Friday in the Octave of Easter: Are you ready for what’s coming?

Saint Peter responds to his accusers, from the Epistle for Friday within the Octave of Easter, OF (Acts 4:8-12):
“Leaders of the people and elders:
If we are being examined today
about a good deed done to a cripple,
namely, by what means he was saved,
then all of you and all the people of Israel should know
that it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean
whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead;
in his name this man stands before you healed.
He is the stone rejected by you, the builders,
which has become the cornerstone.

There is no salvation through anyone else,
nor is there any other name under heaven
given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”
The context is that Peter and John are healing, and preaching the Word.  Preaching Objective Truth.  They are arrested.  The next day they are brought in front of the authorities.  Instead of trying to get along to get along, Peter gives them a huge FU.
Pray that you and I will give similar testimony when on trial for proclaiming the Truth in the not too distant future.  The stone which has been utterly rejected, is in fact the cornerstone.  This is the ultimate Objective Truth of the universe for which we will be oppressed.
Because, if you know that participating in an immoral ceremony is objectively wrong, you will be prosecuted, and then fined into bankruptcy HERE
Because, if you know that men with manparts are actually men, and that allowing men with manparts into the ladies room poses a needless risk to ladies, you are a bigot and a hater HERE
Because, in enlightened western society, if your adulterous husband has ways and means, the state will mandate your torturous starvation and death HERE
The Way of the Cross isn’t pretty, but the outcome is pretty glorious.  Just be clear about one thing:  If you hold fast during your time of trial, your glory is not of this world.  In this world, your name will be utterly disgraced.  Those you leave behind, even those closest to you, will despise you.  “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

Wherein Mother Angelica goes out like the BA that she was

Read the account of the last days of Mother Angelica HERE
Wherever she may be now, I wonder if she is a bit uncomfortable with everyone remarking how appropriate was the course of her final passing, commencing as it did on Good Friday and ending on Easter Sunday.  As much as she united all her suffering to Christ and His sacrifice, she still wouldn’t feel worthy of the “comparison”.  She suffered nearly all her life, and most especially the last 15 years.  She suffered physical pain and she suffered oppression from wicked bishops.  She was at her best when she was utterly pissed off.
This woman did more to restore authentic Catholicism in the American post-conciliar Church than anyone else I can think of.  Not to say an authentic restoration has actually taken place, but rather, that she was a beacon of Truth to anyone serious enough to want to hear it.  Mother and her network were essential to my true conversion in the late 90s, in a way that I knew was irreversible even then.  Because once you know the Truth, there is no going back.
A few weeks ago, I had the happy occasion of being with my oldest son and his family for a few days.  He is slowing returning to the faith, and his heart seems sincere.  A program came on TV, I think it was 60 Minutes, with the story of Brittany Maynard, the young woman from Oregon who took her own life in order to avoid the suffering of brain cancer and wanting to spare her family the sight of it.
Of course the story was presented in the most slanted way possible, i.e. how barbaric and medieval of the other 49 states to not be encouraging assisted suicide.  My son innocently asked the Church’s position on all this, and I explained it to him.  I also explained how, so often, the father of lies manages to convince the world of a lie that is the polar opposite of the truth.  How suffering is meant to be a tool; a tool that when properly wielded, united to the Cross, is like a battle ax cutting to the marrow of darkness.  How suffering is actually a gift, and that we choose with our own free will what to do with it, just like we all choose with our own free will what to do with the gift of redemption we’ve been offered.  And finally, how this woman’s wretched diabolic selfishness robbed her of that which she needed most in her last days, and robbed her family of the fruits of witness.  Ouch, the truth hurts.
As much as my answer stunned him, its clarity resonated in such a way that I knew immediately there would be no follow up questions.
When the linked article was published a few days ago, I emailed it to my son with the commentary, “This is how you go out like a warrior bad ass instead of as a coward.”
Mother was an example to all of us, to her last.  May God grant her eternal rest.

Laziness, Lies, Misnomers and Jihad

You may not be interested in jihad, but jihad is interested in you. Failure to educate yourself in the era of internet, google, and Amazon is laziness.  Sloth. Mortal Sin.
If you have time to read a book, it should be The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright. It goes back to the 14th century to explain the Hanbali school of Sunni Islam, and the Wahhabi/Salafi strains of this school. You will gain tremendous insight into what’s going on in the world.
If you don’t have time for that, do you have 15 minutes to read this article? It explains things in a very basic manner. The Wahhabi/Salafi sects reject everything that came after the very earliest times of the movement as satanic blasphemy, such that they are the only “true” Muslims.  That’s why you see them killing other Muslims in addition to everyone else.  So as the Muslim moves “deeper” into his faith, and the linear progression towards orthodoxy accelerates, he becomes weaponized (yes, weapons are part of the actual spiritual training). The west has coined a term for this process:  Radicalization.
However, “Radical Islam” is a misnomer.  While it does describe the extreme nature of the movement, it wrongly implies a periphery, a newness, a break with tradition, a revolution.  Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it Orthodox Islam, or Conservative Islam, or Traditional Islam?  I suppose that wouldn’t sit too well with the other schools of Islam, even if it’s the truth.
Every politician on the national stage in every western country understands these facts.  Anyone who tells you Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism is a liar, and is a part of the problem. Anyone who leans on the fact that the majority of Muslims are peaceful, family people, obscures the facts at hand and is a part of the problem.
Oh, and changing the flag on your fb profile doesn’t mean shit, ever. Educate yourself, help to educate others, and start being part of the solution.

The republic’s ‘dead cat bounce’

As I already declared in December 2015, the republic is dead.
What you have seen in the last few months, with dark horse candidates dominating the GOP field, is the dead cat bounce:  The notion that an outside candidate such as Trump or Cruz could win the nomination.  The possibility of real reform.  The possibility of curtailing, even a little, the massive corruption of the oligarchy.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
The events of the last week now prove that the GOPe will use any means necessary to nominate a candidate whom they own.  No matter Jeb’s failure to launch, Rubio’s robotics, nor Romney’s three strikes and you’re out.  The nominee must be someone who will not rock the boat, because the establishment (on both sides) is totally immoral and corrupt.  It is status quo either way.
This is no screed for Trump, by the way.  He’s certainly no conservative, and his behavior demonstrates he would be even more authoritarian than Obama.  Just imagine him on the international stage.  Countries are laughing at us.
Let’s face it, the GOPe would rather see Hillary win.  Yes, really.  They are closer to Hillary on policy. Hillary is safe. Hillary won’t take away their toys.  Hillary is, in objective reality, one of their own.
Think about the scenarios of how this plays out from here.  Visualize for thirty seconds how the general election campaigns play out post-conventions.  Can you come up with one scenario where she doesn’t win?  Unless she is in jail, I don’t see one.
Silver lining: This event may finally be the tipping point where a large number of sheep wake the hell up and decide not to be sheep anymore.  But choosing the red pill isn’t easy.

The most diabolical success story since 11 Oct 1962

Confession.  Who needs that silly old thing anymore?
Confession is the only earthly means of regaining sanctifying grace after committing mortal sin.  I say earthly means, because God is not bound by the sacraments, and He can grant pardon if your contrition is perfect; that is, repentance out of sheer love for God, and not just fear of eternal punishment.  Since you can never really know how perfect your contrition is, it’s a lot more comforting to get your sorry ass in the confessional, often. It’s the only way to be sure.
The council opened amid a rapid escalation of the Loss of the Sense of Sin, and the continued secularization of western society.  The Modernists had been kept at bay for over 50 years, but they were only in hiding, and they saw this was their chance. Aggiornamento!
The Smoke of Satan entering the Church took many forms.  Marxist and sodomite infiltrators, moral destruction of seminaries, the Novus Ordo and its immediate openness to abuses, etc, etc. But Satan’s central point of attack was on Sacramental Confession. Why?  Go back and read the first paragraph.
The CARA Survey (this one is 2008) shows that 75% of Catholics go to confession less than once a year or never at all, and that 54% of Catholics who attend Mass every week think there is no need for confession at least once a year.  Follow the link for tons more data.
So OF COURSE this is the most diabolical success story of the last 50 years.  Can you tell me a more effective way to ensure the eternal damnation of millions of souls WHO ACTUALLY THINK THEY ARE GOOD CATHOLICS?
Oh, wait.

If someone comes to you and feels something must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into these situations, but he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be able to do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur. And the Lord understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to understand what is inside that heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you understand me. You must receive everyone with the language with which they can speak.

No. No. No.  Go read the article linked above to 1P5.  This is explicitly forbidden, for reasons which should be obvious, and results in INVALID confession, i.e. your sins are not forgiven, unless your Indian name is Cat Got Tongue.
Does everyone remember that all the sacraments have Matter and Form to be valid?  Do you know the Matter for Sacramental Confession?  It’s the sins themselves, and the act of confession itself, which consists of contrition, actually confessing the sins, and satisfaction.  Did you get that?  Without the sins and the confession, there’s no sacrament.
So once again we are left wondering: is the Holy Father intentionally undermining the faith, resulting in a multitude of damned souls, or is he simply ignorant of Church teaching, resulting in a multitude of damned souls?
Doesn’t this mean that all the invalid “general absolution services” are okey dokey too? Why do we even need confessionals? “Everyone needing reconciliation, please don’t queue up. Sit in the pews and remain mute. Father Jazz Hands will absolve from the pulpit shortly.”
Please, God, make it stop.  For the sake of His sorrowful Passion.

The category for Catholic Final Jeopardy has now been revealed

Dark days, eh?  Pro-abort, pro-gun control, pro-sodomy “Republican” leading the polls by a huge margin, global financial collapse imminent, Islam invading the West,  and heresy from the bishop of Rome.  Welcome to the pig’s breakfast of 2016.

This post attempts to categorize the errors of the Holy Father.  Some are more serious than others, of course. Thankfully, none of the nonsense has approached the authority of magisterial teaching, and if this really is the Church founded by Christ, it never will.  But many people think the less serious errors are “meaningless”.  We’re about to find out if that’s true.

You can group most the issues into three categories.  The first is statements regarding subjects he has no competence, by right of his office, to comment on.  The second is statements on faith and morals possibly taken out of context, mistranslated, or twisted by the media. The third category, hitherto rare, thanks be to God,  is statements on faith or morals which clearly contradict Church teaching.  Let’s examine each of the three to determine which we need not be concerned about.

Category One:  It’s a problem.  Although I may be able to sit by the glow of my fire pit with a clear conscience as I burn off a copy of Laudato Si into the ozone, I’m afraid the rest of the world is all too eager to exploit his misguided musings.  Enemies of Christ are emboldened by the never ending  tirades in Marxist Modernist ideology. I’m waiting for him to attack Bernie Sanders for being too far to the Right.  There are agendas to be advanced, with billions of dollars at stake.  Words matter.  Serious consequences result.  There seems to be no subject for which this man can’t get it wrong.

Category Two: It’s a problem.  “Who am I to Judge” was taken completely out of context, right?  No?  It doesn’t matter:  It has become a virtual battle cry for those whom now feel confirmed in their sin, mostly the homosexuals. But how can the Holy Father be to blame for his words being misused?  Because there has not been, in three years of this nonsense, one single word of retraction or correction.  They trot out +Lombardi to squirm in front of the press, but not a single word of retraction or correction.  Unless something is done, we will be living with the consequences of this statement for CENTURIES.

Category  Three:  It’s a really big problem, and this has now been revealed as the Final Jeopardy category.  Open heresy from the lips of the Holy Father. Buckle up, buttercup.

It started with the infamous Scalfari interview, which escaped total condemnation only because there was no tape recorder.  However there was also, once again, not one word of retraction.  That’s how we know that every bit of it is true, and boy, the whole piece is a rather magnificent revelation of how unCatholic is the pope’s thinking.  But the money quote for me was,”Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.”  Holy Father, you just exterminated Christianity.

How can I explain to my children the errors of moral relativism or indifferentism with a quote like this floating around?  How am I supposed to defend doctrine to my colleagues, friends and relatives, when I’ve got this guy cutting me off at the knees?

Another example, widely overlooked, was his meditation on the Blessed Virgin at the foot of the cross, wherein he believes she called God a liar.  More recently was his meditation on the Fifth Joyful Mystery,  wherein it was Jesus Himself who commits a sin for which He needed to beg forgiveness.  No, really.  I’m not making this up.

Now Zikagate is upon us.  +Francis approves contraception and eugenics in one quote!  +Lombardi trots out to save the day and issue a retrac…. NOPE… issues an AFFIRMATION that the pope said what he said, and meant what he meant.

The enemy is not at the gate, he is within the gate.  It’s time to choose sides.

How much would you like to risk on Final Jeopardy?

Morality is always dreadfully complicated to a man who has lost all his principles

The title quote is widely attributed to Chesterton, although I’ve never found the source. Regardless, it certainly sounds like him.  The phrase cuts to the bone like a battle axe of Truth – light, sharp, swift, unsparing.  Brilliant simplicity is a lost art.
There is no such thing as lukewarm moral relativism.  There is only Truth and error.  If you possess 99% of the Truth, you are in error, by which means you intentionally  separate yourself from God, who is Truth.  Ask Pilate.
The following three links are the ones you need to read about Zikagate.  Keep in mind that not only did the pope say what he said, but when +Lombardi had the chance to walk it back, he instead confirmed YESSS THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THE POPE MEANT.
You absolutely must read these three links:
Ann Barnhardt
There is nothing to add.

Heresy – I’ve had enough

I must inform you that I’ve reached my limit with regard to the antics of the Holy Father.

I will continue to pray for the Holy Father, the man.  Most especially, I pray for his conversion.  But I can no longer remain quiet on his actions. Words have meaning, and the damage is real. I have spent three years in the shadows, only blogging anonymously or commenting anonymously on his multitude of errors, blasphemies, calumnies, and ad hominem attacks.  My silence ends today.

I’m going public, and I’m attaching my name to the truth.  I’m proclaiming that contraception is an intrinsic evil; does he even understand what that means?  I’m proclaiming eugenics as an intrinsic evil.  I’m proclaiming that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a conflict between the Fifth and Sixth Commandment.  I’m proclaiming that a sovereign nation has not just a right, but indeed a duty, to defend its border and protect its citizens.

Oh, and that’s just since Thursday.  Three years of this, and I’m worn out.

Have a look at the quote on our offertory envelopes for the Third Sunday of Lent: “Everyone has his own idea of good and evil, and must choose to follow the good and fight the evil as he conceives them.  That would be enough to make the world a better place.”

I don’t even know where to begin.  This kind of heresy makes the world, in fact, a terrible place; a haven for abortionists, jihadis, and sodomites, all of whom think their actions are good.  This isn’t garden variety heresy, wherein a drop of poison is added to otherwise sound doctrine.  No, this is a whopper.  In short, it’s the opposite of what the Church teaches.  Surely we can find a different envelope supplier.

This blog will remain anonymous, at least for now.  It provides me certain options should things get ugly, which they surely will.  Unfortunately, the main vehicle for my public defense of the faith will need to be facebook.  There is just no other means to get the message out as effectively.  I await with interest to be condemned by my Pollyanna Catholic friends and lauded by the Evangelicals.
I will entrust my actions to these fine saints::

  • “Now when [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church must either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See.”
    St. Francis de Sales, “The Catholic Controversy”
  • “…a pope who is a manifest heretic by that fact ceases to be pope and head, just as he by that fact ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church; wherefore he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the judgment of all the early fathers, who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.”
    St. Robert Bellarmine, “On the Roman Pontiff”
  • “If God permitted a pope to be notoriously heretical and contumacious, he would then cease to be pope, and the Apostolic Chair would be vacant.”
    St. Alphonsus de Liguori, “The Truths of the Faith”
So I’m done confessing, as in sacramental Confession, my anger toward the holy father, anger for the damage he is inflicting on the Church, and anger for the danger to souls.  That’s the real reason I need to take a stand:  Souls are at stake.  If Francis chooses to make himself the enemy of Christ and His Church, then he is my enemy as well.  Trust me, I am aware of the gravity of my words, and trust me, I’m terrified.

Iran humiliates most powerful navy in the history of the world

I don’t know why the Officer in Charge gave the order to lay down weapons, remove body armor, surrender his craft and crew, and then apologize to the enemy that just captured all of the above.  Maybe he was taking orders himself, but he had an obligation to refuse those orders, and anyway, they say the radio was out.  In which case, his next in command had the obligation to refuse the order and relieve him.
You see, it’s this thing called the Code of Conduct. Of its six articles, three were violated:
II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
III. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
V. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause

Digitized by Leonard J. DeFrancisci

The idiots in Oregon are messing with civil war

I’m talking about Ammon Bundy and his yahoo bunch.
Here’s why what they are doing is foolish and unjustified.  This is not their fight, the Hammonds don’t want help, and there is no imminent threat of death or injury.  The situation is entirely of their own creation.  While you can argue about unfair sentencing, the legal process, and constitutionality of laws, you have to do it whilst obeying the Rule of Law.  Otherwise, you violate the very thing you purport to defend.
I say they are messing with civil war, because they have families there with them.  Women and children.  If Fedgov decides t0 take their building back, it will be military ROEs, and they all die — google “Ruby Ridge” and “Waco Siege”.  There are many MANY patriots who, while not supportive of the actions of the Bundy crew, nevertheless would respond in some way were they slaughtered.
The best overall coverage on this is at Oath Keepers.