Today is the Feast of the Holy Family in the traditional calendar. Short reflection:
God chose to incarnate into the world through a family, for very good reasons. It is the nature of His creation that family is the base unit of society. Family, not the individual. As creatures, we cannot change this fundamental law. God could have come to us any way He pleased, but he chose family, and in outwardly difficult circumstances, in case you didn’t notice. The entire Nativity narrative appears outwardly to be one bad break after another. Yet the whole time, He was in charge.
God knows everything going on in your family, including things you don’t know. God is not limited in any way, and He wants to help. He wants you to ask.
So today, no matter where you are, or who you’re with, consecrate your family to the Holy Family. You can do it with the intention of your entire family expanse, not just your domestic family. The words of the prayer can easily be adapted to first person if you are solo. Happy feast!

I printed this act of consecration a few years ago from this site, and I’ve been saying it daily. Thank you for posting it again! Thank you!