18 thoughts on “Three years ago today: Biden mandates… get jabbed or get fired”

  1. I chose to get fired. It was a sadistic process by my former employer involving gaslighting, intimidation and “well pope Fwancis said…” when religious objection during my interrogation came up. I stood firm, rebutted all of their talking points, and was fired. One week later… God rewarded me with a new job, with a better company.

    I say this not to grandstand but to drive home the point that trust in the Divine Providence and sticking to the truth is the way to go. Don’t fret about the bad you think will come but on the good that WILL come when you trust in Him.

    P.S. shortly after my termination, several of my former coworkers who reluctantly succumbed to the pressure and got the jabs, got Covid and/or got very sick.

  2. Money quote, “We’re gonna protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers”

    I struggle to remain civil in the face of such stupidity.

  3. James, people are winning lawsuits against employers who fired them. I left my emplyment, and will never understand why people would choose job over health or medical liberty. Everyone should know, what the pope thought is entirely irrelevant. Religious liberty exemptions are based on the individuals belief, NOT their religious leaders. In fact, it is illegal to be asked for absurd validation from church. See Thomas More society i think, for the law on this.

  4. As a Fed employee at the time, I submitted a religious exemption but was required to fill out retirement paperwork, to be held ready in case the RE was rejected. So I was prepared to be forcibly retired… but then my agency blinked and no one was terminated that way. However, there was still plenty of nastiness from the jabbed toward the unjabbed. I sometimes wonder how many of those unpleasant coworkers are still alive. I retired earlier this year, in my own preferred timeline, praise God.

  5. Curious my comment about the truth of Biden’s mandate didn’t get posted. Again: 70 percent of the country was already vaxxed before the Biden mandate, the mandate didn’t hold up in court, and it by far the worst mandates were all the public universities and local schools that Biden had nothing to do with.

    I loathe Biden, but it helps to remember 70 percent voluntarily lined up bc of Trump and if it weren’t for Trump there’d be no vaccine in the first place. At least for a year.

    Ps. Most private companies mandated the vax regardless of the Biden mandate

    1. If all of your truth bombs are being suppressed, how do all of the truth bombs about the suppression of your truth bombs always seem to make it through? If Mark is doing censorship, he must really suck at it.

      BTW, if you think the COVID plot that had been in the works for at least 15 years would have stalled out completely if Hillary had been elected, you’re out of your tree. If you want to say Trump was a globalist-approved controlled opposition candidate, fine, there’s a strong case for that. To say he was the driving force and mastermind behind all of it is loco. COVID was happening, to paraphrase the insufferable Bono, with or without him.

      But for some strange reason, “I don’t like the democrats, but Trump…” is all you ever seem to have to say on the matter.

      It’s almost like you have an agenda or something.

      1. I didn’t say all my “truth bombs” were being suppressed.

        I never said anything about Hillary Clinton or the “Covid Plan”. I voted for Trump in 2016. We elected Trump to stop things like the “Covid plan”. And he did not. I never said he was the mastermind either. Trump is too stupid and narcissistic to mastermind anything.

        But Trump proudly says he is the “Father of the Vaccine”. He loves mRNA. He did nothing he said he was going to do (no wall, no draining the swamp) and then he bought into the mRNA bioweapon.

        Trump was either in on “the covid plan” or was a useful idiot for the deep state. The latter is most likely correct. But when the dust settles he was the one who could’ve stopped it, at least during his tenure. But he did not stop the vaccines, he partnered with the DoD (his DoD) and accelerated the mass genocide.

        I point out Trump for one reason. I want everyone to know that functionally he’s no better than the “swamp” he says he is up against. You cannot deny that he is the one behind the approval and deployment of the mRNA vaccines.

        At the end of 2026 when billions of people are dead, including well over half the USA and you wonder how we got here, you can point to Trump. He opened the gates of hell.

        That has to be remembered.

        Now you can vote for this man and think he’s great, but already he’s more pro-choice than anti-abortion, he loves the bioweapon, he is lock, stock, and barrel for helping Israel with their genocide, and he encouraged Speaker Johnson to work with the Democrats to get Ukraine aid and Israeli aid passed.


      2. I agree. I don’t care for Trump myself and don’t trust him for a long laundry list of reasons. But Mike, in all serious charity, your obsession with Trump is getting eerily similar to those whiny, hate-mongering hosts on MSNBC.

        1. I don’t have an obsession with Trump. I comment about Trump on this site. 99 percent of my time is spent taking care of my father and now watching football.

          I am not watching anything Trump does and I’m not going to vote (there is no point).

          Whenever anything about the vaccine comes up, whenever anything about Trump comes up I will mention him. That’s the context.

          I also live in a world where I know 4 people who are sick or dead from a vax. They got the vax and they supporter/support Trump.

          Most of my time is spent taking care of my dad.

          If you think I’m obsessed with Donald Trump you should see Donald Trump. Guy can riff about himself for hours.

          Take care.

          1. I think most people who are voting for him share the same sentiment but are voting against the witch we have running against him. Her winning will be a final nail in the coffin for the US. Not that it won’t happen either way.

            The reality is we all still have to live here and are trying to make the best of it.

          2. The final nail was 300 million people getting the Covid 19 vaccine. You can’t secure your borders or defend your country if everyone is sick and dying and the birth rate is 0.

            No one understands, or will not accept, the magnitude of what Trump did.

            And when Trump was president before, in case you missed it, the Swamp did as it pleased. 2 impeachments, an FBI investigation of Trump, no wall, he fired no swamp, elevated Fauci, hired Chris Wray, etc.

            Yeah, he enforced border laws, but unless there is a full wall none of that matters. The next president will simply undo it. We expanded our debt recklessly under Trump, the biggest 1 year jump in US history. And so on and so forth.

            I don’t see Trump as anything but a continuation of the destruction of the US. There is no point in voting.

    2. I have to point something out to CJ, by the way, since comments were closed on the previous topic.

      1)Victor Davis Hanson IS a cheerleader for Israel. And so is Donald Trump. They both support everything Israel is doing. So we can dispatch with your fake concern for Israel. Hanson’s history on WW2 is correct, it just is. There are literal orders from Hitler before Barbarosa explaining what to do with not only Russian soldiers but Russian citizens. It wasn’t to feed them.

      2)God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. So when I say the Holy Spirit leads me into truth, I am telling the truth. This is basic theology. If I thought I was Jesus I’d brag about God being on my side and “taking a bullet for democracy”. I don’t do that. Trump does.

  6. While I technically resigned, I was for all intents and purposes fired from my job for refusing the jab and refusing to become a second class employee by being forced to weekly test on my own time and dime, increased health insurance premiums, etc. I fought it as long as I could and my appeals went all of the way to the City Manager’s office, with no success. Supervisors who had been my friends before went ahead and almost fired a good employee.

    My wife, just having had our first child, vehemently disagreed with this decision and our marriage has been on the rocks ever since.

    3 years in the future, and a couple of jobs later, I have the best job I’ve ever had and another baby on the way. Thank God! My wife is still furious with me for this decision and our marriage is not doing well, but I don’t regret the decision I made. I pray that some day she will let it go and forgive me, not that I think I didn’t anything morally wrong. I’ve learned the hard way that even “traditional” women have been poisoned with feminism. I apparently have to have her approval to work where I want to.

    So all in all, it’s a wash maybe? Lol. A great new job and a new baby, but my wife hates me. I don’t think that happy family life will ever go back to historical normal until the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphs. May it come soon!

    1. I’m so sorry Eddie. Prayers for you and your wife. I’m a sedevacantist, and the scenario you describe here is very prevalent in sede circles. Mostly it’s the men who convert and their wives (and children) are totally against them.

    2. Prayers to you, Eddie. Social media is brainwashing even the most traditional women with videos of resentful wives. Or ones that brag..
      “My husband doesn’t do enough” or, alternatively, “look at what my husband does and if yours doesn’t, you have a lazy man”… it’s gross.

  7. I am so sorry—this reply is completely off-topic but the post it would be on topic for is too long ago.

    Bottom line— please pray for the Missouri Supreme Court members who this morning hear arguments to REMOVE from the November ballot the initiative that would supercede fifty years of pro-life laws. Judge Limbaugh (!) ruled Friday evening the initiative was illegally presented to signees and should be struck (my layperson understanding). It’s been expedited to the Missouri Supreme Court. Ballot deadline for removal is 5:00 pm tonight. The Thomas More Society out of Chicago is leading the pro-life arguments before the court.

    Mark, I apologize if I shouldn’t have posted off-topic, and of course feel free to remove this comment. It just truly is incredibly time-sensitive and so important, plus perhaps sets a template to defeat this type of juggernaut rolling over so many states.

    1. Sad update: Missouri Supreme Court overruled the lower court. The initiative remains on the ballot. 😞 We supposedly have the strongest pro-life laws in the nation. There are no abortion clinics in Missouri. This ballot initiative is a stake in the heart to all that. Please pray this evil
      is defeated in November. I think other states are facing the same situation. I won’t post anymore about this on this
      thread. Thanks, Mark, for
      letting me post off-topic; I don’t intend
      to do so again.

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