Dear Cardinal Burke, thank you for identifying the problem. Now please do something about it.
Month: December 2024
Make it stop: Cardinal Burke somehow still thinks an apostate not only remains in the Church, but somehow is also running the Church?
(Sarcasm aside, no joke, I’m serious, not kidding… someone please splain it to me. This man knows full well that an apostate is just that: Someone who has apostatized, denied the faith. Such a person, by their own choice, is outside the Church. A person outside the Church cannot hold juridical office inside the Church (if he ever did). According to canon law, this “loss of office” is automatic. Cardinal Burke was the top canon lawyer in the Church before the usurper illegally and invalidly stripped him of that rank. That this man is floating the erroneous idea that an apostate can hold any position of legitimate authority in the Church is, at best, diabolical disorientation. At worst, outright deception. Eminence, what the hell are you doing? You’re worried about people leaving the Church because an impostor has been imposing heresy for the past 12 years? Newsflash, you are part of the problem, not the solution (or not yet). Why do you keep claiming he’s definitely Pope? You owe it to the flock to depose this usurper, and then open an investigation into Pope Benedict’s failed partial abdication. The entire Bergoglian antipapacy needs to be declared null since its faux inception. Just like dozens of other antipopes have been deposed, while they yet lived. In fact, you owe it to Bergoglio himself, so that he may repent, confess his sins with full contrition and purpose of amendment, die in the state of grace, and obtain the Beatific Vision. Good grief, man, for the care of souls, all souls, DO SOMETHING.) -nvp
Cardinal Burke urges Catholics to stay in the Church even if the ‘highest’ leaders commit ‘apostasy’
‘No matter what we are asked to suffer, we must remain with Him, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should abandon Him, should commit the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic faith,’ Cardinal Burke declared.

LA CROSSE, Wisconsin (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke exhorted Catholics to hold onto the Catholic faith regardless of “apostasy” at the highest levels of the Church hierarchy.
In a December 14 homily during Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Wisconsin, Cardinal Burke encouraged Catholics to keep their faith in difficult times, stressing the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our redemption.
“No matter what we are asked to suffer, we must remain with Him, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should abandon Him, should commit the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic faith,” Cardinal Burke said during the candlelit Rorate Mass said in the honor of the Blessed Virgin…
All I want for Christmas is no drone dirty nukes over NYC
Via Vox Popoli:
“An Unprecedented Hit”
Whether it’s a false flag or a green flag, but you may recall that I said there would be some sort of showy, but underwhelming attack on US soil in a futile attempt to drum up public support for war with Iran, probably before the inauguration of President Trump. Events do appear to be preceding accordingly, if the rumors being propagated are any guide:
Overnight, I got word from seven (7) different sources out of the New York Police Department – so I know, too.
There is no way to report this without causing an immediate and widespread panic. There’s no reason to panic, but it would cause a panic. Think “Mad Max”-style, panic.
A lot people could be hurt by that panic, so I am NOT going to be the one to cause it. Period. Full stop.
Is it possible that people will die from the lack of reporting? Yes. Is it also possible that a lot of people would die WITH the reporting? Yes. So media outlets are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.
It Appears We’re Going To Take A “Hit”
Look, we here in the USA are now faced with an unprecedented situation. It’s not good.
It appears, at least right now, that we are going to take a very big hit. An unprecedented hit.
Considering that Clown World knows that the ~3,000 deaths associated with whatever 9/11 was will not be nearly enough to stir an indifferent public that is increasingly not American, I’d expect some sort of dirty bomb event on the East Coast, near but outside of New York City, that is initially reported to have killed up to 100,000 people, later downgraded to 20-30k…
This is nearly 200 years old, but reads as if written yesterday
Posted by the always excellent Saint Louis Catholic:
over at“The Church of God on earth will be greatly reduced, as we may well imagine, in its apparent numbers, in the times of Antichrist, by the open desertion of the powers of the world. This desertion will begin in a professed indifference to any particular form of Christianity, under the pretence of universal toleration; which toleration will proceed from no true spirit of charity and forbearance, but from a design to undermine Christianity, by multiplying and encouraging sectaries. The pretended toleration will go far beyond a just toleration, even as it regards the different sects of Christians. For governments will pretend an indifference to all, and will give a protection in preference to none. All establishments will be laid aside. From the toleration of the most pestilent heresies, they will proceed to the toleration of Mahometanism, Atheism, and at last to a positive persecution of the truth of Christianity. In these times the Temple of God will be reduced almost to the Holy Place, that is, to the small number of real Christians who worship the Father in spirit and in truth, and regulate their doctrine and their worship, and their whole conduct, strictly by the word of God. The merely nominal {108} Christians will all desert the profession of the truth, when the powers of the world desert it. And this tragical event I take to be typified by the order to St. John to measure the Temple and the Altar, and leave the outer court (national Churches) to be trodden under foot by the Gentiles. The property of the clergy will be pillaged, the public worship insulted and vilified by these deserters of the faith they once professed, who are not called apostates because they never were in earnest in their profession. Their profession was nothing more than a compliance with fashion and public authority. In principle they were always, what they now appear to be, Gentiles. When this general desertion of the faith takes place, then will commence the sackcloth ministry of the witnesses … There will be nothing of splendour in the external appearance of their churches; they will have no support from governments, no honours, no emoluments, no immunities, no authority, but that which no earthly power can take away, which they derived from Him, who commissioned them to be His witnesses.”
Cardinal Newman, 1838
Gaudete! Be nothing solicitous!
Gaudete! The following verse is taken from the Epistle for the Third Sunday of Advent in the Ancient Rite:
Be nothing solicitous; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. (Phil 4:6)
This isn’t Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, as in “no troubles.” Solicitousness is the vice of excessive worry: Anxiety. And there is certainly no shortage of it today. The remedy for this is nothing less than total abandonment to the Divine Providence. What have you got to lose? Resolve to try it for a week, and see what happens. If it didn’t kill you, try for a month. Then three months.
God is in control. He is, right now, controlling every aspect of the physical universe. He knows where you are and what you are going through. If He stopped thinking about you for a nanosecond, you would cease to exist. So, while you very well may have “troubles,” you should turn them over to the Lord, and trust in Him. Trust also the future to Him. Use what troubles you have as a tool to draw yourself closer to Him, uniting your will with His.
How to download your free copy of the novena to convert the notorious heretic who cannot possibly be pope
It’s all so tiresome.

Epic smackdown of “We know he’s not the pope but there’s nothing we can do”
Angry Effeminate Men
My it is funny how a man given to such weakness can turn angry on a dime, isn’t it?
Case in point: I had a conversation a few days ago with not one but two priests of a certain diocese (not my own). These two men (one just ordained) are decent men to be sure. And I am sure that in another age they would have shone for their virility. But this is the current year and the fan has stopped spinning for the shit clogging it. Unfortunately in hard times, most men – yes, MOST men – latch onto their comforts.
Remember the definition of effeminacy. It is, in a nutshell, failure to act because of the fear of the loss of one’s comfort. This is different from sloth which is failure to act because something is hard to do. No, effeminacy strikes at the heart of the very sex of man. God created us fellas to be hard and to do hard and to struggle and to fight hard. He made us thus to protect and to provide. And yet we still lapse back into that sin of Adam. He didn’t give into the serpent. He gave into his wife. And then he threw her under the bus. We do the same. We fail to speak up. We fail to protect. We fail to do what is right; not because speaking truth is hard but because we might lose the easy life.
In my conversation with these two young priests, the Argentine Jesuit came up in an oblique manner. One of the two men mentioned the TLM and then said, “Well I say it but I’m not allowed to say it publicly.” My reply was, “Have you not read Quo Primum?”
This lead to a back and forth where the final rejoinder from both priests was – wait for it…
“Yes, yes, we know all that but we have to live in this diocese.”
They said this with the same anger I’ve seen on the snarling face of my dog when I have to corner him for his monthly heartworm pill.
Friends, this isn’t the first time a priest has said to me those words. “We know he’s not the pope but there’s nothing we can do about it,” or “We’re just waiting for him to die,” or “What do you want me to do?”
I want you to act like a man.
I’ve been there. It’s hard. But see above about virility. It suck’s when you have to confront the principal because she doesn’t want you to teach Catholic morality in a Catholic high school. It sucks when you have to walk away from a job because you won’t just take the jab. It sucks when family turn on you because you won’t just let the cousin’s same-sex “partner” come to dinner. These have happened to me and to my friends over the past few years and I am sure to a number of you readers. But you know you did the right thing.
If you want to make a cogent argument for the validity of a papacy then make it if you can. But for heavens sake, don’t tell me I’m right but you don’t want to give up your paycheck. And I say this with the utmost respect for these dear men (all priests) whom I believe feel trapped and uncertain. But guys, the time to wake up and fight has come and gone.
If you want to know where to start, take a look at the stellar work of Dr. Ed Mazza. He has a piece up on NonVeni Mark’s blog right now here:
If you want to equivocate and argue that keeping mum and playing it sly is the prudential thing to do in order that you may continue to offer the sacraments in this climate for your people as one friend of mine has argued, I at least respect that and you may have merit to that argument.
But jumping headlong into the logical fallacy of dead-ending the argument in that manner? “We know all that but we have to live in this diocese…” In other words, you’re telling me I’m right but you’d lose your job. I’m right but you’d lose your insurance. I’m right but you’d lose your housing. In other words, I’m right and you’re weak. It sounds cruel but it’s really charitable. Again, I’d love to have the argument but not when you cede my point on the grounds that you’re afraid. What kind of a fight is that?
Pray for our priests – the good, the bad, and the really bad. If you think Satan wants your soul, know how much more he wants any one of theirs.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

A Manifest Heretic Can Neither Become nor Remain a Pope
From The Daily Knight by David Martin
The saints and doctors of the Church teach that if a pope having sufficient knowledge and having made sufficient reflection denies an article of Faith and professes heresy, he falls to heresy and loses his papacy.
When it is taught that ‘a pope cannot profess heresy’ it simply means that this profession cannot be made and completed while he is pope, for upon attempting to profess heresy he loses his papacy and is reduced to a heretic, whereby the profession is made as a heretic and not as a pope.
Hence a pope as a private person can profess heresy but could never make this profession while occupying the papal office. Consider the words of St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1797), Doctor of the Church:
“If ever a pope, as a private person, should fall into heresy, he should at once fall from the Pontificate. If, however, God were to permit a pope to become a notorious and contumacious heretic, he would by such fact cease to be pope, and the apostolic chair would be vacant.”
St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, makes this very point.
“A Pope who is a manifest heretic automatically ceases to be a Pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.”
St. Francis de Sales echoes this point as well:
“Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church…”
The 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia states:
“The Pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.”
St. Antoninus says that such a pope who is cut off from the Mystical Body cannot be the head of that Body.
“In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that very fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off.”
The lus Canonicum on the 1917 Code of Canon Law by Wernz-Vidal makes this same point:
“A pope who falls into public heresy would cease ipso facto to be a member of the Church; therefore, he would also cease to be head of the Church.” It adds, “A doubtful pope is not pope.”
Continue reading at the Daily Knight
Is Francis Pope? Dr. Mazza lays it out to Fr. Brian Harrison
Is Francis Pope? My Reply to Fr. Brian Harrison

I am grateful to Fr. Brian Harrison, OS for taking note of my contribution to the growing number of voices asking whether Francis is Pope. Fr. Harrison, however, thinks that’s one question we ought not to ask:
How are the countless millions of ordinary lay Catholics in the pews to prudently decide this question, given that they don’t have the theological and canonical formation necessary to weigh and evaluate the respective arguments of Dr. Lamont and the scholars who disagree with him?
… “Well, I see that Archbishop Viganò, John Lamont, Matthew McCusker, Edmond Mazza [sic], the writers at ‘Novus Ordo Watch’ and some other intelligent scholars are now saying Francis is not a true pope. But on the other hand, not one other Catholic Successor of the Apostles that I know of, among the 4,000 or so who now govern God’s Church, denies Francis’ status as the true Successor of Peter…Could it be that God has not only allowed the Successor of Peter to lapse from office through notorious heresy, but has also allowed the entire College of Cardinals and all the Catholic bishops bar none to remain blind to Bergoglio’s pertinacious heresy and so continue to recognize a faithless impostor and antipope as true pope?…Won’t I be prudent, therefore, to follow the maxim securus iudicat orbis terrarum – ‘the judgement of the whole world is safe’ – and so continue to recognize Francis as pope…
My reply: Why talk in the abstract?
In 1378, there was a concrete case of “an ordinary lay Catholic in the pews” who had to decide whether Clement VII was Pope because God “allowed the entire College of Cardinals” to recognize him as Successor of Peter instead of Urban VI (still very much alive and kicking).
Against the view of Bishop Schneider that: “There is no authority to declare or consider an elected and generally accepted Pope as an invalid Pope,” Doctor of the Church, St. Catherine of Siena did exactly that: declared and considered an elected and generally accepted “Pope” Clement VII an antipope and defied the entire college of cardinals when she wrote to them:
…I tell you that you [cardinals] did wrong, with the antipope… he was chosen a member of the devil… you have committed all these faults in regard to this devil… to confess him as Pope, which he surely is not…(emphasis added).[1]
Fr. Harrison also writes:
even though through his (putative) notorious heresy Francis would have incurred latae sententiae excommunication the instant after losing the papal office, his continuing acts of papal governance would still be valid, even though illicit. Why? Because according to c. 1331, §2, no. 2, those acts, unlawful though they be, will be invalid only after his excommunication has been declared by the competent authority.
In short, even supposing Francis has indeed lapsed from office as a notorious heretic, all faithful Catholics, paradoxically, will still be obliged to treat him as pope for all practical purposes for as long as our other shepherds, the college of bishops, do so. For as long as they do not declare and enforce Francis’s removal from office, we, like they, will be obliged to obey his just commands, assent to his orthodox magisterial statements, and recognize the validity of his appointments and other acts of church governance.
Again, unlike Fr. Harrison, St. Catherine did not wait for any of the cardinals and bishops to declare Clement VII deposed before she declared that he was an antipope—and a devil!
Furthermore, if Fr. Harrison’s reasoning is correct, then when Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman said:
we hold also that a heretical Pope, ipso facto, ceases to be Pope by reason of his heresy,[2]
what he really meant to add (but did not) is that because of canon law we need to treat him as Pope anyway.
And when Archbishop of Cincinnati John Purcell said:
if he [the Pope] denies any dogma of the Church held by every true believer, he is no more Pope than either you or I,[3]
what he really meant to add (but did not) is that because of canon law we need to treat him as Pope anyway.
And when Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler, S.D.B. Vatican Librarian said
If the person of the pope becomes a heretic, he no longer holds the office of pope, just as a judge who has become clinically insane, even though he remains the same person, can no longer be regarded as a judge as far as the effects of the office are concerned.[4]
what he really meant to add (but did not) is that because of canon law we need to treat him as Pope anyway.
And when Fr. Malachi Martin said:
a pope who became a heretic would cease to be pope…[5]
what he really meant to add (but did not) is that because of canon law we need to treat him as Pope anyway.
And speaking of canon law, Fr. Harrison ignores the clear teaching of the most authoritative commentary on canon law from 1917 to 1982, that of Fathers Werner SJ and Vidal, SJ:
Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by that very fact is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgement by the Church… A pope who falls into public heresy would cease ipso facto to be a member of the Church; therefore, he would also cease to be head of the Church (emphasis added).[6]
The antipope is deemed deprived of jurisdiction before any declaratory judgement.
Wener and Vidal also disagree with Fr. Harrison about whether individuals are allowed to believe that a putative Pope is an antipope:
…they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider [him]… suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumors in circulation.[7]
And in this Werner and Vidal are following the view of Cardinal Thomas Cajetan, OP who taught:
If someone, for a reasonable motive, holds the person of the Pope in suspicion and refuses his presence, even his jurisdiction, he does not commit the delect of schism nor any other whatsoever, provided… he be ready to accept the Pope were he not held in suspicion.[8]
Lastly, Fr. Harrison claims that scholars like Dr. John Lamont and myself “owe it” to the rest of the Catholic world to tell them
which of the cardinals he appointed (if any) are true cardinals possessing the right to elect a new Pontiff. But in any case, since the names of those who voted for this or that candidate during a conclave are never made known publicly, and since after the December 2024 consistory 80% of all voting cardinals will have been appointed by Francis, there will be an overwhelming probability that whoever is elected will owe his election partly to the votes of men who, having received their red hats after Bergoglio lapsed from office, are not true cardinals.
In short, if Lamont, Viganó et al are right, the next man elected to the See of Peter at the next conclave will almost certainly not be a true pope. And since the cardinals he appoints will also not be true cardinals, and since the bishops he appoints will have no true jurisdiction over the faithful in their dioceses, there will be no foreseeable future way out of this rabbit hole. The Church as a recognizable, visible entity will have ceased to exist, because no future conclave will have certainly valid papal electors. And the ecclesiology implied by affirming that the entire college of bishops could ever be, and has in fact been, seduced into following an antipope is surely heterodox. It implies the Protestant ecclesiology that the true Church is invisible, that it needs no recognizable earthly head, and that it consists of all those scattered individuals who hold orthodox Christian belief. This runs up against the dogma of the indefectibility of the Church and the dogma, defined by Vatican I, that Blessed Peter will have perpetual successors i.e., right up till the Second Coming.
Again, I would point out that against a fact, there is no argument.
As I stated above, history shows that Fr. Harrison is wrong when he says the notion that “the entire college of bishops could ever be, and has in fact been, seduced into following an antipope is surely heterodox.” In St. Catherine’s day, that was precisely the case. The Visibility of the Church survived. It also survived the Great Western Schism when for forty years there were two “popes” and then three at a time. And those cardinals and bishops appointed by antipopes were ultimately considered valid. Why not today?
As for which of the cardinals are eligible to vote in the next conclave, I would say the ones who have never publicly and pertinaciously denied or cast doubt on any Catholic dogma of faith and morals. That should narrow the number down to about twelve or so, don’t you think Father?
To learn the true history of papal conclaves: past, present (and future) might I invite the reader to enroll in my Advent course, Conclave/Antipope?
[1] St. Catherine of Siena, “Letter to Three Italian Cardinals,” (1378) trans. Vida D. Scudder
[2] Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered, 1879.
[3] Archbishop John B. Purcell, in Rev. James J. McGovern, Life and Life Work of Pope Leo XIII, (Chicago, IL: Allied Printing, 1903), pp. 239-241.
[4] Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler, S.D.B. The Catholic Historical Review, vol. 60, no. 3 168 (October 1974), pp. 427-441.
[5] Fr. Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood, (New York, NY: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 677.
[6] Fr. Franz Wernz and Fr. Pedro Vidal, Ius Canonicum II, p. 453, our translation.
[7] Fr. Franz Wernz and Fr. Pedro Vidal, Ius Canonicum, 7, p. 398.
[8] Cardinal Thomas Cajetan, OP, Commentary on the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas; entry 186 on “schism”; 2up
Exhorting prayers for the conversion of “Pope Francis” is de facto admission he is an antipope

Do you see how this works? If he needs conversion, he’s not Catholic. If he’s not Catholic, he can hardly be the visible head of the outfit he doesn’t belong to.
The thing about this here antipapacy is its utter obviousness. A true Pope cannot teach heresy in matters of faith and morals. Bergoglio has, multiple times. A true Pope is supernaturally protected from doing any such thing. The other thing about this antipapacy is that it is the first time an antipope has NOT been Catholic.
Bishop Strickland says that “Pope Francis” is “Leading souls into darkness…” well, yes and no. Yes he is leading souls into darkness, Excellency, but so are you by claiming Bergoglio is true Pope. Instead, you should be pointing out that a true Pope is incapable of leading souls into darkness. Good grief.
What is everyone so afraid of? “Pope Francis” has no more authority than that week-old potato salad in the back of your fridge. Toss that crap out.
Do we pray for Bergoglio’s conversion? Of course! We are Catholic, and we owe him that. He needs to convert to Catholicism, publicly confess his crimes, and renounce the seat he has illegally usurped and never validly occupied.
He has never been Pope.