“He was suspected corona, so he was tested. He was negative. But he was a probable case, even though he was negative, you know, so we treat it as a positive case and include it as a positive case in our holy ‘rona statistics.”
Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe stoking fear p*rn and running dhimmi TV ads
My jaw dropped when I saw this.
Trump should turn this into his own ad. Keep the video, change the audio.
Watch it again and overdub it in your mind. “In Joe Biden’s America, this is your new normal… forced testing, forced masking, forced unemployment, forced vaccinations.”
The trouble is, I’m not really sure where Trump stands on the vaxx question. He seems to be eager to deploy the military to administer it.
Here is what we can know with metaphysical certainty at this point: Election night, and the weeks following, are going to be utter chaos. We are not going to know the outcome on November 3rd, no matter how late you stay up. Whenever a winner is finally declared, the apparent losers are not going to accept the result. If you think 2020 has already been Hell on earth, November and December can’t wait to say, “Hold my beer.”
You have ten weeks to prepare for this.
Philly’s solution to BLM criminals is to encourage lawful citizens to turn in their weapons
Police defunded. Looting is allowed. All non-felony arrests during the riots have been forgiven. Downtown businesses remain boarded up. Residents fleeing for their lives.
26 shootings this weekend, as I write this on Sunday afternoon. Multiple stabbings.
Now, maybe some of these guns that were turned in were… suspect. I get it. But you need to read the mentality on display here. A moment of beaming price for city council. Barf.
To combat the senseless gun violence Philadelphia Police, city council, and community groups organized a home gun check, urging residents to safely dispose firearms that they have in their homes, before they get into the wrong hands. HERE
“Enough is enough,” said Council member Kenyatta Johnson, who was at one of the locations today, in Point Breeze.
Andre Rivers had a couple of guns in his home he wasn’t using so he turned them in. He said there were no questions asked, and he said he was in and out of the building in less than a minute.
“I didn’t want them laying around the house,” said Rivers, adding “The process is fine, you just give it to them, the police thanked you, the staff here thanked you, and that was it.
Rivers returned the guns at the Germantown location. “I didn’t have to sign or do anything, I just had to turn them in, it don’t get no easier than that,” said Rivers.
Guns and ammunition could be turned in at two locations, at churches in Germantown and Point Breeze. Both are areas that have experienced recent gun violence.
“Every gun off the street is a gun that could potentially end up, and be involved in a shooting,” said Bilal Qayyum, president of Father’s Day rally committee, which helped organize the day’s firearm disposal.
In total 43 guns were turned in, which is a step in the right direction to help save lives, especially children’s, whose lives have been innocently caught in the crossfire of shootouts.
“Right now we’re facing an emergency here in the city of Philadelphia when it comes to gun violence, we’ve seen children being shot and murdered, we’ve seen pregnant women being shot and murdered,” said Johnson.
City council, along with the police department and community groups, plans to do at least two more of these gun give backs before the summer is over.
New Zealand: Forced internment in government camps for all “positive cases” and their household
Anyone who tests positive will be forcibly removed from their home, along with all family members, and placed into a government internment camp.
It doesn’t matter if anyone is actually sick.
Video is less than a minute:
“Thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord”
Happy Feast of the glorious Assumption!
The Lord hath blessed thee by his power, because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nought. Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies. Because he hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people.
Lesson, Feast of the Assumption, Judith 13:22-25; 15:10
The Assumption is the Fourth Glorious Mystery. Fruit of the mystery is a well-provided death. You really need to start praying for that. The sacraments have been made rare.
The Fifth Glorious Mystery is Mary’s Coronation. Fruit of the mystery is trust in Mary’s intercession. It means really trusting, with the virtue of true hope, not a spirit of desperation or helplessness. Get out of your own way and hand it over to her.
Pray the Rosary, y’all. Every day. It’s life changing.
Also, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week. You don’t need structured prayers; just converse with Him. Listen to Him. It’s life changing. If you don’t think you can do an hour, try fifteen minutes. In just a few weeks, time will start to fly by, and you won’t want to leave.
God is in charge, and His Mother is directing traffic. Go to them.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Queen of the Universe, pray for us.
Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
More than a quarter of young adults have “seriously contemplated” suicide during corona
This story was just published today, but the survey is from June. Imagine how much worse it is now.
Depression rates four times higher than 2019.
The fear porn will kill more people than the virus.
ATLANTA – LINK New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paints a bleak picture of America’s mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic, with one in four young adults saying they have considered suicide.
A survey taken between June 24-30 shows 25.5% of respondents aged 18-24 years had “seriously considered” suicide in the month before they were surveyed.
The CDC study, which involved more than 5,400 U.S. adults, also found an increase of anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as substance use.
Roughly 31% percent of respondents said they had symptoms of anxiety or depression. Specifically, the prevalence of anxiety disorder symptoms was three times higher than what was reported in 2019, and depressive disorder was approximately four times higher, the data revealed.
About 26% of respondents reported trauma and stress-related disorder because of the pandemic. Another 13% said they had started or increased substance use — including alcohol, prescription or illicit drugs — to cope with stress or emotions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
USCCB official “elated” about Kamala Harris VP pick
May the antichurch become more and more visible, God willing.
An official at the U.S. bishops’ conference said Thursday that the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s presidential running mate is good news that will offer policies favorable to marginalized people.
“I was so elated. We, the community, need good news, and this was just wonderful,” Donna Toliver Grimes, associate director of African American affairs in the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, told Catholic News Service, the official news service of the U.S. bishops’ conference, on Wednesday.
200 Leftist doctors demand AZ Health Director be fired. The reason will shock you!
PHOENIX — Nearly two hundred medical providers are publicly calling for the resignation of Arizona’s top public health official, Dr. Cara Christ.
A letter was sent to top staffers in Governor Doug Ducey’s office as well as Dr. Cara Christ directly Wednesday morning.
“We, as a healthcare community, have lost confidence in her (Dr. Christ) and believe she has demonstrated failure on multiple levels during this pandemic,” the letter reads. The four-page letter is followed with more than 20 pages of names of medical providers that support the call for the resignation.
“We do not support her ongoing involvement as head of her department, and leadership must change.”
So what is going on in Arizona?
For starters, the reported rate of spread (R-Naught) is really good. A number under 1.00 means the virus is shrinking. A number over 1.00 means the virus is spreading.
In fact, Arizona is currently best in the country, second only to Maine.
Welp. This makes them so mad. What else are they mad about?
No one is going to the hospital. When they do show up, about 5% are positive. This includes if you show up for your knee surgery or heart bypass or broken toe. Everyone gets tested.
Total hospitalizations peaked a month ago, and are now in free fall.
Number of cases peaked June 29. Remember, these are the number of positive tests. The CDC estimates the real number of cases is 10x-20x the reported numbers, which is GOOD.
So even with totally faked high reporting, “with” corona means you are “sick” with corona, etc, these numbers are… remarkable.
So what did Dr. Christ do wrong?
She didn’t close down private businesses, other than gyms and dive bars. All the restaurants are open (and packed, although at 50% capacity). She didn’t mandate masks. She didn’t close the schools down.
In short, she must be fired because she’s not a Marxist.
Robbery is Reparations
Disgusting Biden ad exploits nuns, after just renewing his vow to force abortion pills on Little Sisters of the Poor
“Nuns…epitomize everything Pope Francis (sic) stands for…about generosity to other people, about reaching out, about making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper. That’s what, in my experience, being raised as a Catholic and being educated by the nuns, that’s what those lovely women I’m talking to symbolize to me.”
DNC: “This is the kind of moral conviction we need in the president of the United States.”
Video is one minute long:
This is the kind of moral conviction we need in the president of the United States. pic.twitter.com/iJKAOVoFns
— 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 9, 2020
Last month:
.- Former vice president Joe Biden pledged on Wednesday to reinstate Obama-era policies that would require the Little Sisters of the Poor to ensure access to birth control and abortifacients for employees in violation of their religious beliefs.
Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, made the promise July 8, following the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the case Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania, which upheld an exemption for the sisters from the “contraception mandate” which obliges employers to provide for contraceptive coverage for employees through their health care plans.
“If I am elected I will restore the Obama-Biden policy…”