Happy President’s Day, East Palestine OH!

Lent is upon us. The three forms of penance are fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Please offer whatever/whichever you can.
BY ZACK BUDRYK – 02/17/23 8:21 PM ET
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will deploy federal resources to the site of a train derailment in Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced Friday evening after saying earlier this week that the agency had deemed the state ineligible.
“FEMA and the State of Ohio have been in constant contact regarding emergency operations in East Palestine. U.S. EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] and Ohio EPA have been working together since day one,” DeWine said Friday night in a joint state with FEMA Regional Administrator Thomas Sivak.
“FEMA will supplement federal efforts by deploying a Senior Response Official along with a Regional Incident Management Assistance Team to support ongoing operations, including incident coordination and ongoing assessments of potential long-term recovery needs.”
(Looks like this video from J.D. Vance may have helped -nvp)
Visited a local creek in East Palestine today. These waterways are still very polluted. It’s time for Norfolk Southern to finish the cleanup. Check this video out: pic.twitter.com/4lsHBmrMJj
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) February 16, 2023
Just because we sent $50B to Ukraine to hide their toxic biolabs, doesn’t mean we have to help OH/PA. Now shut up, peasants. The water is fine.
The Biden administration turned down a request for federal disaster assistance from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine in the aftermath of the train derailment in the state earlier this month that led to a large release of toxic chemicals.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio’s state government that it was not eligible for disaster assistance to help the community recoverfrom the toxic spill, Dan Tierney, a spokesperson for DeWine, told Fox News Digital on Thursday. Tierney explained that FEMA believed the incident didn’t qualify as a traditional disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane, for which it usually provides assistance.
“The DeWine Administration has been in daily contact with FEMA to discuss the need for federal support, however FEMA continues to tell Governor DeWine that Ohio is not eligible for assistance at this time,” DeWine’s office said in a statement earlier in the day. “Governor DeWine will continue working with FEMA to determine what assistance can be provided.”
FEMA said that its team is in constant communication with DeWine’s office, but didn’t comment on the request for federal relief…
Two simple questions…
Is it fear? He really seems to want to answer.
Nothing to see here, I guess! #DamarHamlin 🤯 pic.twitter.com/8zaMtrf6YM
— Defiant Baptist (@DefiantBaptist) February 13, 2023
It’s the second video below.
Raven Aerostar- Sioux Falls SD pic.twitter.com/Qnmh4KPZWx
— D.nobleman (@Dnobleman1) February 9, 2023
Sorry for the lack of posts. Friends and family in AZ all weekend for the big game. Lots of hosting and logistics. Some went to the game, thankfully I did not. No interest in attending. But all had a good time, and the weather was perfect. Now back to pre-Lent. May God bless all those traveling. Spring Training starts here tomorrow, so more tourists incoming!
Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession.
O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers
as I present them to God.
(state your intentions here)
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Sweet, sweet Saint Bernadette, pray for us. Happy feast to all!
Happy feast!
165 years ago today, 11 Feb 1858, the Blessed Virgin made her first appearance to Bernadette in the grotto at Lourdes. Six weeks later, Our Lady would confirm to Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception, a fact that had been Dogmatically defined barely three years prior (8 Dec 1854 HERE).
Ah, sweet Bernadette. She was but 14 years old.
Dirt poor.
Yet chosen by God to receive this miraculous message and teach it to the world.
Most of the depictions, paintings, statues of this miracle are wrong. The picture I posted above is all wrong. Bernadette was so poor, her family lived in a one-room windowless cellar with a dirt floor. Her first encounter with Our Lady was during a hunt for firewood, trudging through mud, so she would have been wearing not just rags, which was all she owned, but the worst rags she had.
The other illusory image is that of the Blessed Virgin. She actually appeared as a 14 year old, same age as Bernadette, and even shorter than Bernadette’s diminutive 4’7″… which was caused by malnutrition. Mary was appearing at the age when she herself conceived… which aligns with her pronouncement of her own Immaculate Conception on the Feast of the Annunciation, Christ’s conception, which took place at the grotto on 25 March 1858.
When these depictions began appearing even within her own lifetime, especially the statuary, Bernadette was very upset with their inaccuracy. She also despised her celebrity, and once she entered the convent, wanted only to pray and offer penances. She was chronically sick. Mary had promised her suffering in this life, but happiness in the next. Suffering is a tool to attain holiness, and Mary was no stranger to suffering in her own lifetime. These things are meant as examples for us. Bernadette died 16 April 1879, and was raised to the altars on 8 December 1933. Her famous quote, upon reflecting on her own fate while in this world:
“What do you do with a broom when it is done being used? You put it behind a door; and that is what the Virgin has done with me.”
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Saint Bernadette, pray for us.
“O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counselor?” Romans 11:33-34
“…everyone knows the US government profiling conservative Catholics has nothing to do with racism. The reason that the FBI (now overrun by Democrats who stole the last election, but first infiltrated during the Obama administration) is currently obsessed with stopping traditional Catholics (and later—evangelical Protestants) is not because any of us are “white supremacists” but because we oppose the communist-coup that took place in this country in 2020. But the main reason is because we are against the greatest genocide in history, namely, the slaughter of pre-born children. Standing against the killing of innocents is why Mark Houck had his home raided in Sept 2023 (and he doesn’t even go to TLM—at least, not to my knowledge.)
National guard surrounding the White House, January 2020
“Remember that a communist-coup requires a military coup, and that is why the National Guard had to surround the White House in January of 2020. It has already been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the “insurrection” of January 6th was all but the Capitol Police rolling out the red carpet for so-called “Deplorables” to enter the Capitol. Absolutely zero police officers were killed on 6 Jan 2020 in the Capitol. However, one patriotic-veteran named Ashli Babbitt was killed at the Capitol that day after being shot in the neck by a cop. She was unarmed. Nowadays, decent patriots languish in solitary-confinement for “January 6th” as if they were terrorists with Al Qaeda. Actually, Guantanamo Bay had better living conditions than those in holding for January 6th. Good men and women still rot in solitary confinement for barely protesting a total communist-coup using the US military to enthrone an unelected President.
“What does any of this have to do with TLM Catholics? It’s important to understand that this current communist-coup is built entirely on lies. The Democrats controlling the FBI hate traditional Catholics because we will not be brainwashed by lies about the vaccine, or lies about racism in this country, lies about boys-being-girls and the biggest lie out there: That it’s ever okay to kill an unborn child.
“But the lies get even more complex: Some of us believe that the 2013 “Conclave” and the 2020 “Election” were both a sham, fabricated by the left. Remember that Archbishop Luigi Negri said way back in 2017: “It is no coincidence that in America, even on the basis of what has been published by Wikileaks, some Catholic groups have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict.” (Archbishop Luigi is referencing pressure on Benedict to abdicate a decade ago, which would obviously make his Feb 2013 “resignation” invalid, according to Can. 188 of the new Code of Canon Law released under Pope John Paul II.)”
It gets even more spicy: HERE