Why the contemplatives must be destroyed, why the plan was made public, and why it affects you

If you don’t understand the reality and importance of spiritual warfare, you have absolutely zero chance of getting to heaven. Listen up.
I wrote a post about the Church Militant that I will excerpt here, because it already explains the seriousness of the situation and (partly) what got us here. You can read that whole post HERE, but the core is as follows:

The duties of the Church Militant can be broken down into a threefold engagement in spiritual and temporal warfare, to which we are all called:

  1. The internal spiritual battle against personal sin, which subsists in all the faithful as the result of Original Sin and its ensuing Concupiscence, which is closely related to #2,
  2. The external spiritual battle against demons, Powers and Principalities; those evil spirits prowling about the world seeking the ruin of souls
  3. The external temporal battle against human institutions, laws, inequities and iniquities, imposed by men, which are contrary to Divine Law

The Catechism of Trent, Article IX, puts it very succinctly:
“It is called militant, because it wages eternal war with those implacable enemies, the world, the flesh and the devil.”
Does any of this language sound familiar?  Have you ever heard a sermon preached on spiritual warfare?  Have you ever heard a sermon on rooting out personal sin? Have you ever heard a sermon on your duty to fight unjust laws and unjust men?  You haven’t? Welcome to the post-conciliar Church.
Just as the wrecking ball takes multiple swings to bring down an edifice, omission of this precise formula was but one blow in the brick by brick demolition of the faith orchestrated by the modernist marxist infiltrators who hijacked the council and the faith.

So this is the reality of what is going on around us 24/7/365. It’s warfare for sure, but the stakes are way higher than any earthly battle, because the outcomes affect the eternal destiny of souls. Did you notice that the first two duties are purely supernatural, and only the third is natural? That’s because our physical actions (i.e. ‘Just War’, proselytising, protests, petitions, voting, BLOGS) are merely small arms fire, or at most, artillery.  But the WMDs of this war are prayers.  It’s easy to forget, or even to doubt whether that’s true, because you’ve been conditioned for 50 years to kneel at the altar of Active Participation. Let’s face it; we suck at this.  We have the awesome power to participate in battle at the supernatural level, and we choose to spend our time focused more on the natural.

We must speak forcefully about the reality of the supernatural.  Those demons are real, and their first tactic is always to hide from the light.  We must proclaim this reality and call out the grim destiny of those who refuse to believe it.  Recall again we are speaking here of a moral duty, and the task is not for the faint-hearted.  This is about doing battle with fallen angels, created beings possessing intellects orders of magnitude greater than our own.  They have been thrown out of heaven for their refusal to serve, and their only goal is to drag more souls to Hell by convincing said souls to refuse to serve.  Our hope rests only in God, who does not send his servants into battle unarmed.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to God, unto the pulling down of fortifications, destroying counsels.

Thankfully, we have the contemplatives, or at least what is left of them.
Contemplative orders were all but wiped out after Vatican II. Of the few that remain, most have been infiltrated with nuChurch to a greater or lesser extent. Even the “conservative” houses are severely handicapped, because their primary weapon – the Liturgy – is suboptimal. This includes not only the new Mass with all its defects, but also and importantly the new breviary, with its intentional suppression of the “offensive” psalms. Those suppressed verses were some of the most powerful spiritual weapons available, and they are no longer being prayed (literally hundreds of verses are omitted in the new office, but you can start with Psalms 57/58, 82/83, and especially 108/109 HERE.
Two notable exceptions in the USA, where Tradition is practiced, are Clear Creek Abbey in Arkansas HERE  and the Benedictines of Mary in Missouri HERE.
Regardless of their level of orthodoxy, it’s the contemplative orders that wage constant spiritual battle on your behalf. That is why all of this most certainly affects YOU. We laymen absolutely have the duty to wage war as part of the Church Militant. But we are the regular military.
The contemplatives are SOCOM.  They are DEVGRU.  They are MARSOC. The wars are unwinnable without them, and the enemy knows it. So now a new assault is being launched, from within the walls and from the top. Isn’t it interesting that even though these orders have nearly gone totally extinct since the council, and most that survive are severely wounded, that’s still not good enough. No, because even though they are few, and wounded, they are still the most badass warfighters.  They must be completely exterminated.
In the Apostolic Constitution VULTUM DEI QUAERERE, Francis lays out exactly how it will go down.
First up, this crushing mandate:

15. In today’s social, cultural and religious context, monasteries need to pay great attention to vocational and spiritual discernment…they should ensure that candidates receive personalized guidance and adequate programmes of formation, always keeping in mind that for initial formation and that following temporary profession, to the extent possible, “ample time must be reserved”, no less than nine years and not more than twelve.38

No less than nine years following temporary profession?  And maybe as long as twelve?  Well that sounds inviting, doesn’t it? It should really help boost numbers by telling 20 year olds “just 15 years, missy, and we’ll have you ready.” Oh and the footnote 38 refers to Canon 648, which only addresses the novitiate (not less than 12 months, not more than two years). It is actually Canon 655 that refers to temporary profession (not less than three years and not more than six). But don’t worry, Francis had the foresight to proclaim his document is above canon law. I’ll get to that at the end.
So now that we’ve ensured there won’t be any incoming threat, let’s just go ahead and make sure we nuke the entire site from orbit.

28. Autonomy favours the stability of life and internal unity of each community, ensuring the best conditions for contemplation. But autonomy ought not to mean independence or isolation, especially from the other monasteries of the same Order or the same charismatic family.
29. “No one contributes to the future in isolation, by his or her efforts alone, but by seeing himself or herself as part of a true communion which is constantly open to encounter, dialogue, attentive listening and mutual assistance”. For this reason, take care to avoid “the disease of self-absorption” and to preserve the value of communion between different monasteries as a path of openness towards the future…

Because it goes without saying that the aforementioned Benedictines of Mary in Missouri could CERTAINLY benefit from communion with the Benedictines of ERIE am I right? I bet Sister Joan can’t wait to alleviate their isolation.

30. Federation is an important structure of communion between monasteries sharing the same charism, lest they remain isolated. The principal aim of a Federation is to promote the contemplative life in the member monasteries, in accordance with the demands of their proper charism, and to ensure assistance in initial and continuous formation as well as in practical needs, through the exchange of nuns…

No, the principle aim of a federation is NOT to promote the exchange of nuns, and Canon 684 (referred to in the footnote for this paragraph) explicitly lays out the rules by which a transfer can take place. But again, this document overrules canon law.

31. …The variety of ways in which the cloister is observed within the same Order should be seen as an enrichment and not an obstacle to communion; it is a matter of reconciling different approaches in a higher unity. This communion can take concrete shape in various forms of encounter…

Pure Francis right there. Achieving higher unity through encounter. Will there be hand holding and bongos?  Speaking of which, have I mentioned how all this comes in the wake of Francis terminating the intervention into the arch heretical, new-age worshipping LCWR? You go, girlz.  Carry on.
And now, in case you were holding out hope that there really is nothing sinister here, that I shouldn’t be reading Francis through Satan, think again.  The moment you’ve all been waiting for….CONCLUSION AND REGULATIONS:

Art. 1. With reference to canon 20 of the Code of Canon Law…the following are derogated: 1. Those canons of the Code of Canon Law that, in part, directly contradict any article of the present Constitution; 2. and, more specifically, the articles containing norms and dispositions found in: – the Apostolic Constitution Sponsa Christi of Pius XII (21 November 1950): Statuta Generalia Monialium; – the Instruction Inter Praeclara of the Sacred Congregation for Religious (23 November 1950); – the Instruction Verbi Sponsa of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (13 May 1999) on the contemplative life and enclosure of nuns.

i am the law
Moving on…

Art. 5 § 2. Since sharing the transforming experience of God’s word with priests, deacons, other consecrated persons and the laity is an expression of genuine ecclesial communion, each monastery is to determine how this spiritual outreach can be accomplished.

Does this mean Canon 674 is derogated?

Can. 674 Institutes which are entirely ordered to contemplation always hold a distinguished place in the mystical Body of Christ: for they offer an extraordinary sacrifice of praise to God, illumine the people of God with the richest fruits of holiness, move it by their example, and extend it with hidden apostolic fruitfulness. For this reason, members of these institutes cannot be summoned to furnish assistance in the various pastoral ministries however much the need of the active apostolate urges it.

Moving on…

Art. 8 § 2. Whenever the requirements for a monastery’s genuine autonomy are lacking, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life will study the possibility of establishing an ad hoc commission made up of the ordinary, the president of the federation, a representative of the federation and the abbess or prioress of the monastery. In every case, the purpose of this intervention is to initiate a process of guidance for the revitalization of the monastery, or to effect its closure.

Let me translate: “If you intend to hold fast to the True Faith, we will shut you bitches down.”
And finally,

Art. 9 § 1. Initially, all monasteries are to be part of a federation. If, for some special reason, a monastery cannot join a federation, after the vote of the chapter, permission to allow the monastery to remain outside a federation is to be sought from the Holy See, which is competent to study and decide the question.
Art. 10 § 1. Each monastery…is to ask the Holy See what form of cloister it wishes to embrace, whenever a different form of cloister from the present one is called for.
Art. 11 § 2. In communities devoted to contemplation, the income received from labour should not be used exclusively to ensure a decent sustenance, but also, if possible, to assist the poor and monasteries in need.
Art. 14 § 2. Once they have been adapted to the new regulations, the articles of the constitutions or rules of individual institutes are to be submitted for approval by the Holy See.

I just don’t see how any of this could go wrong, do you?
Lastly, you ask, why is the plan being made public?  We’ve all seen how Francis has destroyed the FFIs without needing any of this. 99% of the Catholic world didn’t notice.  He could have simply sought out the other orders and remediated them in the same way. So why publish your battle plan for the enemy to see?
Because he just. can’t. help it.  He just HAD to make it public. He just HAD to declare himself above canon law. It’s called diabolical narcissism. He actually got more of a thrill in the making it public, and getting away with it, then he will eventually get if allowed to succeed.
Read it all HERE.

What was +Ouellet up to at the KoC meeting, and why the hell is no one talking about it? Hasn’t anyone read the whole thing?

Last week, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, and former Primate of Canada, delivered the keynote address at the annual meeting of the Knights of Columbus, which this year took place in Toronto.
Sure, there was some initial reporting on it HERE and HERE. But the story has all but disappeared, and friends, this is quite a story.  I know people who were in the room, and I am told the audience was stunned…STUNNED as it unfolded and in the immediate aftermath.
Here’s the set-up:  +Ouellet has been a reliable defender of the faith, even the hard parts, during his entire public life since being made a bishop 15 years ago. He has written extensively on the hard parts and even wrote a book attacking the Kasper proposal. He was widely considered papabile at the last conclave, and his apparent orthodoxy has extended well into the current pontificate. More on his CV later.
There are two aspects to the stunning.  First are his comments on Amoris Laetitia which came near the end of his rather brief address.  The second is the context, or rather the preamble, leading up to the comments. Here is the entire passage on AL verbatim:

Before concluding, let me say a word about the Papal document, Amoris Laetitia, that was born of the 2 recent Synods on the Family. In all honesty, I think that controversies around Amoris Laetitia are understandable, but, in all confidence, I believe they might even be fruitful in the end. It is a document worth reading and rereading, slowly, one chapter after another – enjoying the marvellous chapter four on Love, and entrusting chapter eight to the careful and open minded discernment of priests and bishops towards people in need of charity and mercy. What is essential is that we try to grasp the Holy Father’s desire and intent to provide for the true and substantial reconciliation of so many families in confused and difficult situations. No change of the doctrine is proposed, but what is proposed is a new pastoral approach: more patient and respectful, more dialogical and merciful. For the most part, priests and bishops are being asked to care for and walk with them in order to help people make spiritual growth even in objective irregular situations. I am grateful to the Holy Father and am convinced that this whole process of discernment and pastoral accompaniment will bear fruit for all families.

Maybe Archbishop Kissymouth wrote this for him, because it is just dripping with FrancisSpeak. Which makes perfect sense when you look at the context.  What is the context? The context is a disgusting love letter to Francis which +Ouellet delivered as the preamble to this paragraph.  I think when he unfolded it at the podium, rose petals fell out.

When I see the Holy Father praying, I understand his impact on people, because his concrete charity flows from a deep familiarity with the Holy Spirit. We know in the Scriptures, as well as in the history of the Church, that the Holy Spirit can be unpredictable. And so, too, our own Pope Francis is somehow unpredictable like the Holy Spirit! I remember vividly his very first gesture after his election at the Conclave: Before we lined up to offer our congratulations and obedience, he walked the whole length of the Sistine Chapel to greet and embrace Cardinal Ivan Dias, who was unable to stand up and walk towards him. We were touched by this sensitivity towards the fragile human person — what an education in respect for each individual no matter his or her situation or background! We could see afterwards that this feature would be one of the Holy Father’s most characteristic attitudes and priorities….Pope Francis brings us to the core of the Gospel: Christian love of God, charity to one’s neighbour, sharing one’s gifts and resources…During Pope Francis’ first World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, he visited one of the favellas, one of the slums. At one point, far from the media, he sat with a representative family, listened to them, played with their children, and left them with a greater sense of hope. Our Holy Father shows us that charity goes beyond being for people; it requires that we also be with people, where we ourselves are transformed by the encounter. He sees charity not as some remote, ethereal ideal, but as something very concrete, as concrete as our Lord’s Incarnation and Cross. Charity is physically close…When Pope Francis travelled to Mexico, he visited the prison in Cuidad Juárez. There I witnessed how he encountered those in jail and invited them deeper into the mercy of God and offered them hope. I was touched when he spoke to them, recalling Jesus’ words of “Let him who has no sin cast the first stone”, and how the Holy Father is aware of his own wounds, mistakes and sins.Pope Francis always asks himself on entering a prison, “Why them and not me?”. But realizing it is a mystery of Divine Mercy, where we all look ahead with hope no matter what “side” we are on, he approached those in need in jail not from on high, demanding respect, but begging forgiveness for himself. To be on the receiving end of charity can be humiliating for people. This is a reality that we cannot deny. Charity is intimately connected with and linked to humility; we cannot have true love without it. In giving, the Holy Father urges us to a Christian charity that is delicate and respectful, cognizant of our own mistakes and sinfulness. We could think of another example in today’s world: So many of us were born in countries, or able to emigrate to places, where the ability to practice our faith and to support our families through good work is generally present, although under attack more so today. But what if we happened to be born and raised in Syria or Iraq? We would have very different lives due to the present Christian genocide, and our lives would be incredibly different through no choice of our own. We would need the charity and love of our brothers and sisters in the Catholic faith and in the human family just to live and survive. The ability of the Holy Father to connect with people in amazing ways is due to this attitude of giving with extraordinary humility…Pope Francis steeps his day in prayer, one hour in the morning before Mass and one in the evening before dinner. It is mostly from this time with the Lord that the Holy Father makes his critical decisions. I remember once, at the beginning of his Pontificate, he had made a decision one particular day. But during his examination of conscience that evening, he was not at peace with this decision. So he changed it the day after, and peace returned to his soul. What an example of righteousness and humility.

What an example of nauseating BS.  Go read the whole thing HERE.
As keynote speaker and considering his title, he certainly had total control over the subject matter.  He could have chosen to talk about anything. The fact that he proactively chose this says something.  I’m not sure what, but it says something. Second, can someone please speculate on what is going on here?  Is this a strategy?
Finally, there was this threatening passage, where he repeats with fondness the same phrase – “contemplatives in action” – three times.

Since he is so intimately familiar with and attentive to the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis is able to see, as a good Jesuit and follower of Saint Ignatius of Loyola would, God at work in the world and in the life of the Church. This is what it means to be a contemplative in action. A contemplative in action could also describe the call for every Knight of Columbus as good Christians. Prayer must undergird the work of charity so that it remains something that is always from God. We need the leaven of prayer so that our charitable works can bear the kind of fruit that Jesus wants that will endure to eternal life… Pope Francis’ spirituality is an invitation to the Knights of Columbus not to abandon charity to pray more, but to allow your prayer life to imbue the good that you do in your families, in your parishes and dioceses and in the local community…The Holy Father would have us resist the temptation to forego prayer, and, instead, invest ourselves in a deep spiritual life, becoming contemplatives in action.

Ask yourself, if “contemplatives in action” are to be praised, which kind are to be condemned? This seems like further groundwork to destroy the contemplative orders, which began with VULTUM DEI QUAERERE.  The necessity of this, for enemies of the Church, will be laid out in a future post.

The Pulse of Events

We interrupt your regularly scheduled episode of Sweet Meteor of Death to bring you this musical interlude.
I really miss Tim Russert.  He died eight years ago in the run up to the 2008 election, near the end of the primary season. I know he was a bad Catholic, but he was a lot better than most, especially in the District, and he was likeable.
I also really miss Meet the Press, which has never been the same without Russert. I haven’t watched an episode in at least five years.
But mostly I miss our country.  We still had one in 2008.
The theme from Meet the Press is a tight 90 seconds of John Williams brilliance.  It’s called The Pulse of Events, part of a longer suite called “The Mission”, from which NBC has used various elements as themes for its Nightly News, Today Show, etc.

Great, right?  The structure reminds me of another of my favorite bits from Williams:  The throne scene from the original Star Wars movie.  Please permit just another 105 seconds of geek squad:
Anyway, as all things diabolical continue to accelerate, and the Pulse of Events ever quickens, stay frosty, my friends. We are rushing headlong toward political, financial, and ecclesial collapse. Sprinting. Keep your powder dry, and keep plenty of it. Go to the range. Take some tactical courses. Go to Confession. Educate the people you are closest to.
And remember, in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Francis in the open: Moral Relativism will be enforced. No footnotes needed.

KRAKOW, Poland, July 29, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The head of the Polish bishops conference says that in a private meeting this week Pope Francis held with the country’s bishops, he spoke of allowing local bishops conferences to make decisions about the controversial practice of giving Communion to those who are divorced and remarried.
“The Holy Father says that general laws are very hard to enforce in each country, and so he speaks about decentralization,” Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki told reporters after a July 27 closed-door meeting with the Pope in Krakow. The pope had traveled to Poland for World Youth Day.
The pope related that in a decentralized Church, bishops’ conferences “might on their own initiative not only interpret papal encyclicals, but also looking at their own cultural situation, might approach some specific issues in an appropriate manner,” Gadecki said.

But those footnotes didn’t mean anything, right? HERE HERE and especially HERE.
You know, like the footnote he claimed he couldn’t remember, right after explaining the meaning of that exact same footnote (can’t make this up) HERE
After all, this is the same guy who proclaimed adultery as the “fullness of God” HERE.
Kids, there is nothing ambiguous in any of this.  It’s clear as crystal.  Stop saying it’s vague and confusing and start condemning this campaign against Truth.

When Francis treats us worse than Satan treats us

From Francis’ comments at WYD this past Saturday, via CNA:HERE

“Today, the Lord wants us to feel ever more profoundly His great mercy,” the Pope said… We may think that we are the “worst” on account of our sins and weaknesses, the Pope told the youth. However, this is how God prefers us to be, in order that “His mercy may spread.”

I can’t find an official transcript of this off the cuff remark, so let’s just go with the CNA version. Such a short and simple statement, yet so many levels of error.
First and most obvious, God does NOT prefer us to remain in our sins and weaknesses. Law of non-contradiction, hello?  Sin is that which goes against God’s will.  Francis’ statement reduces to “God’s will = not God’s will”. So no, that doesn’t work.
Second, if WE prefer our sins and weaknesses over the will of God, it isn’t so that “his mercy may spread.” On the contrary, our refusal to repent and continued disobedience cuts us off from that mercy on our own account. It’s just another example of twisting the truth to the point of a complete inversion of truth.
In order for Francis’ statement to be true, think about what also would have to be true.  It would mean the Non Serviam of Lucifer and his angels was not of their own free will, but that their sinful act was actually willed by God. It would mean the Original Sin of Adam and Eve was not of their own free will, but their sinful act was actually willed by God. And it would mean the transmission of Original Sin down through the ages, its resulting Concupiscence in all of mankind, causing all of us to tend toward sin against God’s will, is actually willed by God.
None of this is Catholic.  But as I have written before, all of it consistent with the constant ramblings of a man so lost in his sins, he doesn’t think it humanly possible to resist any of them. No, what we have here starts out as pure Luther (who was also totally lost in his sins), then dovetails into a Calvinistic Total Depravity, where our free will is completely subjugated to sin. Simply, we are incapable of doing the right thing, so don’t worry, be happy.  This. Is. Heresy.
The total depravity angle has the added benefit of firing up Francis the Insult Machine whenever his comments turn to faithful Catholics.  Because in his mind, there are no faithful Catholics, only hypocrites. The false doctrine of total depravity, taken to its logical end, teaches that ALL of man’s actions, even good actions, are inherently evil because our motivation for doing good cannot be altruistic but rather must be egotistic. So you can take all your beads, counted rosaries, novenas, Masses offered, and get off your high horse.
Lastly, the final diabolical inversion at play here is truly sinister.  In fact, it is an example of Francis treating us worse than Satan treats us.  Oh yes.  When we make some effort to amend our lives, and it goes very badly, as it tends to at the beginning, Satan attacks us by telling us we are miserable pathetic failures and that God will never love us.  His aim is despair, followed by your abandonment of the effort.  Francis attacks us by telling us we are wonderfully blessed by our successful sinning, and that God loves our sins.  Do you see how much worse this is?  By the way, his intent doesn’t matter (except regarding the degree of his culpability).  Whether it is willful or negligent is immaterial to the effects on the ground.  It is still an attack, an attack on souls.
Friends, while we cannot expect to live sinless lives, this is exactly what we must strive for.  At every instance of temptation, God offers sufficient grace to offset the concupiscence, providing us the ability to chose the right action.  Every sin we commit happens because we choose to refuse the grace being offered, and instead choose our will over God’s will. This is what Catholics believe.  Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

ISIS vs Francis and the death of Intellectual Honesty

Just as I was preparing a detailed response to the latest nonsense from Francis regarding the deaconess commission, the obscene new sex ed protocol, how God prefers us weak and sinful, the non-religious nature of jihad, I came across a perfect passage that I found difficult to improve upon.

Many Westerners, however, are already aware that claiming the attacks of (ISIS) to be senseless… is nothing more than a political act and a propaganda tool. The politicians will say it regardless of how much it stands in opposition to facts and common sense just to garner as many votes as they can for the next election cycle. The analysts and journalists will say it in order to keep themselves from becoming a target for saying something that the masses deem to be “politically incorrect”… The point is, people know that it’s foolish, but they keep repeating it regardless because they’re afraid of the consequences of deviating from the script. There are exceptions…people who will unabashedly declare that jihad and the laws of the Shari’ah – as well as everything else deemed taboo by the Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd – are in fact completely Islamic, but they tend to be people with far less credibility who are painted as a social fringe, so their voices are dismissed and a large segment of the ignorant masses continues believing the false narrative.

Who do you think might have written this?  Pam Gellar?  Ann Barnhardt?  Oakes Spalding?
Nope Nope Nope!
ISIS wrote it.  Wrote it in the latest edition of the English version of their very slick and glossy magazine Dabiq HERE. Written so well, this is obviously a highly Western educated jihadi indeed.
You must go read the whole article; it starts on page 30.  Why?  Because I know you really want to understand all this, but you just haven’t had time in your oh so busy life to go read all 432 pages of The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright, or even the 155 pages of Defeating Jihad by Sebastian Gorka. So now all you need to do is click that link and read FOUR PAGES (illustrated) of crisp English prose from the people who are bringing the jihad to a neighborhood near you.
Like that little neighborhood west of the Tiber.

Francis: “It’s like a fruit salad”

From the presser back from Poland today.

Antoine Marie Izoarde, i.Media: “Holy Father, before all I make the congratulations to you and Father Lombardi and also to Fr. Spadaro for the feast of St. Ignatius, if you allow me. The question is a little difficult: Catholics are a bit in shock, and not only in France, after the barbarous assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel – as you know well – in his church while celebrating the Holy Mass. Four days ago you here told us that all religions want peace. But this holy, 86-year-old priest was clearly killed in the name of Islam. So Holy Father, I have two brief questions: why do you, when you speak of these violent events, always speak of terrorists, but never of Islam, never use the word Islam? And then, aside from prayer and dialogue, which are obviously essential, what concrete initiatives can you advise or suggest in order to counteract Islamic violence? Thank you, Holiness.”
Pope Francis: “I don’t like to speak of Islamic violence, because every day, when I browse the newspapers, I see violence, here in Italy… this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law… and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics! If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence . . . and no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there’s everything. There are violent persons of this religion… this is true: I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists. We have them. When fundamentalism comes to kill, it can kill with the language — the Apostle James says this, not me — and even with a knife, no? I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence. This is not right or true. I had a long conversation with the imam, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar University, and I know how they think . . . They seek peace, encounter . . . The nuncio to an African country told me that the capital where he is there is a trail of people, always full, at the Jubilee Holy Door. And some approach the confessionals — Catholics — others to the benches to pray, but the majority go forward, to pray at the altar of Our Lady… these are Muslims, who want to make the Jubilee. They are brothers, they live… When I was in Central Africa, I went to them, and even the imam came up on the Popemobile… We can coexist well… But there are fundamentalist groups, and even I ask… there is a question… How many young people, how many young people of our Europe, whom we have left empty of ideals, who do not have work… they take drugs, alcohol, or go there to enlist in fundamentalist groups. One can say that the so-called ISIS, but it is an Islamic State which presents itself as violent . . . because when they show us their identity cards, they show us how on the Libyan coast how they slit the Egyptians’ throats or other things… But this is a fundamentalist group which is called ISIS… but you cannot say, I do not believe, that it is true or right that Islam is terrorist.”

I’m at a loss where to start.  He really said it all.
Catholic Fundamentalists are just as bad as Jihadists.

Francis to fix contemplatives. What could go wrong?

Because the FFIs certainly needed to be destroyed, right? Now we have a model to go forward.
Francis has issued the apostolic constitution VULTUM DEI QUAERERE on women’s contemplative life HERE.
There are copious amounts of totally sound teaching, so the Pollyannas will have plenty to crow about.  At first, there is just a modest sprinkling of the Francisinsults we’ve grown accustomed to.

#4.  Communities of prayer, especially contemplative communities…do not propose a more perfect fulfilment of the Gospel.
#11.  Among the most perilous temptations faced by contemplatives is…the temptation to listlessness, mere routine, lack of enthusiasm and paralyzing lethargy…little by little this leads to “a tomb psychology… [that] develops and slowly transforms Christians into mummies in a museum. Disillusioned with reality, with the Church and with themselves, they experience a constant temptation to cling to a faint melancholy, lacking in hope, which seizes the heart like ‘the most precious of the devil’s potions’.”
#19. The entire Church, and especially communities completely devoted to contemplation, need to rediscover the centrality of the word of God.
#21. Your entire day, both personal and in community, ought to be organized around the word of God. Thus your communities and fraternities will become schools where the word is carefully listened to, put into practice and proclaimed to all those who encounter you.

That’s just for starters.  It really kicks in around #24.  Then, in case you thought the program was merely a suggestion, he lays out exactly how this is going to go down. Which is to say, exactly like the Commie re-education camps you might expect from Francis.
More to come.

Because before you can destroy something, you must acknowledge it exists

Please please please go read “Defeating Jihad – The Winnable War”  by Dr. Sebastian Gorka HERE.  Excluding the exhibits and technical info, it’s 155 pages and a very easy read. His conclusions/gameplan I’m afraid don’t go far enough, but he does a masterful job of laying out the NATURE OF THE PROBLEM, and then draws parallels common to other totalitarian ideologies.
For years, I’ve recommended “The Looming Tower” by Lawrence Wright HERE.  It still stands as the comprehensive guide to the Salafist/Wahhabist strain of Sunni Islam.  But it is thick and intimidating, and we are now at the point where literally everyone needs to get in the game and educate themselves.
Gorka’s book can be read in an afternoon and understood by an average fifth grader.  Said fifth grader would then be educated enough to avoid making any statement as delusional as the one at the top of this post.
Said fifth grader would also be more qualified in counterterrorism than the entire Obama DOD/DOJ, who have expunged all reference to Islamic Terrorism AKA Jihad from every training manual, every policy, every directive.  If you are an expert in this field, and you acknowledge the role of Islam as CENTRAL to the problem, you are barred from teaching any classes, delivering seminars, speeches etc. to anyone in Fedgov.  At some point, conduct like this moves beyond head-in-the-sand delusion, crossing over to criminal negligence at best and intentional sabotage at worst.
Folks, it’s game time.  It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not.  Shit is about to go down on a scale not seen since, well, I’m not even sure.  This hateful totalitarian ideology cannot be reasoned with, bought off, pacified in any way, except with your blood.  More are arriving daily, and more are being homegrown daily.  Their means of recruiting demonstrate a level of psychological insight and technological expertise which will not be easy to defeat.
Have you begun to consider the odds of a planned coordinated simultaneous attack across multiple soft targets in North America?  Not Wall Street and government buildings, but rather schools, shopping malls, busses and trains, youth sports tournaments, dance recitals, outdoor concert venues, Main Street in downtown Middle America. Are you doing anything, anything at all to prep for this?  Are you responsible only for yourself, or do you have a family?  If you have a family, it’s your duty to educate and prepare them as best you can.  You will not be permitted the excuse of, “How was I supposed to know?”

The dethroning of God and the deification of man

I stole the title from one of the slides in Ann Barnhardt’s spectacular video on Diabolical Narcissism HERE.  The video itself is three hours long, and worth every minute of your time.
I’ve been meaning to write for some time about the root cause of all the madness – the inversion of the First Commandment (title of this post).  Note well, not the expungement of the commandment, but rather its diabolical inversion at the command of the satanically influenced secular world to worship self as if we were god.  The root goes wayyyy back, more than 500 years, and we won’t trace all that in this post.  Let’s just focus on the current phase of the collapse, which is the entirety of the Second Vatican Council – all of it – but especially its attack on the Mass.
Which brings us to the current event of Cardinal Sarah’s appeal for ad orientem, and the ensuing admonishment from his boss.
Let’s get one thing clear right off the bat.  This is not a trivial event. On the contrary, it is most revealing, both in the subject matter and in the way it played out.  Don’t let anyone tell you this is about style, preferences, fashion, etc.  Don’t let anyone tell you this is just rearranging deck chairs.  I mean, of COURSE it’s rearranging deck chairs, but that doesn’t mean we should shrug our shoulders and waste the teachable moment.
This is about the most diabolical change in the Mass of Paul IV… and that’s really saying something, because there sure is a lot to choose from.  It doesn’t matter that the change wasn’t mandated, and it doesn’t matter that the rubrics suggest the change wasn’t made at all.  The only thing that matters is that the priest standing at table facing the people was the end result, almost instantaneously in all the churches of the world.  Paul VI himself was doing it in Rome before the missal was even promulgated.  No time for citations… go look it up.
The change to versus populum flattened the liturgy, led us to focus on the priest and on ourselves instead of God, supported all the SJW nonsense by making it about “the community”.  There are a hundred books written about this. It’s so obvious, that even with no knowledge of history, if someone sees ad orientem for the first time, and you explain that we are all facing God and worshipping him together, and this person has at least a shred of Sensus Catholicus, THEY INSTANTLY GET IT, and wonder how it had never occurred to them before.
So yes, what I’m saying is that this is the actual most destructive thing about the N.O.
Not communion in the hand, though also an abomination.
Not EMHCs, though also an abomination.
Not female altar boys, though also an abomination.
Not the awful music, though also an abomination.
Not 27 “Eucharistic Prayers”, though also an abomination.
Not the butchered Offertory, though also an abomination.
Not the loss of Latin, although lamentable, especially the near loss of chant.
Not the removal of tabernacles, although a corollary to versus populum.
No.  None of these has had a more devastating effect than versus populum.  None of these has contributed more to the dethroning of God and the deification of man.  And it’s exactly as the marxist masonic modernist infiltrators wanted.
Now back to current events.

I want to make an appeal to all priests. You may have read my article in L’Osservatore Romano one year ago (12 June 2015) or my interview with the journal Famille Chrétienne in May of this year. On both occasions I said that I believe that it is very important that we return as soon as possible to a common orientation, of priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction—Eastwards or at least towards the apse—to the Lord who comes, in those parts of the liturgical rites when we are addressing God. This practice is permitted by current liturgical legislation. It is perfectly legitimate in the modern rite. Indeed, I think it is a very important step in ensuring that in our celebrations the Lord is truly at the centre.
And so, dear Fathers, I humbly and fraternally ask you to implement this practice wherever possible, with prudence and with the necessary catechesis, certainly, but also with a pastor’s confidence that this is something good for the Church, something good for our people. Your own pastoral judgement will determine how and when this is possible, but perhaps beginning this on the first Sunday of Advent this year, when we attend ‘the Lord who will come’ and ‘who will not delay’ (see: Introit, Mass of Wednesday of the first week of Advent) may be a very good time to do this.

Cardinal Sarah, speaking at a conference, in an unofficial role, made an appeal to priests for a return to ad orientem as part of the effort of “reform of the reform”, a project he says Pope Francis encouraged him on.  He noted it is already permitted.  So no rule change, and no mandate, only an “appeal”.
But he is the prefect of the CDW; why didn’t he just mandate it?  Hahahaha.  I don’t think so.  This was the only way he could get it out there, and it was brilliant.
Now let’s look at the very revealing reaction. At warp speed, and for only the second time in this pontificate, +Lombardi is sent out to issue a retraction (the other time was the “denial” supposedly from the lips of the pope emeritus regarding Fatima shenanigans).  The retraction didn’t even bother to get the facts of the matter right, and actually made the situation muddier.  But what it tells us about the heretics in charge is this:  They get it.  They know, with absolute certainty, that the imposition of versus populum was ESSENTIAL to destroying the rite, the dethroning of God, and the deification of self.  There is no way they can allow even a suggestion of a return to ad orientem, because that would threaten the whole paradigm.
Then, +Sarah doubled down by authorizing the publication of the full text, UNEDITED, even after the rebuke. HERE
It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens this Advent. I know this seems like a circus sideshow given everything else going on under the big tent, but I’ve already explained why that’s not true.  Priests and bishops now have air cover from +Sarah, should they dare to embrace it.  Since we really are talking about an effort that will produce conversions, we could see a movement.  Those priests and bishops also know that they will be persecuted without mercy.  But hey, we’re only talking about the salvation of ACTUAL SOULS.