Warning about “brain death” and aggressive organ harvesting

From reader “CJ” commenting on the 9 year old heart attack girl, whose parents couldn’t wait to pull the plug and vivisect her…

In the late 80s, a friend of ours was in a terrible car accident. He sustained serious head injuries and went into a coma.

Almost immediately, the doctors began telling his family and all of his friends at the hospital that he was, in all likelihood, permanently “brain dead”. It became a mantra that was repeated to the family daily, which was then forcefully relayed to all of us (as in “go home, he’s gone”).

Still, being the thick-headed teenagers that we were, we kept coming to the hospital every day. We would spend hours hanging out in his room, playing music for him, watching the Eagles’ games and the baseball playoffs, telling our comatose buddy old stories and inside jokes… keeping him company, ignoring the doctors, and never giving up.

A couple of weeks into his coma, we were in his room recounting one particularly absurd story to him about the night we went and got drunk at an abandoned mental institution in Northeast Philly and got chased out by a gang of devil worshippers throwing M-80s at us from a pickup truck (it was hysterical at the time). When we got to the end of the story and we were all cracking up, his lips turned up in an unmistakable smile. We immediately told him another one… and again, his lips formed another smile at exactly the right moment.

We ran out and found the doctor, told him what had just happened. The doctor blew us off, said something about involuntary reflexes, and implored us not to give the family false hope. Our friend was never coming back, and that was that. The doctor wouldn’t even come into the room to see what we were talking about. He had zero interest.

This persisted for a few more days… more stupid stories and jokes, more smiles. We were also holding his hand and telling him when to squeeze, which he did consistently. He was hearing us, and we knew it. The doctors remained uninterested and oblivious.

One day, his hand moved and brushed away his trach tube, disconnecting it. It was the most dramatic movement we’d seen from him, so we were obviously very excited. The nurse came in, gave us another spiel about involuntary reflexes or some such, and reconnected the tube. As she was about to walk away, she muttered to him “Now, stop doing that”. At which point his hand came up and knocked the tube away again. Then, his eyes opened and he rasped back at her with all the defiance he could muster: “NO”. And the room went absolutely wild. It was an indescribably glorious moment.

Turns out, our buddy remembered everything. He remembered who won the games we watched, the songs we played, the stories we told him… and he remembered the doctors all but pronouncing him dead and pushing to pull the plug on him. I can’t imagine the terror he felt while that was happening, and never pressed him to recall it. What I do know is that the only thing that kept him from losing all hope (and his mind) were his friends who never left him, never listened to the doctors, and created enough doubt in the minds of his parents that they never agreed to sign the death warrant on their son. He survived the health care industry because he had a room full of advocates who were too young and too stubborn to listen to the experts… Praise God.

Are we really at the point where deadly heart attacks in 9 year olds are totally normal?

(Notice there is not even a hint of question how this could be. Discussed as if this sort of thing is totally normal, happens every day. -nvp)

HENDERSON, Ky. (Gray News) – A Kentucky family says their 9-year-old daughter is brain dead after she collapsed during recess on her first day of fourth grade last week.

On Aug. 7, on her first day of school at Cairo Elementary in Henderson, Lucy Nash collapsed during recess. Her family said her heart stopped for several minutes.

“On the first day of school Lucy collapsed and had a cardiac event,” a GoFundMe page reads. “Her little brain went many minutes without oxygen while they were trying to save her life.”

Lucy was rushed to a local hospital before she was flown to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, where her family says she’ll never wake up again.

On Tuesday, a public Facebook post from Lucy’s dad, Ryan Nash, said doctors declared her brain dead this week.

“Brain death isn’t something that happens at once. It’s a stretching of time in futile hope that something, somewhere in there, might still be. We’ve learned brain death takes 12 hours to declare and more than a day to experience,” Nash wrote.

The post continued, “Sunday morning, the doctor who brought my bright, energetic ‘smart cookie’ to Riley’s [Children’s Hospital] and worked all night long to save her from the going over the brink explained that the swelling and tissue damage that has been going on moment by moment since recess on Wednesday had reached its end finally. Her brain isn’t alive anymore.”

Family and friends started the “Pinkies up 4 Lucy” campaign on social media, meant to honor Lucy’s love for painting her fingernails pink. It quickly developed into everyone in the community wearing pink for Lucy, WFIE reported.

Assumption Day: “Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies”

(Originally posted August 15, 2021)

Happy Feast of the glorious Assumption!

“The Lord hath blessed thee by his power, because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nought. Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies. Because he hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people.” Lesson, Feast of the Assumption, Judith 13:22-25; 15:10

The Assumption is the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary. Fruit of the mystery is a well-provided death. You really need to start praying for that. We are sprinting toward all manner of persecution, and as we learned last year, the sacraments are not guaranteed. Get your house in order and be prepared. Do it right now, today.

The Fifth Glorious Mystery is Mary’s Coronation. Fruit of the mystery is trust in Mary’s intercession. It means really trusting her with your needs, in a spirit of holy hope and NOT in a spirit of desperation or helplessness. Get out of your own way and hand it over to her. She has been directed to cut off the head of the prince of our enemies. She’s got this.

Pray the Rosary, every day. It is life changing. Fly to her and trust in her.

Also, have I mentioned practicing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week? Schedule it on your calendar the way you would a super important work meeting, because it is even more important than that. You need to spend time with your Creator, and He really wants you there. You don’t need structured prayers; just converse with Him. You cannot hear His voice without silence and stillness. Listen to Him. If you don’t think you can do an hour, try fifteen minutes to start. He doesn’t need much to work with.

God is in charge, and His Mother is directing traffic. Go to them.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Queen of the Universe, pray for us.

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.

Happy feast, everyone!

Trump goes on The View!

Abortion now on the ballot in AZ; Secretary of State holds photo op to celebrate

Never forget that evil almost always cannot resist showing itself. It wants to be seen. It wants you to know, that they know, that you know. Make sense?

Free and fair elections!

Abortion access in Arizona headed to voters in November

By: Ashley Holden

PHOENIX — Access to abortion will be in the hands of voters come November. ABC15 was the only news station on Monday as Secretary of State Adrian Fontes certified the signatures for the ballot initiative from Arizona for Abortion Access.

Secretary Fontes told ABC15 the group had received close to 200,000 more valid signatures than needed to make the ballot.

“So, it’s not just historic because it’s the largest, but the valid signatures is more than any other petition has turned in to begin with,” said Secretary of State Fontes during an interview with ABC15.