IVF Kills Thirty Children For Every One That Survives

By |February 25th, 2024

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is defined by Yale Medicine as “a procedure that involves retrieving a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm sample and combining the two in a laboratory dish.”  Most Catholics in the pro-life movement are against IVF because “IVF replaces the marital act with a laboratory act and that an affront to the dignity of a child who is conceived.”

While that is true, the main reason we should be against IVF is not a violation of the 6th Commandment, but rather a violation of the 5th Commandment:  IVF eradicates many embryos (new individuals) to yield only a few living children.  A Catholic woman named Jenny Vaughn has a blog called Catholic Sistas in which she courageously shared her conversion story following the IVF procedures done by her and her husband.  She wrote:

The doctor had retrieved 38 good eggs, of which 31 are fertilized. Over the next week, 16 of our embryonic children die and are discarded. Thirteen are cryogenically frozen, mostly two to a vial. Two fresh embryos are transferred to my uterus… In desperation, we graduated to the expensive and complex process of IVF, where my eggs and my husband’s sperm would be taken out of our bodies, joined in a petri dish, and the resulting embryos would be inserted into my uterus.  Even before we started down the IVF road, there was a voice inside of us whispering that it was wrong… After the first transfer in July 2008, we were thrilled to discover we were pregnant with twins, due the next April. But at 21 weeks gestation, our twins–Madi and Isaiah–were born prematurely and only lived for one hour each. During those brief, heartbreaking few hours, we held them, bathed them, dressed them, and baptized them, holding onto their tiny, fragile bodies as long as we could. For the next year, I floated numbly through life. I believed the twins’ death was God punishing me for my past sins. My husband remained silent. Through it all, my heart was torn about the route we’d taken, as well as the fact that we still had 13 frozen children whose lives were on hold… [Later] the contract also stated that, “It is rare for an embryo to not survive thawing.” Half of our babies didn’t survive thawing. And, “Occasionally, an embryo is not found in the vial due to the nature of embryos to stick to the vial or pipette.” What incredible dangers we’d exposed our children to! Only one phrase in the entire contract spoke to the humanity of our children by calling them babies… Of 31 embryos created in a lab, only one survived to be raised by us.

It is due to that last sentence that I call this article, IVF Kills Thirty Children For Every One That Survives.  I glorify God for the conversion of Jenny and her husband.  She wrote this about her conversion and her children:  “Being created in a lab and then frozen violates the dignity of these tiny human beings. Thawing and discarding is killing. Reducing women to incubators and men to sperm donors is also undignified.”

MSM news reported a few days ago that “three couples whose frozen embryos were destroyed when a wandering Mobile hospital patient dropped the specimens can sue for wrongful death because the embryos were ‘children,’ the Alabama Supreme Court ruled Friday in reversing a judge’s decision to throw out the case.”  This was an excellent decision of the Alabama Supreme Court.  However, Mr. Donald Trump then made an astonishingly obtuse statement:  “Like the overwhelming majority of Americans, including the vast majority of… pro-life Americans, I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious baby..  Today, I am calling on the Alabama Legislature to act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF in America.”

Maybe Trump is thinking something as shallow as this:  “Abortion kills babies. IVF makes babies. Therefore abortion bad, IVF good...”  No, Mr. Trump—both abortion and IVF kill countless children as the first half of this article demonstrates.  And no, the entire pro-life movement is not behind you in standing against the Alabama Supreme Court’s recent decision against IVF.  In fact, I know of a consecrated woman in Louisiana who does all of her pro-life prayer and protesting in front of an IVF clinic, not an abortion center.  She understands they are one and the same on the moral front.

IVF is always wrong because it kills a dozen unborn children via “embryo-reduction” and then freezes another dozen children in “cryopreservation” just for one or two born alive.  That’s murder, not just “debasing the dignity of the child.”

Bannon has Liz Yore and John-Henry on War Room to discuss the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict

UPDATE 16:30 MST… Bergoglio is said to have mere hours. Pray for his repentance and reversion to the Catholic faith.

Buckle up, Buttercup. Receipts are starting to drop left and right.

The Bergoglian Antipapacy is now mainstream news. Archbishop Vigano knows where the bodies are buried, and he knows what he is doing. You may question what took him so long, but calling for the CIA investigation means he already knows what is in there.

The “Catholic Spring” that was launched in early 2012, as revealed in the Podesta email leaks of 2016, was executed by the Globalist Cabal including McCarrick, Obama, Biden, powers within the Vatican, the EU, etc. All culminating in Pope Benedict’s invalid “resignation” in Feb 2013. And never forget, Benedict knew who his “successor” would be, or would have been reasonably certain, if not outright told in advance. Which no doubt influenced his decision to do the thing that he did. So we have a doubly invalidation of grave fear/coercion and the substantial error of how he tried to half quit yet remain.

Now we await all the bright sunlight to shine on Deep State/Deep Church machinations of February 2012 to March 2013.

Liz: “The Entire New World Order Agenda Was Being Stopped By Ratzinger.”

Liz: “This all comes back to McCarrick, mass trafficking of migrant children, massive cash payments from USAID, McCarrick being thick as thieves with Obama and Biden. I want to know how much was the cut for the Big Guy.”

First clip is seven minutes:

Liz: “All sorts of red flags around the 2013 abdication of Pope Benedict and the subsequent installation of this radical Leftist from Argentina.”

Bannon: “McCarrick was the ‘Pope of the U.S.’ at that time, was he not?”

Liz: “He spent more time in the West Wing than Monica Lewinsky.”

Second video is four minutes: (had the wrong one at first, now corrected)

Last video is John-Henry expounding on the machinations.

“We need the release of these files. If it can be shown that Benedict was forced to resign under pressure, it would render his resignation invalid and the entire “Francis papacy” would also be invalid.”

This should be set to start at the 5:15 mark:

Please circulate. Things will be happening very fast now.


How did some rando anon know with certainty on 17 Feb 2013 that the next “pope” would be Argentinian?

17 February 2013 — 12 years ago today.

The page I link to at the end takes you to an archived webpage from a private chat group. It’s in the old time chat forum style, so I am going to type out the conversation here and weed out the noise.

Remember, this is six days after Pope Benedict read out the Declaratio, and 24 days before the “conclave” would begin:

“Nobody” User ID: 34609621 United Kingdom 02/17/2013 11:45 AM: Original Post: The next Vatican Pope will be Latin American
The next Pope will either be one of these 3 people:
1. Claudio Hummes
2. Odilo Pedro Scherer
3. Oscar Andres Rodríguez Maradiaga
Your welcome.
“Anonymous Coward” User ID: 34595220 Romania
02/17/2013 11:57 AM: He’s gonna be argentinian, don’t know exactly which one but i know this for sure, wait till it becomes true!:)
You’re half right OP. I am guessing Sandri or Bergoglio.
Open Your Eyes: Why are you thinking Argentina will be the country?
Anonymous Coward: I have my info, this isn’t a guessing.
Open Your Eyes: Anything can happen in the conclave.
Anonymous Coward: Then you have no idea what’s going on with our world.
Everything is pre-planned, everything.
Open Your Eyes: Does your group control the timeline?
Anonymous Coward: I don’t belong to any group and don’t control any timeline, i just have my info from a “very close to Vatican” person.
I may say it was most incidentally that i got it.
Wait for it as it happens.
Open Your Eyes: And the strategy behind picking the Argentina candidate is…
Anonymous Coward: Well, it’s a very long explanation, but i can sum it up.
The US wants to control again South America after losing their influence. (see Venezuela, Brazil, and many others). As well my source stated that this next pope will be the last one. That’s all my info on this.
Open Your Eyes: Well if they want to control South America they could also pick the Brazil candidate (Odilo Pedro Scherer)
Anonymous Coward: I know that, I have no idea why they’ve picked Argentina, that’s the explanation I’ve been given, I may be able to get more info on it this next week. He’ll be the last pope, implying that Rome might be destroyed as prophecised, which kind of shocked me to hear.

+Vigano: “I very much hope the new CIA Director will investigate the deep state plan to eliminate Benedict XVI — so they could install a Davos puppet on the Throne of Peter”


Full interview HERE.

It’s happening, folks.

Can. 188: A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Before the conclave of 2013, an anonymous whistleblower warned us that the CIA had already picked out who would be the next pope. We were told the pope would be from Argentina…

By Laramie Hirsch

Bergoglio Was Chosen

Before the conclave of 2013,  an anonymous whistleblower pre-warned us that the CIA had already picked out who would be the next pope. We were told the pope would be from Argentina, that the United States would try to gain control of South America, and that this would be the last pope. Enter Bergoglio.

Bergoglio is known for his complicity with the CIA during Operation Condor, a deep state operation that would destabilize Argentina with a military junta responsible for tortures and mass killings. The Vatican under Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II had a central role in Argentine’s atrocities. Jorge Bergoglio, specifically, complied with death squads who kidnapped two priests and “disappeared” six members of their parish. When in 2005 the time came for the evasive Bergoglio to account for what happened under his watch, he twice invoked his right under Argentine law to not go to open court…

When a major trial of Argentina’s “Dirty War” finally opened up in Buenos Aires on March 5, 2013, only a week later would Bergoglio become Bishop of Rome (sic). “Pope Francis” escaped any further accountability, and he is the first “pope” in history to be charged with crimes against humanity. His time colluding with the CIA had paid off, and it was time to collect.

Yet, Bergoglio would still continue the work of factions within the U.S. intelligence community…



Jorge Mario Bergoglio: “Washington’s Pope in the Vatican”?

(I find it very interesting that Antipope Bergoglio has been NECK DEEP with the CIA for 50 years. -nvp)
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 16, 2013
Jorge Mario Bergoglio:  “Washington’s Pope in the Vatican”? 
The election of Pope Francis I (sic) has broad geopolitical implications for the entire Latin American  region.
In the 1970s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was supportive of a US sponsored military dictatorship.
The Catholic hierarchy in Argentina supported the military government. The Junta’s program of torture, assassinations and ‘disappearances” of thousands of political opponents was coordinated and supported by Washington under the CIA’s “Operation Condor”.
Wall Street’s interests were sustained through Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz’ office at the Ministry of Economy.
The Catholic Church in Latin America is politically influential. It also has a grip on public opinion. This is known and understood by the architects of US foreign policy as well as US intelligence.
In Latin America, where a number of governments are now challenging US hegemony, one would expect –given Bergoglio’s track record–  that the new Pontiff Francis I as leader of the Catholic Church, will play de facto, a discrete “undercover” political role on behalf of Washington.
With Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis I  in the Vatican –who faithfully served US interests in the heyday of General Jorge Videla and Admiral Emilio Massera–  the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Latin America can once again be effectively manipulated to undermine “progressive” (Leftist) governments, not only in Argentina (in relation to the government of Cristina Kirschner) but throughout the entire region, including Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.
The instatement of  “a pro-US pope” occurred a week following the death of  president Hugo Chavez.
“Regime Change” at the Vatican
The US State Department routinely pressures members of the United Security Council with a view to influencing the vote pertaining to Security Council resolutions.
US covert operations and propaganda campaigns are routinely applied with a view to influencing national elections in different countries around the World.
Similarly, the CIA has a longstanding covert relationship with the Vatican.
Did the US government attempt to influence the outcome of the election of the new pontiff?
Firmly committed to serving US foreign policy interests in Latin America, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was Washington’s preferred candidate.
Were undercover pressures discretely exerted by Washington, within the Catholic Church, directly or indirectly, on the 115 cardinals who are members of the Vatican conclave?

CIA’s use of journalists and clergy in intelligence operations

Turns out, it is nothing new. And now DOGE has uncovered all the billions everyone was getting paid, too. Let us see where all this leads.




Someone is really unhappy about the halt to human trafficking/flow of FedGov dollars…

As you read the link below, note the anti-doctrines of the antipope, in just this short letter, all of which he has proclaimed before:

  1. The dignity of the human person is infinite (blasphemous and impossible, since the human person is not infinite)
  2. The inversion of the Order of Charity as defined in the Magisterium and expounded by both Augustine and Aquinas
  3. Regulation of immigration is a mortal sin (need I say more?)

It seems the gravy train might come to an end, and he is not happy about it.

CIAntipope needs to start trending.


Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: Sometimes the Divine Providence uses unlettered laynothings to convey great things

(Today is the 12th anniversary of Pope Benedict’s ‘Declaratio’ which he read out in Latin to the astonished Consistory. What exactly did he ‘declare’? Quite obviously he was fleeing, probably under duress, but also quite obviously not fleeing, but remaining in a new way, still inside the Vatican, still in white, still addressed as His Holiness, still with Pope in his title, still intending to remain ‘papal’ in some way… for ten more years, until his death 31 Dec 2022. One cannot half-resign the Papacy; that is Substantial Error, and the law says you retain the whole thing. Myself and other laynothings have tried to point this out for many years now. Saint Bernadette, pray for us.-nvp)

Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession.

O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers
as I present them to God.
(state your intentions here)

O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Sweet, sweet Saint Bernadette, pray for us. Happy feast to all!

Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Bernadette, and God’s inscrutable ways

Originally posted on 


Happy feast!

167 years ago today, 11 Feb 1858, the Blessed Virgin made her first appearance to Bernadette in the grotto at Lourdes. Six weeks later, Our Lady would confirm to Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception, a fact that had been Dogmatically defined barely three years prior (8 Dec 1854 HERE).

Ah, sweet Bernadette. She was but 14 years old.



Dirt poor.

Yet chosen by God to receive this miraculous message and teach it to the world.


Most of the depictions, paintings, statues of this miracle are wrong. The picture I posted above is all wrong. Bernadette was so poor, her family lived in a one-room windowless cellar with a dirt floor. Her first encounter with Our Lady was during a hunt for firewood, trudging through mud, so she would have been wearing not just rags, which was all she owned, but the worst rags she had.


The other illusory image is that of the Blessed Virgin. She actually appeared as a 14 year old, same age as Bernadette, and even shorter than Bernadette’s diminutive 4’7″… which was caused by malnutrition. Mary was appearing at the age when she herself conceived… which aligns with her pronouncement of her own Immaculate Conception on the Feast of the Annunciation, Christ’s conception, which took place at the grotto on 25 March 1858.

When these depictions began appearing even within her own lifetime, especially the statuary, Bernadette was very upset with their inaccuracy. She also despised her celebrity, and once she entered the convent, wanted only to pray and offer penances. She was chronically sick. Mary had promised her suffering in this life, but happiness in the next. Suffering is a tool to attain holiness, and Mary was no stranger to suffering in her own lifetime. These things are meant as examples for us. Bernadette died 16 April 1879, and was raised to the altars on 8 December 1933. Her famous quote, upon reflecting on her own fate while in this world:


“What do you do with a broom when it is done being used? You put it behind a door; and that is what the Virgin has done with me.”

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette, pray for us.

“O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counselor?” Romans 11:33-34

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