Have you prayed for a good outcome for the election? Now, would be a good time.

(borrowed from Father Z)

Have you PRAYED for a good outcome? The best possible outcome that will benefit the nation spiritually and materially (if that is what God wills)?

Have you also prayed to ask the Holy Angels to prevent interference from the fallen angels when it comes to anything electronic used in the election results? Demons are really good with electronic things.

So,… have you PRAYED?

Now’s the time.

Why is the Philly DA sending cops into the streets to make arrests on election day?

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Philadelphia’s district attorney is highlighting voter protection efforts ahead of Tuesday’s election.

The D.A.’s Election Task Force, along with city leaders and the police commissioner, held a news conference on Monday morning.

D.A. Larry Krasner says there will be additional officers at polling locations across the city.

However, by law, no police officer is allowed to be within one hundred feet of a polling place.

The Election Task Force will be activated starting at 7 a.m. Tuesday.

Krasner emphasized that anyone who tries to attempt voter intimidation or voter suppression will be held accountable.

“There is an election court with judges. They have orders. Those orders are going to say, in essence, get out of the polling place. Anybody that doesn’t get out, you’re getting arrested. That’s how it works,” Krasner said.


Act of reparation against the blue-haired trans sodom rainbow witch and she/her stang


From the combox…

Come, let us atone for Rome’s 2025 Jubilee Mascot:


Does the reader reside in the Papal Apartment? No.
Does he include ‘Vicar of Christ’ in his C.V.? No.
Is he the pope? No.

These things the reader has in common with the Argentinian apostate, Jorge Bergoglio, whose latest act of treachery against God, His Christ, His Church, His Saints and His flock – timed to correspond with the traditional (i.e. authentic) Feast of Christ the King – is “Luce”, the insidious androgynous and rainbow Rosary wearing witch ‘mascot’ for the upcoming Jubilee Year, 2025 A.D.

In modern parlance, Jubilee Years are ‘a very big deal’; they come but once every fifty (50) years and are a year of Mercy: a special year of remission of sins, debts and of universal pardon; a time when the Mercy is God is on display and prevailing, and is thus more generous and accessible.

The wicked dimensions of this diabolical mockery are covered by Miss Barnhardt (here) and the reader should familiarise himself with them. To mock God is, amongst many other things, unwise; however to denigrate, revile and blaspheme His Mercy is grotesque and ghoulish.

It is also supremely provocative. Proverbially speaking, this outrage could be the ‘final straw’ and, thus, reparation is of high order. St. Bonafaventure tells us that the Deluge was a response to the prevailing crime of the age: lust, as cold water cools carnal desires; and that in the last days, when avarice is the order the day, fire from heaven will be required to burn it away.

Without wishing to wade into considerations of who was the last Supreme Pontiff (Pius XII, Ratzinger, or other; ‘Class of 1958’ vs. ‘Class of 2022’; Sede or variant), it must surely be patently clear that this man Bergolio is neither Catholic nor pope, but rather a destroyer and interloper. Simply put: it is not possible that he could validly be Christ’s Vicar. The very notion has descended into dark, sardonic mirth.

If one’s Sensus Fidelium does not tell one that this man is an enemy of God, then it is absent.

If the reader thinks otherwise – and such is immaterial to the dire and urgent need for reparation in the face of this crime –  do not let him think that God rewards indifference or languid, innocuous ‘loyalty’. Let him give thought now to how he will answer, when called to Judgement, “Didst thou love me?”; “Where was thine loyalty to Me?” Let him consider too the time-specific warnings of our most Blessed Mother at La Salette (and elsewhere) and weigh the probabilities.

The following selection of reparatory prayers (reproduced in both English + Latin) is of Your correspondent’s own suggestion and, though he be far from a ‘competent authority’, they comprise the Divine Praises (the orthodox supplication in the face of blasphemy), the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery The Crowning with Thorns (where God as man put upon His Head the punishment which He, as God, had given man; thereby ransoming Himself for His creatures) and an abbreviated rendering of Psalm 50Miserére, the great Penitential Psalm. ‘Miserére’ is Latin for ‘mercy’, which may explain why, when correctly numbered (i.e. Vulgate & Douay Rheims) it is the 50th chapter of the Psalter, just as the Jubilee is the fiftieth year…


All Souls Day: The Beginning of Memento Mori

“Today, we engage in a practice that St. John Chrysostom reported had been ordered by the Apostles: praying for the dead. The feast of All Souls has a particular ring to each person though — if yesterday’s feast of All Saints failed to remind you of your final end and where you ought to strive to be, today is here to remind you that someday it will be your soul in the pile of names prayed for today. Today is the beginning of the season of the year when the Church emphasizes to you that you are to remember your final end. You, me, and everyone else who reads this will die, face judgment, and be admitted to Heaven or Hell. It’s that first part — that we all die due to original sin, that everyone forgets — or buries. But remembering your death is a key to a clean heart. Eventually, you will face the Just Judge. Everyone else who has already died already has. By praying for them, you remember your own appointment to be there someday, too…”

The Holy Souls have already won their fight. They are eager to burn off their time before entering the Beatific Vision. Visit a Catholic cemetery today and pray they get sprung. When they make it, they will intercede on your behalf. It’s selflessness and a sort of pious selfishness at the same time. You can gain a plenary indulgence for one of them every day for the next seven days. Remember your death is coming, and with it, your final end. -nvp
