a matter of personal concern. It is also a concern for those who depend on you for the sacraments. A priest in the ground or in the hospital is one priest fewer to see to the spiritual needs of people in these darkening times. You, Fathers, are a precious resource, only slowly “renewable”. If you are not concerned for the sake of your own person, be concerned for the sake of those who need you…I might now add to seek, along with advice, perhaps also training.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Sister Lucia believed USA would become Communist without consecration of Russia

This was mentioned briefly by Dr. Mazza during the last Barnhardt podcast. Recent events have brought it into much sharper focus.

June 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – There is a small part of an interview conducted by the well-respected American historian and book author, William Thomas Walsh, with the Fatima seer Sister Lucia that might now strike a special note with us, in light of the ongoing disorderly and revolutionary conditions in the U.S.

Speaking with the seer in 1946 about the Blessed Mother’s earlier request that Russia be consecrated by the Pope together with the bishops in the world to Her Immaculate Heart, Sister Lucia told Professor Walsh:

“What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, she will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.”

“Does this mean,” Walsh then asked, “in your opinion, that every country, without exception, will be overcome by Communism?” And Sister Lucia answered: “Yes.”

As the translator of this interview, Father Manuel Rocha, was later to reveal, Walsh then asked explicitly about the United States of America, adding: “and does that mean the United States of America, too?” Whereupon Sister Lucia responded once more time with “yes.”

The entire article at LSN is well worth your time. It’s a handy reference on the past three months, and how we got to this. HERE


Katie and Steve win the internet for today

Absolutely nothing will satisfy those who would want to change the past, because even changing the past would not actually satisfy them. See how this works? They hate you, and they want you dead. If you think it’s within your power to appease the ideology, while you yet live, then you’re on the wrong side. And dead.

Now, on a separate but altogether related matter:

Minor quibble with Steven’s timeline. The first major protests/riots were on 29 May. So we really should start seeing something like +100K new cases PER DAY starting in FOUR days.

Right, Dr. Fauci?