UPDATE 16:30 MST… Bergoglio is said to have mere hours. Pray for his repentance and reversion to the Catholic faith.
Buckle up, Buttercup. Receipts are starting to drop left and right.
The Bergoglian Antipapacy is now mainstream news. Archbishop Vigano knows where the bodies are buried, and he knows what he is doing. You may question what took him so long, but calling for the CIA investigation means he already knows what is in there.
The “Catholic Spring” that was launched in early 2012, as revealed in the Podesta email leaks of 2016, was executed by the Globalist Cabal including McCarrick, Obama, Biden, powers within the Vatican, the EU, etc. All culminating in Pope Benedict’s invalid “resignation” in Feb 2013. And never forget, Benedict knew who his “successor” would be, or would have been reasonably certain, if not outright told in advance. Which no doubt influenced his decision to do the thing that he did. So we have a doubly invalidation of grave fear/coercion and the substantial error of how he tried to half quit yet remain.
Now we await all the bright sunlight to shine on Deep State/Deep Church machinations of February 2012 to March 2013.
Liz: “The Entire New World Order Agenda Was Being Stopped By Ratzinger.”
Liz: “This all comes back to McCarrick, mass trafficking of migrant children, massive cash payments from USAID, McCarrick being thick as thieves with Obama and Biden. I want to know how much was the cut for the Big Guy.”
First clip is seven minutes:
Liz: “All sorts of red flags around the 2013 abdication of Pope Benedict and the subsequent installation of this radical Leftist from Argentina.”
Bannon: “McCarrick was the ‘Pope of the U.S.’ at that time, was he not?”
Liz: “He spent more time in the West Wing than Monica Lewinsky.”
Second video is four minutes: (had the wrong one at first, now corrected)
Last video is John-Henry expounding on the machinations.
“We need the release of these files. If it can be shown that Benedict was forced to resign under pressure, it would render his resignation invalid and the entire “Francis papacy” would also be invalid.”
This should be set to start at the 5:15 mark:
Please circulate. Things will be happening very fast now.