This will not work out well.
This will not work out well.
Pin this to your fridge. Obtain the necessary supplies. This recipe works, I can attest. Note well the need to implement with prejudice at the very first sign of infection. It’s the only way to be sure. -nvp.
The Deputy Barney Fife Protocol: How I Nip Cold and Flu Viruses in the Bud!
The Arizona Senate race has been called by AP for the Marxist. But can anyone explain this anomaly? You’re telling me 170,000 people who voted Trump ditched Kari Lake to let the Marxist win? And the Marxist got more votes than Harris, and more votes than all registered Dems in the state? I would like to hear from one AZ voter who voted for Trump and also voted for Gallego, or that voted for Trump and failed to vote for Senator. Just one.
“If Benedict believed he could resign administrative duties, but nevertheless, remain papal, then according to the canonists his resignation was invalid. Thus, the conclave that elected Francis would likewise be invalid.”
“Joseph Ratzinger’s 2013 resignation led to a situation entirely unprecedented in the history of the Church. For virtually the next decade in Vatican City, two men wore the signature white papal cassock, two men bestowed apostolic blessings on the faithful, and two men were formally addressed as “His Holiness.”
“Surely this inspires the question over whether there can be two “Popes” at the same time. In fact, as I detail in my book The Third Secret of Fatima and the Synodal Church, a small but growing number of experts now believe Benedict’s renunciation was invalid…
“If Benedict believed he could resign administrative duties, but nevertheless, remain papal, then according to the canonists his resignation was invalid. Thus, the conclave that elected Francis would likewise be invalid, as I cover in my upcoming series: Conclave/Antipope.”
Please read the whole thing:
“The world has grown rotten because of silence.” – St. Catherine of Siena
(not a live event… pre-recorded videos will be emailed to you beginning November 11. Prices go up after November 11th)
Not a Live Event: A video link will be sent to you via email on November 11th.
(Arizona was finally called for Trump last night, giving him all seven swing states. It really makes you question why the steal machine was totally shut off this year, even as they knew it would completely expose what they did in 2020. You have to wonder what their long game is. Although it does seem strange that Kari Lake got 150,000 fewer votes than Trump got… -nvp)
“The last 4 years have put into sharp focus what was stolen from us. That the America we grew up in got lost somewhere along the way. The censorship. The open attempts to make us unemployable. The warmongering. The debasement of the money supply. The pure vilification that we experienced at the hands of whatever you want to call this regime. And yes, even the demands that we accept the mutilation of children in the name of “acceptance”. This past 4 years has been something different. Something evil. Something meant to break us and turn us into something we are not and have never been.
“But somewhere along the line, God decided that we were worth giving another chance to. How else can one explain an assassin’s bullet missing Donald Trump by a fraction of an inch? How else could you explain that not only is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on OUR side, but we don’t have to qualify that? Never in my life did I think I would be excited to have a Kennedy in government. But if Trump follows through on his promise to put Kennedy in charge of HHS and let him clean house, the good he can do is beyond my ability to articulate here.
“And it’s not just the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and all the other agencies out there that have to be reformed. The FBI is a mess. The January 6th arrests showed us that the FBI can find people when they want to. And apparently arresting BLM rioters isn’t something they want to do. But putting grandmas who accidentally took an unauthorized tour of the Capitol in Federal prison is apparently a worthwhile use of their time. This is the same FBI that in the post 2020 election chaos didn’t lift a finger to look into any of the allegations that were flying around. Having the FBI clearly take allegations of electoral fraud seriously would have done a lot to cool things down. But they wouldn’t. And as such, the entire place needs to be gutted. I’m not even sure it can be fixed and reformed. It might have to be shut down and its legitimate duties given to other, less dishonest law enforcement agencies.
“Getting to the bottom of the rot in the national security apparatus will be hard. But we have a few first steps. We need to immediately revoke clearance of everybody that signed that Russian disinformation letter in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Second, we need to start declassifying things. There are some things that are better off not getting into the public sphere. But in order for that to happen, the people entrusted with what should and should not be classified have to be honest and trustworthy. Frankly, that trust is beyond broken at this point. Some things will have to come out that might be dangerous. Or unpleasant. Or embarrassing to our allies. But declassification has to happen. It’s not optional. Classification of information has been abused to cover up crimes. When that happens, the only way to restore trust is to open the whole system up, remove the cancer, and start over.
“None of this is going to just happen. There’s too many people getting rich. There’s too many people running their own little fiefdoms in what is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people. But if America is going to survive, the real America, not just some land mass named America, it has to happen. And yes, people are willing to kill for it. The attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, PA wasn’t something that happened because of incompetence. He was set up to die. And so we know that killing is on the table for those whose power is threatened by Trump. But we have a chance…”
“Trump can accomplish nothing if he makes the same mistakes he did in 2016, by trusting his long-time enemies who now slither up and flatter him. Trump can’t protect innocent citizens from government abuses if he allows his own staff to scheme, plot, and leak (as it did eight years ago), rendering him essentially helpless despite his nominal power. For four years Trump floated like a hapless rubber duck atop a tsunami, before watching the presidency itself be stolen, his supporters targeted as criminals and “domestic extremists,” and then a raft of crackpot lawfare aimed at bankrupting and imprisoning him. Let’s pray that he learned the right lessons from that. Trump must spurn the comeback attempts of those who colluded to destroy him, who served the interests of massive defense companies and entrenched bureaucracies instead of the American people…
“One of the worst offenders is neoconservative war hawk Mike Pompeo, whom some schemers want to see installed as Trump’s new Secretary of Defense. Even as Trump expresses genuine anguish over the needless suffering caused by “stupid wars,” forked tongues are whispering in his ear that he somehow “needs” men like Pompeo. Instead, Trump ought to listen to those who actually defended and loyally served him — rather than encouraging the government to send him to prison. As Pompeo actually did over the ludicrous “classified documents” case.”
And then there is this…
…which, if nothing else, was a blown opportunity to explain to Zelinsky that he is an illegitimate, unelected tyrant who canceled the elections last year. Mind, he was actually illegitimate from the moment he was installed by Barry Nuland in 2014. But I repeat myself.
Finally, we have this, which also might properly explain what is really going on…
Four days later, only 76% of votes counted, nearly every race still too close to call. Remind me again why Florida, with twice the population of Arizona, manages to count all their votes in 45 minutes. Combox is open.
Oh, and it’s a non-story here. Try finding one news article questioning it. On the contrary, what you will find are multiple multiple articles splaining how normal it is. How it’s always been this way, okay? They’re counting as fast as they can, dammit!
It’s not just Maricopa County, it’s others as well, but obviously Maricopa is where the population is. POTUS and Senate too close to call, but interestingly Kari Lake has 100K fewer votes than Trump, and her opponent is an avowed Marxist. How are there 100,000 people who vote for Trump, then the next race down vote for a Marxist? Several congressional races up for grabs too, including Scottsdale/Fountain Hills seven-term GOP rep David Schweikert running against Amish Shah, who comes to us from Chicago via Berkeley, and who barely won his primary with just 23% of the vote.
Abortion passed by such a wide margin that they called it on Tuesday night. There were many other ballot initiatives as well, but the bright spot was making crossing the border illegally a state crime, enforceable by state and local LEO. The ‘Catholic’ bishops of Arizona banded together to campaign against this initiative, because reasons. They drew up flyers and websites to fight it.
As for my own district, it is hopelessly blue, to the tune of +70% in the congressional non-race. So at least my neighbors have that going for them, even if they got the sads when they had to take down their outrageous Halloween decorations and their Harris signs in the same week.
Had a nice chat with Dr. Mazza yesterday. We share the hope of ending the foreign wars, protecting children from mutilation, canceling DEI, and many other wokeisms. I cannot imagine how bad it would have been under eight more years of Barry/Biden/Harris. We agreed that the Trump win should at least keep us free for a few more years, but only if he has learned from his mistakes, makes better decisions, and hires better people.
Isn’t that interesting? What can be said about this?
Polymarket ran a very successful election market, where US$3.6 billion was wagered. I was watching this ticker all day Tuesday, and it broke very early and very hard for Trump late afternoon. People betting their own money is a reliably better indicator than exit polls. By 8pm Eastern as the polls were closing, Trump was already at 70%. By 10pm, it was 90%… four hours before the first network called it for Trump. But the market rules hinged on AP, Fox, and NBC all calling it unanimously, which didn’t happen until 5:34am. Smart money outran corrupt AP by seven hours.
I went to bed early, and slept like a baby.
But something interesting happened way back on November 1st. Someone at Polymarket knew there would be a post-election betting market for assassinations (real or lawfare). So they started a secondary market, not for the election, but for the inauguration. In other words, will Trump make it to January 20th? As of this writing, the pool is $13.5 million.
What’s even more interesting is that Trump is trending south of 96%., and trust me, that number is only going to decline. We are still fresh in the gloating stage for the True Believers, while the entire audience was crying at the Cackler Concession yesterday. Which, if you watched it, she smirked her way through with a certain look, as if saying, “I’m not going to be POTUS, but neither is he.” We shall see. Stay Confessed.
Biggest question you should be asking: Why did they let Trump win?
What happened to Biden’s 81 million “votes?” She only got 68 million. Did 13 million Democrats die from repeated Covid jabs? Not only that, but Trump got 72 million… she managed to lose the Popular Vote, by a lot. Sum ting wong.
Yes, I am glad Trump won. But please be sober enough to know that this isn’t the fantasyland of 2016, which at the time seemed like a clear victory of good over evil. A lot has happened, mostly bad. Trump’s support of abortion, sodomy, sodomarriage, trans, Israel First, etc. is now, well, out of the closet.
Also, there has never been an apology for shutting down the country, including “non-essential” private businesses, no apology for Operation Warp Speed nor its poisonous product. No apology for not firing Fauci nor Birx. No apology for the disastrous spending. Never built the wall. Never drained the swamp, but hired the swamp into cabinet positions. Never put felonious Killery in prison.
That being said, the win last night was a win over total Marxism, be it only temporary. I am thankful for that, at least. I will write more about this, but to me that is what it came down to, that is why it was important. Because eight more years of Biden/Harris/Walz would surely have meant hell on earth, lawfare, innocents in prison, the end of free speech (and blogs like this one).
But keep praying, because you can be sure there is a Plan B. If the signal went out to let her lose, not even try to fortify, something is foul. Something is hidden up the sleeve. Will there be a November surprise? It will yet be 40 more days (December 16th) until the electors meet to cast their votes in the states. A lot can happen in 40 days.
I have many thoughts, mainly around the idea of Trump being declared an Insurrectionist. The fraudulent J6 committee already did this, did they not? Committing insurrection while serving in office is a disqualifying offense to running for further office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
So stay frosty, my friends. Go to Confession. Pray more.