The Pace of Events: Signs, signs, everywhere are signs

11 Feb 2013, Lightning strikes St. Peter’s for the first time in recorded history, on the day of Benedict’s resignation, the 155th anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
7 Oct 2016, Lightning strikes St. Peter’s for the second time in recorded history, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the 445th anniversary of Our Lady of Victory, commemorating the dual miracle of Lepanto, the greatest naval battle in the history of mankind, and the vision of victory granted to Pope St. Pius V.
Francis went on later that day to address the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, founded by St. Eugène de Mazenod in the wake of the French Revolution. He could have talked about Mary, Lepanto, the menace of Islam, the horrors of the revolution.  Yeah right.

“May mercy always be the heart of your mission, of your evangelising effort in today’s world. On the day of the canonisation of Fr. de Mazenod, St. John Paul II defined him as a ‘man of Advent’, docile to the Holy Spirit in reading the signs of the times and following the work of God in the history of the Church…May you too be ‘men of Advent’, able to grasp the signs of new times and to guide brothers on the ways that God opens in the Church and in the world.  The Church is living, along with the world as a whole, in an age of great transformations…She needs men who carry in their heart…unconditional love for the Church, who increasingly endeavours to be an open house. It is important to work for a Church that is for all, ready to welcome and to accompany!”

Oh, I’m paying attention to the signs alright.
13 Oct 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun – the greatest physical manifestation by the Creator of the Universe since the Incarnation – Francis hosted a thousand Lutheran pilgrims at the Vatican. They brought in a statue of Luther to “accompany” Francis in his remarks. Of course this made it impossible for him to talk about Mary, or Fatima, or Sister Lucia. So he said this:

“Let us give thanks to God, because today, as Lutherans and Catholics, we are journeying together on the way from conflict to communion.”

This statement is demonstrably false, unless I missed something about the Lutherans denouncing their heresies. But of course we are talking here about a false unity where we pretend there aren’t any differences, and both sides are somehow “right”. It would be a whole new religion called Church of Nice, where everything is allowed except intellectual honesty.

“False unity trumps Truth” is Canon #1 of the Church of Nice.
30 Oct 2016, Feast of Christ the King in the traditional calendar, the latest in a series of earthquakes destroys the 14th century basilica at Norcia, birthplace of St. Benedict and an epicenter of traditional Catholicism. Damage is spread all the way to Rome, a hundred miles away, including a crack above the main arch of St. Paul Outside the Walls, built in the 4th century by Constantine. This is the place with the mosaic portraits of all the popes.
At the Angelus today, Francis prayed for the victims, then said this:

“Over the next two days I will be making an Apostolic Journey to Sweden, on the occasion of the commemoration of the Reformation, which will see Catholics and Lutherans gathered together in remembrance and prayer. I ask you all to pray that this trip is a new stage in fraternal path toward full communion.”

Tomorrow is the start of a year-long “celebration” of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s riving of Christianity.  Francis will address a gathering of false ecumenists and heretics in Lund. In case you don’t know, 31 October 1517 is the date celebrated by protestants as the birthday of the “reformation”, because it’s the date that Luther sent his 95 Theses to his superior, the Archbishop of Mainz.
Everywhere are signs.  So yeah, you might want to stay frosty.

Francis moves against Cardinal Sarah to destroy the CDW? OF COURSE HE DID.

I wrote about the whole Cardinal Sarah ad orientem blow up back in July, explaining the reasons, the importance, the diabolical nature of the attacks against it, and how the whole affair was merely a prelude to a future showdown. These are things you must understand if you want to make sense of current events. Here is a sample:

The dethroning of God and the deification of man.
I’ve been meaning to write for some time about the root cause of all the madness – the inversion of the First Commandment (title of this post).  Note well, not the expungement of the commandment, but rather its diabolical inversion at the command of the satanically influenced secular world to worship self as if we were god.  The root goes wayyyy back, more than 500 years, and we won’t trace all that in this post.  Let’s just focus on the current phase of the collapse, which is the entirety of the Second Vatican Council – all of it – but especially its attack on the Mass.
Which brings us to the current event of Cardinal Sarah’s appeal for ad orientem, and the ensuing admonishment from his boss. Let’s get one thing clear right off the bat.  This is not a trivial event. On the contrary, it is most revealing, both in the subject matter and in the way it played out.  Don’t let anyone tell you this is about style, preferences, fashion, etc.  Don’t let anyone tell you this is just rearranging deck chairs.  I mean, of COURSE it’s rearranging deck chairs, but that doesn’t mean we should shrug our shoulders and waste the teachable moment.
This is about the most diabolical change in the Mass of Paul IV… and that’s really saying something, because there sure is a lot to choose from.  It doesn’t matter that the change wasn’t mandated, and it doesn’t matter that the rubrics suggest the change wasn’t made at all.  The only thing that matters is that the priest standing at table facing the people was the end result, almost instantaneously in all the churches of the world.  Paul VI himself was doing it in Rome before the missal was even promulgated.  No time for citations… go look it up.
The change to versus populum flattened the liturgy, led us to focus on the priest and on ourselves instead of God, supported all the SJW nonsense by making it about “the community”.  There are a hundred books written about this. It’s so obvious, that even with no knowledge of history, if someone sees ad orientem for the first time, and you explain that we are all facing God and worshipping him together, and this person has at least a shred of Sensus Catholicus, THEY INSTANTLY GET IT, and wonder how it had never occurred to them before.
So yes, what I’m saying is that this is the actual most destructive thing about the N.O.
Not communion in the hand, though also an abomination.
Not EMHCs, though also an abomination.
Not altarboy girls, though also an abomination.
Not the awful music, though also an abomination.
Not 27 “Eucharistic Prayers”, though also an abomination.
Not the butchered Offetory, though also an abomination.
Not the loss of Latin, although lamentable, especially the near loss of chant.
Not the removal of tabernacles, although a corollary to versus populum.
No.  None of these has had a more devastating effect than versus populum.  None of these has contributed more to the dethroning of God and the deification of man.  And it’s exactly as the marxist masonic modernist infiltrators wanted.

Much more to come on this, trust me.
Link to the complete post HERE.

The Lion in the Pulpit requests your prayers

I trust by now, everyone has seen the homily a few weeks ago from Father John Lankeit (twitter handle: @LionInThePulpit, rector of SS Simon and Jude Cathedral, Phoenix USA).  It pretty much spread like wildfire across social media.  If you haven’t seen it, you MUST spend the next twenty minutes of your life watching it.

I am blessed to have this man as my pastor. I’m told the calls of thanksgiving have been coming into the parish office from literally all over the world. Not only that, but the calls of thanksgiving have far, far outnumbered the grumpy cats.
Anyway, Fr. Lankeit is headed for an eight day silent retreat.  He is requesting prayers for all the priests in attendance.
Just imagine the ferociousness of spiritual warfare being waged against men like this. Please spare a few prayers.

Dear Francis, perhaps the Kingdom of God is already pretty awesome without your meddling in it

Maybe the folks over at Vatican Radio should just change the name of their publication to The Daily Heresy. HERE
Today, we get further insight into how Francis plans to wield Moral Relativism as a sacrament-wrecking and soul-destroying tool, by turning it into a virtue:

“What is the Kingdom of God?  Well, perhaps the Kingdom of God is a very well-made structure, everything tidy, organization charts all done, everything and the person who does not enter (into this structure) is not in the Kingdom of God. No, the same thing can happen to the Kingdom of God as happens to the Law: unchanging, rigidity…    the Law is about moving forward, the Kingdom of God is moving forward, it is not standing still. What’s more: the Kingdom of God is re-creating itself every day…A rigid person only has masters and no father. The Kingdom of God is like a mother that grows and is fertile, gives of herself so that her children have food and lodging, according to the example of the Lord. Today is a day to ask for the grace of docility to the Holy Spirit. Many times we are not docile to our moods, our judgements. ‘But I do what I want….’  The Kingdom does not grow in this way and neither do we grow.”

Remember the good old days when indulgences came with specified days and years credit for remission of temporal punishment?  I feel like there should be a  Francis insultometer, which indicates the actual amount of supernatural grace transmitted to the insultees based on the repungnancy of his comments. Are you a rigid closed-minded self-absorbed Promethean neo-Pelagian restorationist pickled pepper face Christian?  5 years indulgence for you! Maybe the master list can be amended with the numbers. HERE
But seriously, isn’t it obvious to everyone what is going on here? I think even a ten year old can see the Moral Relativism running rampant in these comments and throughout this papacy. The Holy Spirit is urging us Forward! We must show docility toward this urging! Hope and Change!
Francis showed his hand, definitively, in Amoris Laetitia #301 with this sentence:

Hence it is (sic) can no longer simply be said that all those in any “irregular” situation are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace.

Full Stop.  You can’t mistake what that means, nor call it in any way “confusing”. Also, it is impossible to take that sentence out of context. Here is what it says: What was true in the past in a matter of moral theology IS NO LONGER TRUE.
Friends, God does not change. He exists outside of time. “For I am the Lord, and I change not” Mal 3:6.  Hence, his Commandments don’t change. The dogma of immutability and the immutability of dogma are one in the same. The excuse of “the changing times” has been used throughout the ages to excuse behavior condemned by God.  It’s literally as old as the bible, which itself was already old and “outdated” by the time it was assembled. Read more about it HERE.
Oh, and let me go back to that other phrase from the above quote:

Well, perhaps the Kingdom of God is a very well-made structure…

Guess what, Jorge? The Kingdom of God isn’t just very well-made, it is UTTERLY PERFECT in its unchanging magnificence, and your public mocking of it is a blasphemous mortal sin.
But nevermind that. Francis is here to unveil the “new truth” and serve as both its revolutionary and its enforcer. It was clear in his endorsement of the Kasper Doctrine before the synods.  It was clear at the synods. It was clear in the Schonborn Endorsement of AL. It was clear on the papal plane in his “I can say yes. Period.” It was clear in the response letter to the Argentine bishops.
Stop saying it’s confusing.

Pope CalvinLuther institutes the dogma of Total Depravity

Can we at least agree that a Lutheran cannot be pope? HERE
Francis yesterday continued his twisting of the One True Faith by demonstrating, once again, that Calvinist/Lutheran theology is at the core of his own false religion. All the “mercy” that Francis talks about is NOT the mercy of God, but rather a false mercy, because it is grounded in this false idea of Total Depravity.  You absolutely MUST understand Total Depravity, and why it is false, if you want to make sense of how Francis operates.
First, here are the comments from yesterday: HERE

“Behind an attitude of rigidity there is always something else in the life of a person. Rigidity is not a gift of God. Meekness is; goodness is; benevolence is; forgiveness is. But rigidity isn’t!” he said.
In many cases, the Pope continued, rigidity conceals the leading of a double life; but, he pointed out, there can also be something pathological.
Commenting on the difficulties and suffering that afflict a person who is both rigid and sincere, the Pope said this is because they lack the freedom of God’s children: “they do not know how to walk in the path indicated by God’s Law”.
“They appear good because they follow the Law; but they are concealing something else: either they are hypocritical or they are sick.”

I’ve written so many times about this:  Francis thinks mankind is INCAPABLE of resisting sin and living a Christian life, because he personally is completely lost in sin. He doesn’t just think it is difficult, he thinks it is impossible. Instead of renouncing sin as the path to freedom, he thinks trying to live by God’s Law takes away freedom.
Kids, this is the very definition of Total Depravity.  Please go look it up. This is why the Lutherans, Calvinists, etc are not simply “variations” of a “reformed” Catholicism.  No, they are a completely different religion, because they deny that men have free will. They deny that a sinful act is the result of a person making a conscience choice to do wrong, because they believe man is so utterly inclined toward sin that resisting it is futile.
Like every wretched heresy, this one is mixed with some truth to make it plausible.  In this case, that men must cooperate with God’s grace on the path to salvation. Don’t be distracted by this. Of course we need to cooperate with God’s grace.
But that’s not all! Total Depravity goes even further, in claiming that even our GOOD choices are evil, because those choices are ultimately always grounded in selfishness. We simply are not capable of doing good, because even when we do good, we do so for our own interests. Our Will is not just impeded by concupiscence, but rather our Will is totally fallen, and we are not capable of choosing to love God.
So, why is this false?  Because Total Depravity violates God’s perfect justice. If we truly don’t have free will, then we can’t be held responsible for our actions. It wouldn’t be fair. But we see throughout scripture that man is absolutely held accountable for his decisions. I mean, isn’t this the whole point? God created us to know, love and serve Him in this world, and be with Him forever in the next. God laid out how to know, love and serve him, and now expects us to do just that. He wouldn’t do that if we were incapable of it.
Sometimes it helps to mention that God had to make the plan of salvation simple enough for the most stupid person ever born to understand it. Otherwise, imperfect justice.
I’m out of time.  Please go google some more Lutheran and Calvinist theology to further explore how unCatholic Francis really is.

Wikileaks: Obama team planned the POTUS transition in 2008 before the election happened

Here is one email where a bunch of staffers are just chatting up How the president-soon-to-be-elect should handle certain things at 3pm ON ELECTION DAY: HERE
HERE is one five days before the election from Big Sis (Napolitano, then-Gov of AZ) on how Obama as President Elect (she uses that term) should handle protocol with state governors after the election.
Now, it is not unusual to have partial transition plans in place before the election. Many cabinet seats are already selected, for instance. In 2008, there was a great need to ensure a smooth transition of power, as we were at the height of the financial crisis.
So maybe this is nothing.

18 days to go and the rabbit hole keeps getting deeper

Sorry so much politics, but this was surreal.  After the debate, Donna Brazile somehow thought it would be a good idea for her to be interviewed by Megyn Kelly. When presented with her leaked email to Podesta where she feeds him a debate question (from a primary town hall, months ago), a question that was asked VERBATIM the next day at the town hall, the reaction is just classic. I mean, Donna, come on, we’ve all read the email. I watched this Live and I kid you not, was sitting there with my jaw dropped, basically laughing but really I should have been crying.
I’m willing to bet there is a BUNCH more out there on Miss Donna, dontcha think?
Then today, POTUS took to the podium and claimed Obamacare wasn’t his fault.

Today is the day we found out the election won’t end on November 8th

Yeah.  That second James O’Keefe tape. HERE
In the hidden-camera video, high-level Democratic operatives talk openly about voter fraud, how it is done, things not to do to avoid detection/prosecution, etc. It’s all there in their own words.
The Dems are bussing in busloads of illegal voters to cast illegal ballots. They’ve been doing it for 50 years, and of course they will be doing it on November 8th. It may involve rental cars this time.
This is part two.  Part one was released yesterday.  They also talk about being behind several of the Trump demonstrations, including paying homeless/mentally ill people to take part.
The MSM are not covering this at all. They just barely started covering the Podesta emails.
There is now no way that Trump concedes. This is going to be an absolute fiasco, and I hope you are well prepared for it if you live in the U.S.

The one big reason why you should care deeply about this election

One of the first things I learned in business is “don’t dump your bucket.”
The term refers to a behavioral trait of storing up minor grievances or disagreements against another person or about a particular situation like tiny drops water, internalizing them so as to avoid conflict. I learned it in a business context related to coworkers, clients, and bosses, but it equally applies to spouses, parents, siblings, etc.  However well intentioned, and for whatever length of time it might seem to work, eventually the bucket does become full. When that time comes, and even though it was just one more tiny drop that caused it to be full, you dump the entire bucket. The backlash from a thousand paper cuts is unleashed all at once on the colleague/client/kin. It’s ugly.
So here I am, having managed to steer clear of the 2016 U.S. Presidential race until now, but I’m afraid the bucket just got full.
Before I begin, a few words about the reality of the overall situation. I believe with 99% certainty that all of this is completely fake. You do realize that the Trumps and Clintons are literally bffs, right? Trump got into the race to do nothing more than dish out some “straight talk” to strengthen his personal brand (h/t Barnhardt) and then drop out once the going got tough. We all know what happened instead.  A great swath of the electorate sees that the country is utterly broken, and it turns out they are willing to take a chance on ANYONE who they think can fix it. The GOP panicked and almost destroyed itself. The traitorous RINOs decided they would rather have Hillary, because she is less of a threat to them. It will be business as usual. Hillary is IN REALITY more like them than Trump is. Think about that. Cucks like Ryan and McCain are actually WORSE than Hillary, because they cloak themselves in fake virtue and “hurt feelings” while actively trying to destroy the one candidate who has the only chance of beating her.
Also, have you wondered why the MSM is reporting Hillary has a ten point lead in the polls, yet Trump is drawing tens of thousands to his rallies, with people lining up days ahead of time, yet she can’t fill a small room? Doesn’t seem to make sense, does it? And how many people are ashamed or deeply offended by Trump, and would never appear at a rally or put a sign in their yard, yet are without question voting for him? Don’t you remember the “polls” showed him losing every state  back during the primaries?  Trump is this popular despite both parties and almost the entire media working to defeat him.
One more uplifting data point, and then I promise we’ll get to the good stuff.  I can say with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT certainty that there is no such thing as “Make America Great Again.”  You must get your head around this, first and foremost.  America is over. The financial system is utterly unsustainable and its collapse is inevitable, the political system is utterly corrupt and not fixable, and the culture/morality war is over – we lost.  No one is capable of saving it by reversing course, nor even capable of a minor course correction. At best, you might get the thrust reduced from flank speed to full speed, but the iceberg is dead ahead. The only way this ends, whenever it does end, is with total societal collapse and hot war.  Aside: Don’t waste one more day failing to prepare for this eventual reality, physically, mentally, spiritually, materially.
So, if it is all fake, and not only fake but also meaningless, then why should we care?  Shouldn’t we just be trying to inform people of the reality on the ground and tell them that participating in this fiasco is nonsensical? Wouldn’t we be better off focusing all of our attention preparing for the aforementioned total collapse?
No. Not if you believe in the eternal life of the soul.
If you believe in the eternal life of the soul, and that every soul has infinite value, then you have a duty to do everything in your power to be a shepherd of souls. Which in this case means doing everything you can to stop Hillary.
I will limit my focus to three important areas where Hillary is clearly more of a threat to souls than Trump: Abortion, National Security, and Conscience.
Hillary will increase abortions, and she will make you pay for them whether you want to or not.  She will almost certainly find a way to personally profit from them. Abortion is always murder, because it involves a human being intentionally killing a totally innocent human being for any reason or no reason at all. This includes partial birth abortions, which she favors HERE, wherein a second or third trimester baby, up to and including on her due date, has her body vaginally extracted up to her neck, scissors jammed in her skull, and her brains either shredded by said scissors or sucked out. Dead baby and a mother irreparably scarred.  That’s what the real War on Women looks like, and you can google video it if you don’t believe me. As this practice increases and the left has ever greater influence on hearts and minds, teaching young girls that there is nothing wrong with this, more souls are at risk.
With regard to National Security, we need to consider both Domestic and Foreign Policy.
Hillary is a monumental threat to the Second Amendment.  If you think that’s a strange place to start the domestic policy discussion, you couldn’t be more wrong. At this point in our history, especially since the Executive overreach of both the Bush and Obama administrations, the Second Amendment is literally our greatest protection against a massive suppression of rights by the federal government. Whether or not you own a gun, this statement remains demonstrably true, and you might want to take a look just in the past hundred years how every out of control central government treats a disarmed citizenry.  It tends not to end well.
Not only this, but her unconstitutional proposals (she really wants total confiscation) come at a time when we have NEVER been under more of a domestic threat of terror. Combine this with her plan to increase migrants/refugees by tens of thousands from countries with known terrorist ties, and absolutely NO WAY to vet them. When they say “Oh no worries, they will be fully vetted”… hello? When you come from a country that has been torn apart and you have zero documentation of who you are or what you’ve done, doesn’t that make vetting impossible? Let’s say we bring in 100,000 muslims, and only one percent have bad intentions. That’s only 1000 terrorists!  It only took 19 on 9/11.
Foreign policy under Clinton will be a continuation of the interventionist Bush/Obama/Hillary doctrine of the past 15 years.  You thought Obama got us out of wars? Um, no.  He and Hillary completely destabilized the situation in places where we had nearly wiped out the threat, plus they intentionally supported the various Spring revolutions which destabilized several other countries, and now we are arming ISIS to fight Assad. Yes, we are.
Which brings me to the point that I hear most often from people who absolutely hate Hillary, but are “scared” of Trump.  “He is so spontaneous, he acts without thinking, he’s going to nuke Russia.” AYFKM?  You think Hillary, who is a psychopath, who has been enriched by foreign interests, who has been mired in the shadow of despicable men for 70 years, as the first woman president would be less hawkish, less aggressive, less provocatory than Trump?  Well, I may have an old Psychology 101 book around here someplace I could send you. Hillary will be DYING to play My Dick Is Bigger Than Yours within weeks of taking office. The obvious specter of unjust war puts millions of souls at risk.
Now onto the third threat, Conscience. The email leaks of the past few days make it clear that the Left views the Catholic Church as a greater threat than Radical Islam. Let that sink in, and then think about the risk to souls. The Clinton team has created at least two ‘catholic’ organizations which are designed to infiltrate and destroy the Church from the inside. Clinton herself has publicly stated that, “Deep-seated religious beliefs MUST BE CHANGED” (yes, of course there is video of this, go look it up). She will force you to change your beliefs to align with hers, which can only mean that open persecution is on the agenda. If your actions support her winning, you will have helped bring about that persecution, which will destroy souls as people genuflect to the state and turn away from God. The few who do remain faithful will first be fined, then lose their jobs, then charged with a crime, then imprisoned, then murdered. That’s how this works.
I don’t want to hear any whining about Trump’s bullshit. He’s a pig, and there is no defending what he said in the 11 year old tape as “locker room talk”. I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms, and boy do I know how to talk dirty, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never joked about being so irresistible that the ladies are lining up and they just love it when I grab them by the pussy. He’s also not very nice, is he? He calls people nasty names, even calls fat girls fat. He made fun of Carly’s face.  He can’t help himself. He is also a monumental flip flopper, to such an extent that we really have no idea how he would prosecute his agenda except on a very narrow range of issues.  He is an adulterous, twice divorced, twice “remarried”, greedy, amoral, narcissistic pig.
None of this matters. All that matters is that the alternative is the most evil, immoral, corrupt, power hungry narcissistic freedom-crushing psychopath ever to run for president. We are talking Stalinist proportions. And PLEASE don’t think for one second that there are any other alternatives. If you consider any third party or write-in candidate, all you are doing is contributing to a Hillary victory.
We’ve got 26 days to go. There is going to be a LOT more stuff coming out on both sides.  We are likely going to find out that both of them are even worse than we had imagined.  So when more stuff comes out, which apparently is going to happen every day for the next 26 days, ask yourself if the new data points that emerge have any impact on what you just read here. Ask yourself if it changes any of the truth I just wrote.
Then hold your nose and get out the vote.

Epic post forthcoming on the 2016 “election” tomorrow. In the meantime…

Stay tuned. 
In the meantime, your prep work is to review the wikileak #PodestaEmails. Twitter is your friend.
Hillary got debate questions in advance. Hillary being aided by every media outlet on the planet. Dems plotting the infiltration of the Church (as if that didn’t happen decades ago). Hillary PERSONALLY DELETED THE EMAILS.
We are going to have more of this, every day for the next 26 days, and also more Trump stuff, including video of him shooting a beloved lion in the face somewhere in Africa and also taking out Harambre from the grassy knoll.
Happy reading!